
Tuesday 23 October 2018 at 10.30am





Council Meeting

23 October 2018

Northland Regional Council Agenda


Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Tuesday 23 October 2018, commencing at 10.30am


Recommendations contained in the council agenda are NOT council decisions. Please refer to council minutes for resolutions.


Item                                                                                                                                      Page


1.0    apologies   

2.0    declarations of conflicts of interest

3.0    Health and Safety Report                                                                                                                             5

4.0    Council Minutes/Action Sheet/Council Working Party and Working Group Updates

4.1      Confirmation of Minutes - 18 September 2018                                                                               7

4.2      Receipt of Action Sheet                                                                                                                          16

4.3      Working Party Updates and Chairpersons' Briefings                                                                   18

4.4      Council Working Group Updates                                                                                                         21

5.0    Financial Reports


5.1      Allocation of Surplus Regional Recreational Facilities Rates                                                     22

5.2      Council Adoption of the 2017/18 Annual Report                                                                          24

5.3      Financial Report to 30 September 2018                                                                                           29

5.4      Regional Rates Collection - Update to 30 September 2018                                                       33

5.5      Northland Inc. Ltd Annual Report for the Year Ending 30 June 2018                                     37

6.0    Decision Making Matters

6.1      Annual Resolution to Form the Māori Technical Advisory Group                                           40

7.0    Operational Reports

7.1      Chair's Report to Council                                                                                                                        43

7.2      Chief Executive’s Report to Council                                                                                                    46

8.0    Receipt of Committee Minutes                                                                                                                68  

9.0    Business with the Public Excluded                                                                             84

9.1      Confirmation of Confidential Minutes - 18 September 2018

9.2      Receipt of Confidential Committee Minutes

9.3      Human Resources Report

9.4      Developer Group Proposal for New Facility

9.5      Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO): Adjustments to Community Investment Fund and Infrastructure Investment Fund  



ACC - Accident Compensation Corporation

AHB -  Animal Health Board

ALGIM -  Association of Local Government Information Management

AMA -  Aquaculture Management Area

AMP – Asset Management Plan/Activity Management Plan

BOI -  Bay of Islands

BOPRC - Bay of Plenty Regional Council

CAPEX - Capital Expenditure (budget to purchase assets)

CBEC -  Community, Business and Environment Centre

CDEM -  Civil Defence Emergency Management

CEG -  Co-ordinating Executive Group – Northland Civil Defence management team

CEO -  Chief Executive Officer

CIMS -  Co-ordinated Incident Management System (emergency management structure)

CMA -  Coastal Marine Area

CPCA -  Community Pest Control Areas

CRI -  Crown Research Institute

DHB - District Health Board 

DOC -  Department of Conservation

DOL -  Department of Labour

DPMC -  Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

ECA -  Environmental Curriculum Award

ECAN -  Environment Canterbury

EE -  Environmental Education

EECA -  Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority

EEZ -  Exclusive Economic Zone

EF -  Environment Fund

EMA -  Employers and Manufacturers Association

EMC - Environmental Management Committee

EOC -  Emergency Operations Centre

EPA - Environmental Protection Authority

FDE -  Farm Dairy Effluent

FNDC -  Far North District Council

FNHL -  Far North Holdings Limited

FPP -  First Past the Post – voting system for NRC elections

GE -  Genetic Engineering

GIS - Geographic Information System

GMO - Genetically Modified Organism

HSNO - Hazardous Substances & New Organisms Act

HBRC -  Hawke's Bay Regional Council

HEMP -  Hapū Environmental Management Plan

Horizons - Brand name of Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council 

HR - Human Resources

HSWA - Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

IEMP - Iwi Environmental Management Plan

IPPC -  Invited Private Plan Change: a process to allow Aquaculture Management Areas to be established

IRIS -  Integrated Regional Information System

KDC -  Kaipara District Council 

KPI -  Key Performance Indicator

LATE - Local Authority Trading Enterprise

LGA -  Local Government Act 2002

LGNZ -  Local Government New Zealand

LGOIMA -  Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987

LGOL -  Local Government Online

LTP -  Long Term Plan

LTFS -  Long Term Financial Strategy

MCDEM -  Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Mgmnt

MFE -  Ministry for the Environment 

MHWS - Mean High Water Springs

MMH -  Marsden Maritime Holdings Limited

MNZ -  Maritime New Zealand

MOH -  Ministry of Health

MOT -  Ministry of Transport

MPI – Ministry for Primary Industries

MSD -  Ministry of Social Development

NCMC -  National Crisis Management Centre

NES – National Environmental Standards

NDHB -  Northland District Health Board

NZRC -  New Zealand Refining Company (Marsden Point)

