Risk and Health and Safety Working Party

13 August 2019

Risk and Health and Safety Working Party Record of Actions


Meeting held in the Whale Bay Room

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Tuesday 13 August 2019, commencing at 8.30



Chairman, Councillor Paul Dimery

Councillor Rick Stolwerk

Councillor Bill Shepherd

Councillor Joce Yeoman

In Attendance:

Full Meeting

GM, Corporate Excellence


The meeting commenced at 8.37am.

Apologies (Item 1.0)

Moved (Shepherd / Dimery)

That the apologies from NRC Chief Executive for non-attendance be received.


Declarations of conflicts of interest 2.0

It was advised that committee members should make any declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.


Receipt of Confidential Supplementary Documentation (2.0A)

Moved (Dimery/Shepherd)

Councillors confirmed receipt of Deloitte draft copy - Northland Regional Council Cyber Governance Review by email prior to the Risk and Health & Safety working party meeting. The document related to Item 3.3 on the agenda and the specific grounds under Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for which it was deemed confidential were - 7 (2) (j) prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage.




Minutes of Previous Meeting - 11 June 2019 (Item 3.1)

Presented by: GM, Corporate Excellence

Agreed action points:

·                Sustainable Solvents regular updates to Councillor’s even if nothing to report.

·                Attach copy of Risk Register to Bigtin Can before Risk and Health & Safety working party meeting.


Secretarial Note: 8.42am The meeting moved into public excluded to consider Item 3.3 ‘Cyber Risk Capabilities Maturity’ (In accordance with section 7(2)(j) of the Local Government Official information and Meetings Act.

Cyber Risk Capabilities Maturity (Item 3.3)

·           9.02am Confidential item concluded open meeting resumed.


Health and Safety update (Item 3.4)

Presented by: HR Manager

Agreed action points:

·                Training Register- up skill Managers H&S modules

·                New eLearning H&S induction module

·                Policies with H&S committee

·                H&S/HR adviser stating 10th September

New Council (Item 3.5)

Presented by: Chairman, Councillor Paul Dimery

Agreed action points:

·                NIL

Review Risk Register (Item 3.2)

Presented by: GM, Corporate Excellence

Agreed action points:

·                No 1 Risk Sustainable Solvents leave as No 1.

·                No 2 risk Maori land & impact on rating income move down to no 4.

·                No 3 risk High dependence on non-rating income move down to no 5.

·                No 4 risk Treaty settlement move up to no 2 risk

·                No 5 risk Climate risk -floods move down to no 6 risk

·                No 6 risk Cyber Security attach move up to no 3.


The meeting concluded at 9.43am