Property Subcommittee

Wednesday 5 September 2018 at 8.30am





Property Subcommittee

5 September 2018

Property Subcommittee Agenda


Meeting to be held in the Ahipara Room

on Wednesday 5 September 2018, commencing at 8.30am


Recommendations contained in the agenda are NOT decisions of the meeting. Please refer to minutes for resolutions.


MEMBERSHIP OF THE Property Subcommittee

Chair, Councillor Penny Smart

Councillor John Bain

Councillor Bill Shepherd (Ex-Officio)

Councillor David Sinclair

Councillor Rick Stolwerk





Item                                                                                                                                                                                   Page

1.0       apologies   
Councillor Bill Shepherd (Ex-Officio)

2.0       declarations of conflicts of interest

3.0       Confirmation of Minutes

3.1       Confirmation of Minutes - 8 August 2018                                                                                          3

4.0       For Information/General Business   

5.0       Business with the Public Excluded                                                                                                         6

5.1       Confirmation of Confidential Minutes - 8 August 2018

5.2       Receipt of Action Sheet  


Property Subcommittee                                                                                                                                             item: 3.1

5 September 2018



Confirmation of Minutes - 8 August 2018




Alicia Jurisich, Property Officer


Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to present for confirmation the minutes of the Property Subcommittee meeting held on 8 August 2018.

Councils are required to keep minutes of proceedings in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002.



That the minutes of the Property Subcommittee meeting held on 8 August 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



Attachment 1: Property Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 8 August 2018  

Authorised by Group Manager


Phil Heatley


Strategic Projects Manager


29 August 2018


Property Subcommittee  ITEM: 3.1

5 September 2018Attachment 1

Property Subcommittee Minutes


Meeting held in the Committee Room

on Wednesday 8 August 2018, commencing at 2.00pm




Chair, Councillor Penny Smart

Councillor John Bain

Councillor Bill Shepherd (Ex-Officio)

Councillor David Sinclair


In Attendance:

Full Meeting

Strategic Projects Manager

Property Officer

Part Meeting




Councillor Rick Stolwerk (Alternate Member)

NRC Chief Executive


The Chair declared the meeting open at 2.00pm

Apologies (Item 1.0)

Moved (Bain/Sinclair)

That the apologies from Councillor Rick Stolwerk and NRC Chief Executive for non-attendance be received.



 Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 2.0)

It was advised that councillors should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.


1.             Confirmation of Minutes - 3 July 2018 (Item 3.1)

ID: A1091692

Report from Alicia Jurisich, Property Officer

Moved (Bain/Sinclair)


That the minutes of the Property Subcommittee meeting held on 3 July 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.




2.             Business with the Public Excluded (Item 5.0)

Moved (Shepherd/Bain)


1.         That the public be excluded from the proceedings of this meeting to consider confidential matters.

2.         That the general subject of the matters to be considered whilst the public is excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to this matter, and the specific grounds under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution, are as follows:

Item No.

Item Issue



Confirmation of Confidential Minutes - 3 July 2018

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, as stated in the open section of the meeting -.


Investment Property Transactions

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h).


Treatment of Whangarei Harbour Board land

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h).


Purchase Opportunities in the Hihiaua Precinct

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h) and the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) s7(2)(i).


Receipt of Action Sheet

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h).





The meeting concluded at 3.15pm



Property Subcommittee                                                                                                                                              ITEM: 5.0

5 September 2018



Business with the Public Excluded


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to recommend that the public be excluded from the proceedings of this meeting to consider the confidential matters detailed below for the reasons given.


1.              That the public be excluded from the proceedings of this meeting to consider confidential matters.

2.              That the general subject of the matters to be considered whilst the public is excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to this matter, and the specific grounds under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution, are as follows:

Item No.

Item Issue



Confirmation of Confidential Minutes - 8 August 2018

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, as stated in the open section of the meeting -.


Receipt of Action Sheet

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h).



1.    Options

Not applicable. This is an administrative procedure.

2.    Significance and Engagement

This is a procedural matter required by law. Hence when assessed against council policy is deemed to be of low significance.

3.    Policy and Legislative Compliance

The report complies with the provisions to exclude the public from the whole or any part of the proceedings of any meeting as detailed in sections 47 and 48 of the Local Government Official Information Act 1987.

4.    Other Considerations

Being a purely administrative matter; Community Views, Māori Impact Statement, Financial Implications, and Implementation Issues are not applicable.