NGO -  Non-Governmental Organisation

NIF -  Northland Intersectoral Forum

NIWA - National Institute of Water and Atmosphere

NORTEG - Northland Technical Advisory Group

NZCPS - New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement

NZTA - New Zealand Transport Agency

NZQA - New Zealand Qualifications Authority

NZWWA - New Zealand Water and Wastes Association

OFI - Opportunity for Improvement

ORC -  Otago Regional Council

OSH -  Occupational Safety & Health (now Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment)

PCBU – Person Conducting Business or Undertaking

PDF - Portable Document Format

PPE -  Personal Protective Equipment

RAP -  Response Action Plan

RAQP -  Regional Air Quality Plan

RCP -  Regional Coastal Plan

RFI - Request for Information

RFP - Request for Proposal

RTC - Regional Transport Committee

RLTS - Regional Land Transport Strategy

RMA - Resource Management Act 1991

RMG - Resource Managers Group (Regional Councils)

RMZ - Riparian Management Zone

ROI - Return on Investment

RPMS - Regional Pest Management Strategy

RPS - Regional Policy Statement

RSG - Regional Sector Group

RTO - Regional Tourism Organisation

RWASP - Regional Water and Soil Plan

SIPO – Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives

SITREP - Situation Report

SMF - Sustainable Management Fund

SOE -  State of Environment (or) State Owned Enterprise 

SOLGM -Society of Local Government Managers

SPARC -  Sport & Recreation New Zealand

SRC - Southland Regional Council (Environment Southland)

STV -  Single Transferable Vote

SWAG - Surface Water Allocation Group

SWPA -  Sustainable Water Programme of Action

TA - Territorial Authority: City & District Councils

TAG -Technical Advisory Group

Tier 1 - Site level plan or response for an oil spill

Tier 2 - Regional level plan or response to an oil spill

Tier 3 - National level plan or response to an oil spill

TLA - Territorial Local Authority – City & District Councils

TMP - Treasury Management Plan

TOR - Terms of Reference

TPK - Te Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Maori Development)

TRAION - Te Rūnanga a Iwi o Ngāpuhi

TRC - Taranaki Regional Council

TROTR -Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa

TUANZ - Telecommunications Users Association of NZ

WCRC - West Coast Regional Council

WDC -  Whangarei District Council

WHHIF -  Whangarei Harbour Health Improvement Fund

WRC - Waikato Reginal Council

WSMP – Workplace Safety Management Practices

WWTP -  Wastewater Treatment Plant



Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 3.0

23 October 2018



Health and Safety Report




Tracey Warboys, Health and Safety Specialist


Executive summary

This report provides an update from the Health and Safety Specialist for the month of September 2018.  The overall number of incident/injury reports remain constant, however there is a slight increase in ergonomic assessments with new starters.  The latter is expected to continue short-term with the rise in staff numbers under the LTP.



That the report ‘Health and Safety Report’ by Tracey Warboys, Health and Safety Specialist and dated 11 October 2018, be received.



Reports on council’s health and safety activities for the month of September 2018 – 8 reports received.


Summary of events (only items of note documented)

·    Incident (2)

·   Inadvertent grounding of Ruawai – no damage to people or vessel.  Skipper inattention. 

·   Removal of wall and installation of glass – safety compromised when contractor removed wall and installed large glass panel while CSO remained in office.  In hindsight, contractor and manager agreed work should have been undertaken after hours.

·    Discomfort, Pain and Injury (5) - 4 workstation assessments undertaken for new starters, 1 review of existing staff.  Adjustments and recommendations made.


Policy and documentation review

·    A policy review schedule will be established under a calendar of events when the Health and Safety Strategy is finalised.

·    Initial meeting held to improve the onboarding process to identify and capture H&S specific training through an Objective workflow. 

·    In consultation with members of the Health and Safety Committee an online injury and near miss reporting form is being developed for trial.



·    Work delayed in finalising the Promapp training framework as many roles require finalisation under the new organisation restructure.

·    Trialling a new fit for purpose outdoor first aid course for field staff.


Health monitoring

·    Review of the annual health monitoring programme undertaken.  The 1st and 2nd November is allocated for the 65 staff who require various health monitoring. 


Audits and inspections

·    Contractor health and safety plans reviewed (3) as part of the pre-qualification requirements.






