Extraordinary Council Meeting

14 February 2024

Northland Regional Council Minutes


Extraordinary meeting held in the Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Wednesday 14 February 2024, commencing at 10.15am




Chairperson, Geoff Crawford

Deputy Chairperson, Tui Shortland (via audio-visual link)


John Blackwell

Joe Carr

Jack Craw

Peter-Lucas Jones

Amy Macdonald (via audio-visual link)

Marty Robinson

Rick Stolwerk


I Tae Mai/In Attendance:

Full Meeting

Tāhūhū Rangapū - Chief Executive Officer

Pou Taumatua - GM Corporate Services

Pou Manawhakahaere - GM Governance and Engagement

Pou Whakaritenga - GM Regulatory Services

Group Manager - Community Resilience

Governance Specialist (x2)

Part Meeting

Independent Financial Advisor (via audio-visual link)

Pou Tiaki Pūtaiao - GM – Biosecurity

Pou Tiaki Taiao - Group Manager Environmental Services

Corporate Planning Specialist

Digital Co-ordinator

Māori Engagement & Governance Support Administration


Secretarial Note: The Chair declared the meeting open at 10.15am and proceedings commenced with a karakia by Councillor Jones.

Ngā whakapāha/Apologies (Item 3.0)

There were no apologies.

Nga whakapuakanga/Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 4.0)

It was advised that councillors should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.


Governance structure review and actions (Item 5.1)

Report from Gavin Dawson, Governance Specialist

Moved (Stolwerk/Jones)

1.         That the report ‘Governance structure review and actions ’ by Gavin Dawson, Governance Specialist and dated 31 January 2024, be received.

2.         That the Audit and Risk Committee and its membership be disestablished.

3.         That the Property and Investment Committee and its membership be disestablished.

4.         That the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee be established.

5.         That the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee terms of reference be adopted (included as Attachment 3 pertaining to Item 5.1 of the 14 February 2024 extraordinary council meeting agenda).

6.         That the following elected members are appointed to the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee:

§ Cr Peter Lucas (Chair of Committee)

§ Cr John Blackwell (Committee Member)

§ Cr Joe Carr (Committee Member)

§ Cr Jack Craw (Committee Member)

§ Chair Geoff Crawford (ex-officio Member).

7.         That the Infrastructure Committee be established.

8.         That the Infrastructure Committee terms of reference be adopted (included as Attachment 2 pertaining to Item 5.1 of the 14 February 2024 extraordinary council meeting agenda).

9.         That the following elected members are appointed to the Infrastructure Committee:

§ Cr Joe Carr (Chair of Committee)

§ Cr John Blackwell (Committee Member)

§ Cr Geoff Crawford (Committee Member).


(Councillors Blackwell, Carr, Crawford, Jones and Shortland voted in favour of the motion.  Councillors Craw, Macdonald, Robinson and Stolwerk voted against the motion)


Secretarial Note:

·        The appointments to the Infrastructure Committee left an intentional vacancy in the membership of the committee.  This was to enable the flexibility to temporarily second a councillor who had expertise in a specific area.

·        Clarification was provided that the Infrastructure Committee had delegated authority to establish and disestablish working groups to address specific matters within the ambit of the committee’s business.  This did not extent to the establishment and disestablishment of working groups in general.



Review of Councillor Portfolios (Item 5.2)

Report from Chris Taylor, Governance Specialist

Secretarial Note:  As per Standing Order 23.3 ‘Motions expressed in parts’ it was requested that the motion expressed in parts be decided part by part.


Moved (Carr/Jones)

1.           That the report ‘Review of Councillor Portfolios’ by Chris Taylor, Governance Specialist and dated 31 January 2024, be received.



It was further moved (Jones/Carr)

2.         That  council confirms the following councillor portfolios:


Memberships / Delegation


Kaipara Moana Working Party

Cr T Shortland and Cr P Jones

Northland Conservation Board

Cr G Crawford

Shareholder representative for Northland Marsden   Maritime   Holdings   Ltd  (delegating all necessary authority to represent the council’s interest including but not limited to exercising council’s vote at Annual General Meetings and giving effect to council’s shareholder resolutions).

Chair of council

Shareholder representative for Northland Inc Ltd

(Delegating all necessary authority to represent the council’s interest including but not limited to exercising the council’s vote at Annual General Meetings and giving effect to council’s shareholder resolutions)

Chair of council

Shareholder representative on Regional Software Holdings  Ltd.

(Delegating all necessary authority to represent the council’s interest including but not limited to exercising the council’s vote at Annual General Meetings and giving effect to council’s shareholder resolutions)

Chair of council

Upper North Island Strategic Alliance (UNISA)

Chair of council

Zone one (LGNZ)

Chair of council



(Councillors Blackwell, Carr, Craw, Crawford, Jones, Robinson, Macdonald, Shortland voted in favour of the motion.  Councillor Stolwerk voted against the motion)


It was further moved (Stolwerk/Macdonald)

3.         That council notes that councillor portfolios for Appeals on the Regional Plan and for the Northland Sports Facilities Plan are no longer required.





Review of Elected Members' Remuneration (Item 5.3)

Report from Chris Taylor, Governance Specialist

Secretarial Note:  As per Standing Order 23.3 ‘Motions expressed in parts’ it was requested that the motion expressed in parts be decided part by part.

Moved (Jones/Craw)

1.         That the report ‘Review of Elected Members' Remuneration’ by Chris Taylor, Governance Specialist and dated 5 February 2024, be received.



It was further moved (Jones/Craw)

2.         That based on the allocation of responsibilities and Methodology One, outlined in the body of the report, council approves and recommends the following distribution of the governance remuneration pool to the Remuneration Authority as follows:




Remuneration ($)

Total ($)

Deputy Chairperson




Chairperson of the Regional Transport Committee and Chairperson of the Infrastructure Committee




Chairperson of the Audit Risk and Finance Committee




Chairperson of the Whangarei Public Transport Working Party




Councillor with no additional responsibilities










An amendment was moved (Carr/Shortland)

2.         That based on the allocation of responsibilities and Methodology Three, outlined in the body of the report, council approves and recommends the following distribution of the governance remuneration pool to the Remuneration Authority as follows:




Remuneration (rounded $)

Total (rounded $)

Deputy Chairperson




Chairperson of the Regional Transport Committee and Chairperson of the Infrastructure Committee




Chairperson of the Audit Risk and Finance Committee




Chairperson of the Whangarei Public Transport Working Party




Councillor with no additional responsibilities









(Councillors Carr, Crawford, Jones, Macdonald, Robinson and Shortland voted in favour of the motion.  Councillors Blackwell and Stolwerk voted against the motion)


Secretarial Note:  The Chair then put the substantive motion which was carried.  Councillors Carr, Crawford, Jones, Macdonald, Robinson and Shortland voted in favour of the motion.  Councillors Blackwell and Stolwerk voted against the motion


It was further moved (Craw/Jones)

3.         That the higher duties allocation, as approved by council, and the necessary supporting information be provided to the Remuneration Authority prior to 23 February 2024.



Whakamutunga (Conclusion)

The meeting concluded at 11.24am


Confirmed as a true and correct record 27 February 2024

Chair Geoff Crawford