Extraordinary Council Meeting

7 May 2019

Northland Regional Council Minutes


Meeting held in the Annual Plan Deliberations

Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Tuesday 7 May 2019, commencing at  10.00am



Chairman, Bill Shepherd


John Bain

Justin Blaikie

Paul Dimery

Mike Finlayson

Penny Smart

Rick Stolwerk


In Attendance:

Full Meeting

Chief Executive Officer

GM – Strategy, Governance and Engagement

GM - Regulatory Services

Corporate Planning Manager

Governance Support Manager

Part Meeting

GM - Customer Service - Community Resilience

GM – Corporate Excellence

Transport Manager

Management Accountant

Assistant Management Accountant


The Chair declared the meeting open at 10.02am.

Apologies (Item 1.0)


Moved (Shepherd/Bain)

That the apologies from Councillor Yeoman for non-attendance and Deputy Chairman, David Sinclair, for delayed arrival be received.



Secretarial Note: Later in the meeting it was advised that the Deputy Chairman had tendered his apologies for the full meeting.

Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 2.0)

It was advised that councillors should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.

Receipt of Supplementary Report (Item 2.0A)

ID: A1189664

Report from Kyla Carlier, Corporate Planning Manager

Moved (Shepherd/Smart)

That as permitted under section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the following supplementary report be received:


·         Supplementary Information Pertaining to Council Deliberations on User Fees and Charges 2019/20.



Council Deliberations on the Annual Plan 2019/20 Consultation Document and Supporting Information (Item 3.1)

ID: A1185064

Report from Kyla Carlier, Corporate Planning Manager

Moved (Dimery/Smart)

1.         That the report ‘Council Deliberations on the Annual Plan 2019/20 Consultation Document and Supporting Information’ by Kyla Carlier, Corporate Planning Manager and dated 16 April 2019, be received.



It was further moved (Shepherd/Bain)

2.         That Jonathan Gibbard, Group Manager – Strategy, Governance and Engagement, be given delegated authority to approve any consequential amendments to the final Annual Plan 2019/20 as a result of council decisions on submissions and any minor accuracy and grammatical amendments.



It was further moved (Stolwerk/Smart)

3.         That council support provision of $290,000 of ongoing operational expenditure for information technology upgrades, comprising $100,000 funded from the Council Services Rate and $190,000 to be covered by regional growth in rating units (SUIPs), as proposed in the Annual Plan 2019/20 Supporting Information document.



It was further moved (Dimery/Blaikie)

4.         That council supports the provision of $65,000 of ongoing operational expenditure for funding of the Northland Transportation Alliance, as proposed in the Annual Plan 2019/20 Supporting Information document.





It was further moved (Finlayson/Blaikie)

5.         That council supports $70,000 of capital expenditure and $17,500 of ongoing operational expenditure to purchase an audio visual system, as proposed in the Annual Plan 2019/20 Supporting Information document.



It was further moved (Blaikie/Stolwerk)

6.         That council supports the provision of $100,000 of capital expenditure and $10,000 of ongoing operational expenditure to purchase new engines for the Waikare, as proposed in the Annual Plan 2019/20 Supporting Information document.



It was further moved (Finlayson/Blaikie)

7.         That council supports the provision of $37,800 of capital expenditure to purchase hydrology equipment, as proposed in the Annual Plan 2019/20 Supporting Information document.



It was further moved (Stolwerk/Dimery)

8.         That council supports provision of $50,000 of one-off operational expenditure to fund a review of the Northland Sports Facilities Plan, to be funded from the existing Regional Sporting Facilities Rate take.



Secretarial Note:

·         Confirmation was provided that the Regional Sporting Facilities Rate was structured in such a manner that it did not preclude this work.

·         It was advised that the original recommendation 9, ‘That council supports provision of $56,580 of ongoing operational expenditure to fund an increase in costs associated with the proposed changes included in the ‘Employment Relations Amendment Act 2018 – Rest and Meal Breaks for Bus Drivers’, to be funded from the Whangārei Transport Rate, an increase of 6.8% ($1.50) to this targeted rate’ was withdrawn as further analysis had concluded that any cost would be minor and therefore could be contained within existing budgets.


It was further moved (Bain/Blaikie)

9.         That council supports an overall increase in rate take of 8.6% for the 2019/20 year and collect an extra $192,500 across the region, to fund the approved proposals outlined in Item 3.1 [pertaining to the 7 May 2019 Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda] that are not funded from council reserves or increased rates income from regional growth.






Secretarial Note:

·         Resolution 9 was subsequently amended by Resolution 10 (below) according to Standing Order 23.5 ‘Revocation or alteration by resolution at same meeting’ which required 75% of members present and voting (six members in this case) to agree to the alteration.

·         Attention was drawn to the submissions received requesting council fund a comprehensive study of the Hokianga Harbour which was ‘out of scope’ of the Annual Plan process.


It was further moved (Blaikie/Dimery)

10.       That council supports the provision of $20,000 to fund a scoping study which identifies the parameters which would be covered by a comprehensive environmental and cultural health index study, involving key stakeholders, for the Hokianga Harbour and an overall increase in rate take of 8.7% for the 2019/20 year and collect an extra $212,500 across the region, to fund the approved proposals outlined in Item 3.1 [pertaining to the 7 May 2019 Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda] that are not funded from council reserves or increased rates income from regional growth.[1]


(Councillor Stolwerk voted against the motion)


Council Deliberations on the User Fees and Charges 2019/20 (Item 3.2) and Supplementary Information Pertaining to Council Deliberations on User Fees and Charges 2019/20 (Supplementary Item 3.3)

ID: A1184985 and A1189789

Reports from Kyla Carlier, Corporate Planning Manager

Moved (Bain/Smart)

1.              That the reports ‘Council Deliberations on the User Fees and Charges 2019/20’ and ‘Supplementary Information Pertaining to Council Deliberations on User Fees and Charges 2019/20’ by Kyla Carlier, Corporate Planning Manager, dated 16 April 2019 and 6 May 2019 respectively, be received.

2.              That Jonathan Gibbard, Group Manager – Strategy, Governance ad Engagement be given delegated authority to approve any consequential amendments as a result of council decisions on submissions and any minor accuracy and grammatical amendments.



It was further moved (Bain/Blaikie)

3.              That council supports the increase in charges contained in the User Fees and Charges 2019/20 by 2.2%, as set out in the Draft User Fees and Charges 2019/20.



Secretarial Note: The meeting adjourned at 11.22am and reconvened at 11.38am.



It was further moved (Smart/Blaikie)


4.               That council request staff to review Table 3.5.3 ‘Water Takes Charge Scales’ and provide recommendations of appropriate fee scale band widths to the May 2019 council meeting.




It was further moved (Smart/Blaikie)


5.               That council supports the Draft User Fees and Charges 2019/20 as notified, excluding Table 3.5.3 ‘Water Takes Charge Scales’, with subsequent amendments to the Policy on remission of charges, included as Attachment One to Supplementary Item 3.3 [pertaining to the 7 May 2019 Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda].





The meeting concluded at 11.45am.


[1] To be funded from an additional increase rate take