Authorised by Group Manager


Dave Tams


Group Manager, Corporate Excellence


11 October 2018


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 4.1

23 October 2018



Confirmation of Minutes - 18 September 2018




Chris Taylor, Governance Support Manager





That the minutes of the council meeting held on 18 September 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



Attachment 1: Council Minutes - 18 September 2018  

Authorised by Group Manager


Chris Taylor


Governance Support Manager


02 October 2018


Council Meeting  ITEM: 4.1

23 October 2018Attachment 1

Northland Regional Council Minutes


Meeting held in the Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Tuesday 18 September 2018, commencing at 10.30am




Chairman, Bill Shepherd

Deputy Chairman, David Sinclair (left meeting 11.40 – 11.47am)


John Bain

Justin Blaikie

Paul Dimery

Mike Finlayson

Penny Smart

Rick Stolwerk

Joce Yeoman


In Attendance:

Full Meeting

Independent Financial Advisor

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

GM - Governance and Engagement

GM - Regulatory Services

Governance Support Manager

Part Meeting

                                                         Sport Northland Chief Executive Officer

                                                         Sport Northland Community Support Manager

                                                         Chief Executive Officer (left meeting at 10.52am, returned at 12.02pm during public excluded)

                                                         GM - Corporate Excellence

                                                         Strategic Projects Manager

                                                         Finance Manager

                                                         Resource Management Planning and Policy Manager


                                                         Financial Accountant

                                                         Accounting Assistant – Treasury and projects

                                                         Property Officer


The Chair declared the meeting open at 10.30am.

Apologies (Item 1.0)

There were no apologies.

Secretarial Note: A temporary leave of absence of the Chief Executive Officer was noted.

Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 2.0)

It was advised that councillors should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.


1.         Receipt of Supplementary Items (Item 2.0A)

ID: A1108727

Report from Chris Taylor, Governance Support Manager

Moved (Shepherd/Yeoman)

That as permitted under section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the following supplementary items be received:

·    ITEM 6.5: Mediterranean Fanworm response – Opua

·    CONFIDENTIAL ITEM 9.4: Proposal for property redevelopment





2.         Health and Safety Report (Item 3.0)

ID: A1105197

Report from Tracey Warboys, Health and Safety Specialist

Moved (Sinclair/Finlayson)

That the report ‘Health and Safety Report’ by Tracey Warboys, Health and Safety Specialist and dated 3 September 2018, be received.



3.         Confirmation of Minutes - 13 August 2018, 21 August 2018, 28 August 2018, and 5 September 2018 (Item 4.1)

ID: A1103224

Report from Chris Taylor, Governance Support Manager

Moved (Sinclair/Finlayson)

That the minutes of the Representation Review Deliberations meeting held on 13 August 2018, the council meeting held on 21 August 2018, and the extraordinary council meetings held on 28 August 2018 and 5 September 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



4.         Council Action Sheet - September 2018 (Item 4.2)

ID: A1106479

Report from Chris Taylor, Governance Support Manager

Moved (Sinclair/Yeoman)

That the action sheet be received.



5.         Working Party Updates and Chairpersons' Briefings (Item 4.3)

ID: A1107328

Report from Evania Arani, Planning and Policy Team Admin/PA

Moved (Yeoman/Finlayson)

That the report ‘Working Party Updates and Chairpersons' Briefings’ be received.



It was further moved (Yeoman/Finlayson)

That a letter of appreciation be sent to staff involved in the Regional Plan Hearings.


Secretarial Note: Councillor Yeoman, as a member of the hearings panel for the Proposed Regional Plan, acknowledged the hearings had been well organised and complimented staff on their knowledge and willingness to work with submitters.


6.         Council Working Group Updates (Item 4.4)

ID: A1103565

Report from Nola Sooner, Land and Rivers Team Administrator/PA

Moved (Yeoman/Blaikie)

That the report ‘Council Working Group Updates’ be received.



7.         Financial Report to 31 August 2018 (Item 5.1)

ID: A1106125

Report from Vincent McColl, Financial Accountant

Moved (Sinclair/Shepherd)

That the report ‘Financial Report to 31 August 2018’ by Vincent McColl, Financial Accountant and dated 6 September 2018, be received.



Secretarial Note: The Independent Financial Advisor provided commentary on the preparation of the 2018 Annual Report.  Appreciation was extended to the Finance Team for a ‘smoother audit process’.


8.         Regional Sporting Facilities Rate Allocation for 2018-2021 (Item 6.1)

ID: A1104263

Report from Phil Heatley, Strategic Projects Manager

Moved (Bain/Stolwerk)

1.    That the report ‘Regional Sporting Facilities Rate Allocation for 2018-2021’ by Phil Heatley, Strategic Projects Manager and dated 31 August 2018, be received.




It was further moved (Bain/Dimery)

2.    That the following regional sporting facility projects receive an ‘In Principle’ GST exclusive allocation from the cumulative Regional Sporting Facilities Rate collected during the 2018–2021 financial years as follows:

i.      Sportsville Dargaville be allocated up to $600,000 from October 2018;

ii.     Sportsville Kaikohe Stage 1 be allocated up to $100,000 from November 2018;

iii.    Mangawhai Activity Zone be allocated up to $500,000 from May 2019;

iv.   Te Hiku Sports Hub be allocated up to $1,400,000 from May 2020;

v.    Pohe Island Sports Hub Stage 1 be allocated up to $900,000 from February 2021;

vi.   Pohe Island Sports Hub Stage 2 be allocated up to $280,000 from June 2021.


