Joint WDC-NRC Whangarei Public Transport Working Party

13 February 2024

Joint WDC-NRC Whangarei Public Transport Working Party Minutes


Meeting held in the NRC council chambers

36 Water Street,


on Tuesday 13 February 2024, commencing at 9.00am




Chairperson, NRC Councillor Jack Craw

NRC Councillor Rick Stolwerk

NRC Councillor Joe Carr (Ex-Officio)

WDC Councillor Scott McKenzie

WDC Councillor Simon Reid

WDC Councillor Carol Peters


I Tae Mai/In Attendance:

Full Meeting

Group Manager - Community Resilience, Louisa Gritt

NRC Secretariat, Erica Wyatt

NTA Transport Manager, Chris Powell

NTA Representative, Jeff Devine

NTA Representative, Natalia Geddis

NTA representative, Kayla Gunson



The Chair declared the meeting open at 9.00am.

Ngā Mahi Whakapai/Housekeeping (Item 1.0)

Ngā whakapahā/Apologies (Item 2.0)

There were no apologies.


Confirmation of Minutes - 10 October 2023 (Item 4.1)

Report from Erica Wyatt, Personal Assistant - General Manager Community Resilience

Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

Moved: (Stolwerk / Peters)

That the minutes of the Joint WDC-NRC Whangārei Public Transport Working Party meeting held on 10 October 2023, be confirmed as a true and correct record and that these be duly authenticated with the Chair’s electronic signature.



Receipt of Action Sheet (Item 5.1)

Report from Erica Wyatt, Personal Assistant - General Manager Community Resilience

Nga mahi tutohutia / Recommendation

Moved: (Stolwerk / Peters)

1.    That the action sheet be received.



Operational report (Item 6.1)

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager - Northland Transportation Alliance and Kayla Gunson, Regional Transport Coordinator

Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

Moved: (Stolwerk / McKenzie)

1.       That the report ‘Operational report’ by Chris Powell, Transport Manager - Northland Transportation Alliance and Kayla Gunson, Regional Transport Coordinator and dated 26 January 2024, be received.


Secretarial notes: Report taken as read


The relationship between students from different schools has deteriorated.  WPTWP has in the past invited School Principles to attend these meetings however, as soon as students leave school, it is not the school responsibility for them and unless it is a threat to life/property the police will not get involved.  


March/April commencement of new building on Rose Street.  This shouldn’t be any disruption to bus services in the area.


The launch of new bus stops at Totara Park went extremely well and was very well received.  Huge shout out to WDC, Ritchies and NTA staff Kayla, Natalia, Anita.


Kamo bus: Construction phase funding through NZTA was approved just prior to Christmas, the project will be completed well ahead of the funding cut-off of June 2025.   There shouldn’t be any threat to the funding should the Government make any changes to the Government Policy Statement (GPS).  Due to some changes through consultation, there is no construction programme yet however, construction is simple with road markings and upgraded pedestrian crossings.

NTA waiting on the release of the GPS for movement on the other five T2 lanes in the district; those being 3 Mile Bush Road, Tikipunga, Onerahi, Port Road and Maunu. 


Presentation was given on the new user-friendly bus services browser app. 



·         Cr. McKenzie will check to ensure the remaining five proposed T2 lanes are in Whangārei District Councils Long Term Plan.   


Proposed Increase in Bream Bay Service and One Tree Point/Ruakaka Sweeper Service Investigation Update (Item 6.2)

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager - Northland Transportation Alliance and Kayla Gunson, Regional Transport Coordinator

Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

Moved: (Stolwerk / McKenzie)

1.       That the report ‘Proposed Increase in Bream Bay Service and One Tree Point/Ruakaka Sweeper Service Investigation Update’ by Chris Powell, Transport Manager - Northland Transportation Alliance and Kayla Gunson, Regional Transport Coordinator and dated 5 February 2024, be received.


Secretarial notes: Report taken as read

Working party approved for a survey to be sent out to targeted areas to see what the demand for a One Tree Point bus service will be.  Councillor Stolwerk will bring up this proposed survey at the Ratepayers meeting held tonight (13 February) and let them know its on its way.  A comms plan is yet to be put together however, with the approval from the working party members today, this can now be prioritised.

Ritchies proposing to change the Tuesday bus which goes to Mangawahi and have it go through Maungaturoto – State Highway 1 – Ruakaka – One Tree Point – Whangārei and return. 


Working Party Members would like to acknowledge the amount of work and effort NTA staff have put in and how they are constantly new initiatives to the table. 

Whakamutunga (Conclusion)

The meeting concluded at 9.45am.