Secretarial Note: The Chief Executive Officer left the meeting at 10.52am.


It was further moved (Bain/Blaikie)

3.    That the Chief Executive Officer has authority to distribute funds to each project, up to the amounts allocated, when he is satisfied that the following has been met to his satisfaction:

i.      The project Governance Group is properly constituted and capable; and

ii.     The project, or standalone stage, is fully funded; and

iii.    Any other criteria that he sees as relevant and material having taken advice. 




It was further moved (Bain/Dimery)

4.    That the Chief Executive Officer has discretion over fund distribution timing (before or after the dates in recommendation 3) but distribution sums must not exceed the cumulative Regional Sporting Facilities Rate collected at the time of distribution.

5.    That the Chief Executive Officer refer to council if there is a material change in a project or proposed change in maximum allocation from the ‘In Principle’ decision.

6.    That the Chief Executive Officer report to council following the completed distribution of the 2018–2021 Regional Sporting Facilities Rate providing:

i.      A schedule of projects with the respective grants and dates of distribution; and

ii.     A recommendation for the allocation of any surplus rates collected. 



It was further moved (Yeoman/Bain)

7.    That should the Chief Executive Officer not receive a satisfactory application from a project sponsor by 30 September 2021, then council’s financial support for that project will be reconsidered by full council.






It was further moved (Dimery/Bain)

8.   That council extends its appreciation to Sport Northland (and in particular the Community Support Manager and Chief Executive Officer) for its work supporting the establishment and allocation of the Regional Sporting Facilities Rate.


Secretarial Note:  Sport Northland extended appreciation to council for its ‘foresight’ establishing the Regional Sporting Facilities Rate which would have far reaching benefits.


9.         Meetings Calendar 2019 (Item 6.2)

ID: A1105320

Report from Chris Taylor, Governance Support Manager

Moved (Sinclair/Yeoman)

1.         That the report ‘Meetings Calendar 2019’ by Chris Taylor, Governance Support Manager and dated 4 September 2018, be received.

2.         That the programme of meetings for 2019, as recommended, be adopted.



10.      Proposed Water Quality Consultation (Item 6.3)

ID: A1104447

Report from Justin Murfitt, Resource Management Planning and Policy Manager

Moved (Sinclair/Bain)

1.         That the report ‘Proposed Water Quality Consultation’ by Justin Murfitt, Resource Management Planning and Policy Manager and dated 31 August 2018, be received.

2.         That council approve the consultation and that this start in mid-October 2018.

3.         That council appoint Councillor Blaikie as council spokesperson for the project.

4.         That council approve staff engaging with the Māori Technical Advisory Group in relation to the project.



11.      Emissions Trading Scheme Review - Draft Submissions (Item 6.4)

ID: A1105520

Report from Justin Murfitt, Resource Management Planning and Policy Manager

Moved (Yeoman/Stolwerk)

1.         That the report ‘Emissions Trading Scheme Review - Draft Submissions’ by Justin Murfitt, Resource Management Planning and Policy Manager and dated 4 September 2018, be received.

2.         That council approve the submissions (included as Attachments 1 and 2 pertaining to Item 6.4 of the 18 September 2018 council agenda) and authorises staff to lodge these with the Ministry for the Environment.



12.      Mediterranean Fanworm Response – Ōpua (Supplementary Item 6.5)

ID: A1105641

Report from Sophia Clark, Biosecurity Manager – Marine and Strategy

Moved (Yeoman/Finlayson)

1.    That the report ‘Mediterranean Fanworm Response - Ōpua ’ by Sophia Clark, Biosecurity Manager - Marine and Strategy and dated 5 September 2018, be received.

2.    That council approve and fund a ‘step-wise local eradication’ approach by using divers to detect and remove fanworm from the Ōpua area with an assessment after each round of $100k spending.  Council approve a step-wise approach of spending $100k rounds of response up to $300k ($150k from council/$150k from MPI) with an assessment of findings after each round.

3.    Council approve the unbudgeted spending to date of $42,500.  The remaining $42,500 of the total spending has been funded by MPI.



13.      Biosecurity High Value Areas - Establishment of new Collaborative Community Engagement Groups (Item 6.6)

ID: A1106716

Report from Kane McElrea, Biosecurity Manager - Partnerships and Strategy and Don McKenzie, Biosecurity Manager

Moved (Yeoman/Smart)

1.         That the report ‘Biosecurity High Value Areas - Establishment of new Collaborative Community Engagement Groups’ by Kane McElrea, Biosecurity Manager - Partnerships and Strategy and Don McKenzie, Biosecurity Manager and dated 7 September 2018, be received.

2.         That council approves the establishment of the High Value Area Pest Management Working Groups

3.         That council approves the proposed High Value Area Pest Management Working Group terms of reference template.



14.      Chair's Report to Council (Item 7.1)

ID: A1103220

Report from Bill Shepherd, Chairman

Moved (Shepherd/Sinclair)

That the report ‘Chair's Report to Council’ by Bill Shepherd, Chairman and dated 6 September 2018, be received.



15.      Chief Executive’s Report to Council (Item 7.2)

ID: A1098295

Report from Malcolm Nicolson, Chief Executive Officer

Moved (Shepherd/Sinclair)

That the report ‘Chief Executive’s Report to Council’ by Malcolm Nicolson, Chief Executive Officer and dated 18 September 2018, be received.



16.      Receipt of Committee Minutes (Item 8.0)

ID: A1103770

Report from Chris Taylor, Governance Support Manager

Moved (Smart/Stolwerk)

That the unconfirmed minutes of the:

·        Regional Transport Committee – 8 August 2018;

·        Property Subcommittee – 8 August 2018; and

·        Civil Defence Emergency Management – 4 September 2018


be received.



Business with Public Excluded (Item 9.0)

Moved (Shepherd/Sinclair)

1.         That the public be excluded from the proceedings of this meeting to consider confidential matters.

2.         That the general subject of the matters to be considered whilst the public is excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to this matter, and the specific grounds under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution, are as follows:

Item No.

Item Issue



Confirmation of Confidential Minutes - 21 August 2018, 28 August 2018, and 5 September 2018

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, as stated in the open section of the meeting.


Receipt of Confidential Committee Minutes

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, as stated in the open section of the meeting.


Human Resources Report

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons s7(2)(a).



9.4 (Supplementary)

Proposal for Property Redevelopment

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h) and the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) s7(2)(i).


3.         That the Independent Financial Advisor be permitted to stay during business with the public excluded.





The meeting concluded at 12.48pm.


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 4.2

23 October 2018



Receipt of Action Sheet




Chris Taylor, Governance Support Manager


Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to enable the meeting to receive the current action sheet.



That the action sheet be received.



Attachment 1: Council Action Sheet - October 2018  

Authorised by Manager


Chris Taylor


Governance Support Manager


12 October 2018


Council Meeting  ITEM: 4.2

23 October 2018Attachment 1

PDF Creator

Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 4.3

23 October 2018



Working Party Updates and Chairpersons' Briefings





That the report ‘Working Party Updates and Chairpersons' Briefings’ be received.



Risk and Health & Safety Working Party (Chair: Cr Paul Dimery)

The working party met on 19 July 2018.  The topics for discussion included:

·        Review of the Risk Register

·        Hierarchy of Risk.

Following discussion, the working party provided advice on the following next steps:

·        A council workshop will be scheduled for September to discuss Māori freehold land.

·        Council and Whangārei District Council are collaborating on the next steps to take regarding a contaminated piece of land south of Whangārei.

·        Auckland Council will be contacted to provide further information regarding the wreck of the Niagara and potential environmental hazard that this could cause.


Risk and Health & Safety Working Party (Chair: Cr Paul Dimery)

The working party met on 11 September 2018.  The topics for discussion included:

·        Update on the Awanui Flood Scheme

·        Review of the Risk Register

·        AON presentation to council.

Following discussion, the working party provided advice on the following next steps:

·        CDEM will be contacted to discuss timing around completion of evacuation plans (Awanui) and when a Civil Defence exercise is likely to take place.


Audit & Finance Working Party (Chair: Cr David Sinclair)

The working party met on 26 September 2018.  The topics for discussion included:

·        Treasury Management Policy

·        Indirect Taxes - 2018 Follow Up Review

·        Deloitte 2018 Audit Close Out.

Following discussion, the working party provided advice on the following next steps:

·        An investigation will be undertaken to determine whether the current manual GST system can be automated.

·        A council workshop on the Treasury Management Policy will be scheduled for October.

·        The Treasury Management Policy will be added to the council agenda for November.




Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (Co-Chairs: member Tipene and Councillor Dimery)

The Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party met on 6 September 2018.  The topics for discussion included:

·        Annual resolution to reform the Māori Technical Advisory Group

·        Schedule of meetings for 2019

·        Māori Technical Advisory Group reports on Manawhakahono a Rohe (MWR) arrangements, and the resource consents process

·        Feedback about an online tool for collecting data about regional recreational water quality and use

·        Ministry for the Environment’s (MfE) At Risk Catchments Initiative

·        Assistance with the discussion document for the inter-regional marine pest pathway plan.

Following discussion, the Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party provided advice on the following next steps:

·        That various topics be workshopped with the Māori Technical Advisory Group (MTAG).

·        That recommendations be made to council with regard to the work MTAG has been doing on MWR and council’s consents processing procedure.

·        To express the group’s concerns that the timeframe around MfE’s At Risk Catchments Initiative precluded proper consultation.


Pest Management Working Party (Chair: Cr Mike Finlayson)

The Pest Management Working Party met on 4 September 2018. The topics for discussion included:

·        Corrections Department work on producing trap boxes

·        High Value Community Pest Control Areas Update

·        Pig Control

·        Biosecurity Strategy and Communications/Engagement Plan

Following discussion, the Pest Management Working Party provided advice on the following next steps:

·        Staff to contact the Ngawha Corrections Facility’s nursery and ascertain what is produced and recommend sourcing seeds within any Program of Works for planting native plants.

·        Staff to contact OSPRI about pig and deer control and look at other resources to fill the gap.


Natural Resources Working Party (Chair: Cr Justin Blaikie)

The Natural Resources Working Party met on 4 September 2018.  The topics for discussion included:

·        Water Strategy and Communications/Engagement Plan

·        Environment Fund Criteria Update

·        Ecosystem Prioritisation Project Update

·        Update FIF Projects – Northern Wairoa and Dune Lakes

Following discussion, the Natural Resources Working Party provided advice on the following next steps:

·        Staff were requested to quantify the number of people and Environment Fund projects that were not successful due to over demand and report back at the next Natural Resources Working Party meeting. 

·        Staff to provide maps that separate out high value areas administered by Department of Conservation from that owned privately to distinguish NRC’s areas where regulatory mechanisms could be provided to protect these ecosystems.



Authorised by Group Manager


Colin Dall


Group Manager - Regulatory Services


16 October 2018


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 4.4

23 October 2018



Council Working Group Updates





That the report ‘Council Working Group Updates’ be received.


Ngunguru Catchment Working Group (Chair Cr Paul Dimery)

The Ngunguru Catchment Working Group met on 27 September 2018.  The topics for discussion included:

·        Updates of Soil Conservation Projects and Farm Environment Plans.

·        Northland Roading Alliance – Roading sediment and erosion in Ngunguru.

·        Waiotoi Creek - Oxygen weed blockages and what can be done.

Following discussion, the Ngunguru Catchment Working Group provided advice on the following next steps:

·        Continue to undertake plans for landowners who request assistance with erosion matters.  Staff to directly contact landowners where high risk areas of erosion have been identified and offer land management services.

·        Following presentation from Jeff Devine and questions raised by the group, the Ngunguru Catchment Group will look to collaborate on a sediment reduction pilot project within the Ngunguru Catchment and the Northland Transportation Alliance. 


Whangārei Harbour Catchment Group (Chair: Adrian Tonks)

The Whangārei Harbour Catchment Group met on 24 September 2018.  The topics for discussion included:

·        Hātea project update.

·        Takahiwai Stream restoration project.


Following discussion, the Whangārei Harbour Catchment Group provided advice on the following next steps:

·        Write letter of support to Patuharakeke Trust Board re Inanga Project.

·        Takahiwai project proposal including costings to be presented at next meeting.



Authorised by Group Manager


Bruce Howse


Group Manager - Environmental Services


05 October 2018


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 5.1

23 October 2018



Allocation of Surplus Regional Recreational Facilities Rates




Simon Crabb, Finance Manager


Executive Summary

Council currently holds $27,518 of surplus regional recreational facilities rates that were collected for developing the Regional Events Centre (REC).

Council requested that this $27,518 be allocated to a capital project planned for the REC that has been approved by Whangarei District Council (WDC).

Council suggested that an appropriate project could be the installation of ceilings in the two lounges on the second floor of the REC.  This project was not prioritised by WDC and not included in their LTP.

Accordingly, it is recommended that $27,518 plus GST is paid to WDC as a contribution towards the cost of the Light Tower Renewal Project at the REC.  The total budgeted cost for this project is $99,960.



1.         That the report ‘Allocation of Surplus Regional Recreational Facilities Rates’ by Simon Crabb, Finance Manager and dated 18 September 2018, be received.

2.         That surplus regional recreational rates of $27,518 plus GST is paid to Whangarei District Council, upon receipt of an invoice, as a contribution towards the cost of the 2018/19 Regional Events Centre Light Tower Renewal Project.


1.                                   1.      Options






Allocate the surplus regional recreational rates of $27,518 as a contribution towards the Light Tower Renewal Project at the Regional Events Centre

Surplus rates are used to fund an approved project in 2018/19 that aligns with the purpose of the rate.



Do not allocate the surplus regional recreational rates of $27,518 as funding for the Light Tower Renewal Project at the Regional Events Centre

The surplus rates can be held and allocated to another project, bearing in mind any alternative project must be aligned to the purpose for which the rate was struck (i.e. developing the Regional Events Centre).

The purchasing power of the $27,518 is at risk from inflationary pressures the longer it is held by council as no interest is paid on reserved balances less than $50,000.

The staff’s recommended option is 1.

2.      Significance and engagement

In relation to section 79 of the Local Government Act 2002, this decision is considered to be of low significance when assessed against council’s Significance and Engagement Policy because it has previously been consulted on and provided for in council’s Long Term Plan and/or is part of council’s day to day activities.  This does not mean that this matter is not of significance to tāngata whenua and/or individual communities, but that council is able to make decisions relating to this matter without undertaking further consultation or engagement.


3.      Policy, risk management and legislative compliance

The activities detailed in this report are in accordance with council’s Treasury Management Policy, the 2017/18 Annual Plan, and the 2018–28 Long Term Plan, all of which were approved in accordance with council’s decision making requirements of sections 76–82 of the Local Government Act 2002.


Other considerations

Being a purely administrative matter, community views, Māori impact statement, financial implications and implementation issues are not applicable.


Authorised by Group Manager


Dave Tams


Group Manager, Corporate Excellence


18 September 2018


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 5.2

23 October 2018



Council Adoption of the 2017/18 Annual Report




Simon Crabb, Finance Manager


Executive Summary

The Annual Report for the 2017/18 financial year is attached as Attachment 1The final formatting and layout of the document is still being performed.

The independent member of council, Geoff Copstick, has performed a review of the 2018 report and has provided a written report summarising his observations, attached as Attachment 2.

Deloitte issued verbal clearance and prepared a report on the matters arising from their audit.  This Deloitte report was presented to the Audit and Finance Working Party on 26 September 2018 and is attached as Attachment 3.

The final signed audit opinion will be released upon council’s adoption of the 2018 report, and Deloitte receiving the signed letters of compliance and representation.



1.         That the report ‘Council Adoption of the 2017/18 Annual Report’ by Simon Crabb, Finance Manager and dated 12 September 2018, be received.

2.         That the council's audited Annual Report and financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2018 be adopted pursuant to section 98(3) of the Local Government Act 2002.

3.         That the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman be authorised to sign the 2017/18 Annual Report compliance statement and letter of representation, and the letters of representation in relation to the 2017/18 debenture trust deed, 2017/18 stock register report, and 2017/18 Summary Annual Report.

4.         That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to make any minor editorial and presentation changes to the 2017/18 Annual Report and Summary Annual Report if required.

5.         That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to approve the release of the 2017/18 Summary Annual Report.



Council posted a total comprehensive revenue and expense surplus for the 2017/18 financial year of $4,001,125.  At the August 2018 council meeting, the CEO’s report presented a net surplus after transfers from/(to) Special Reserves of $20,542, compared to the planned surplus of $53,162. 

The movement from the draft result to the total comprehensive revenue and expense reported in the 2018 report is explained in Table One over the page.



Table One

2017/18 DRAFT net surplus after transfers to reserves
reported in the August 2018 CEO’s Report


Add back the transfers (from)/to Special Reserves presented in the draft accounts as these do not form part of the statutory reporting format


Add non cash gains on the revaluation of council’s investment properties


Add non cash gains on the revaluation of council’s forestry assets


Add back the approved unspent opex budgets transferred to fund capital expenditure


Remove non cash losses on the revaluation of council’s owner occupied properties


Remove non cash losses on the revaluation of council’s financial assets


Other miscellaneous accruals and accounting adjustments


Total Comprehensive Revenue & Expense -
as reported in the 2017/18 Annual Report



Upon council’s approval and adoption, the 2018 report will be printed and distributed to councillors and the statutory recipients in Wellington.  These include the Minister and Secretary for Local Government, the Auditor-General and the Parliamentary Library.  Northland Members of Parliament and other interested organisations will also be issued with copies, and the document will be published on council’s website.

The 2018 report must be publicly available by 23 November 2018, this being one month after adoption.  It is proposed that the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to approve the 2018 Summary Annual Report so this can also be publicly available by 23 November 2018 (this was done with the Summary Annual Report last year).


1.                                   1.      Options






Approve Recommendations 1-5

Facilitate the adoption and public availability of the 2018 Annual Report and 2018 Summary Annual Report within the statutory timeframes set out in the LGA 2002.



Do not approve Recommendations 1-5

The annual report can be amended as required.

A special council meeting would need to be called before 31 October 2018 to adopt a revised 2018 Annual Report and comply with the Local Government Act 2002.


The staff’s recommended option is number 1.

2.      Significance and engagement

In relation to section 79 of the Local Government Act 2002, this decision is considered to be of low significance when assessed against council’s Significance and Engagement Policy because it has previously been consulted on and provided for in council’s Long Term Plan and/or is part of council’s day to day activities.  This does not mean that this matter is not of significance to tāngata whenua and/or individual communities, but that council is able to make decisions relating to this matter without undertaking further consultation or engagement.

3.      Policy, risk management and legislative compliance

Endorsement of the recommendations is consistent with sections 98 and 99 of the Local Government Act 2002 regarding the timeframes for adoption and public availability of the annual report and the requirement for an audit report to be included in both the full Annual Report and Summary Annual Report.


Further considerations

Being a purely administrative matter, financial implications, community views, and Māori impact statement are not applicable.


Attachment 1: Annual Report 2017/18 (separately circulated)  

Attachment 2: Geoff Copstick Report to Council -  Annual Report 2017/18

Attachment 3: Deloitte Report to Council for the year ended 30 June 2018 (separately circulated)   

Authorised by Group Manager


Dave Tams


Group Manager, Corporate Excellence


08 October 2018


Council Meeting  ITEM: 5.2

23 October 2018Attachment 2

PDF Creator


PDF Creator

Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 5.3

23 October 2018



Financial Report to 30 September 2018




Vincent McColl, Financial Accountant


Executive Summary

This report is to inform council of the year to date (YTD) financial result to September 2018.  Council has achieved a YTD surplus after transfers to and from reserves of $4.07M, which is $212K favourable to budget. 



That the report ‘Financial Report to 30 September 2018’ by Vincent McColl, Financial Accountant and dated 11 October 2018, be received.







Year to date revenue is $13.88M, which is $214K or 1.6% above budget.



Year to date expenditure is $8.22M, which is $509K or 5.8% below budget. 

* Delays in recruiting some new LTP and other positions has resulted in a favourable year to date salaries variance of $257K across council.  These delays occurred due to operational lags in filling large numbers of new positions and some positions being held vacant until after the restructure was complete.  The budgets for these new positions are being reworked to better align the budget phasing with the expected recruitment timeframe and the new structure.  Note that this favourable variance is not expected to be maintained at this level for the rest of the financial year.

Transfers to reserves

Year to date transfers to reserves are $511K more than budget.  This is due to lower reserve funding being required for Investment and Growth Reserve (IGR) projects that have not occurred as planned and greater than budgeted externally managed fund gains being transferred to reserve.

Capital Expenditure

Capital expenditure of $1.05M (excluding commercial property purchases) is largely in line with the budget of $1.2M.


Staff will give a short presentation on a new interactive financial reporting solution.





Authorised by Group Manager


Dave Tams


Group Manager, Corporate Excellence


16 October 2018


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 5.4

23 October 2018



Regional Rates Collection - Update to 30 September 2018




Simon Crabb, Finance Manager


Executive summary

The three district councils administer the collection of the regional council rates on our behalf.  The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the collection of this year’s current rates and the rate arrears owing to the regional council by each district council.



That the report ‘Regional Rates Collection - Update to 30 September 2018’ by Simon Crabb, Finance Manager and dated 9 October 2018, be received.



Table one over the page presents a full reconciliation of the NRC 2018/19 current rates and rate arrears that have been collected by each council in the three months to 30 September 2018, and the outstanding amounts that remain to be collected.

Far North District Council

The Far North District Council has collected 27% of our current year rates (2017 comparative 27%). 

$137,932 (2017 $120,920) of rate arrears has also been collected in this quarter resulting in a closing total rate arrears balance (excluding current year rates) still to be collected of $2,805,342.  Māori Freehold Land is $2,107,776 of the total.

Attachment 1 is the revenue and collections report provided by Far North District Council outlining the actions they have in place to collect outstanding rate arrears.


Kaipara District Council

The Kaipara District Council has collected 28% of our current year rates (2017 29%).

$104,903 (2017 $74,381) of rate arrears has also been collected in this quarter resulting in a closing total rate arrears balance of $507,240.


Whangarei District Council

The Whangarei District Council (WDC) has collected 39% of our current year rates (2017 45%).  The WDC Revenue Manager has advised that their Q1 defaulters have increased by approximately 20% this year (including 5 large ratepayers) and they are working with these ratepayers to rectify the situation.  $80,342 (2017 $101,245) of rate arrears have also been collected during the quarter resulting in a closing rate arrears balance of $251,797.

A representative from WDC will attend the council meeting.


Attachment 1: 2018/19 NRC 1st  Quarter Revenue and Collections Report  


Authorised by Group Manager


Dave Tams


Group Manager, Corporate Excellence


11 October 2018


Council Meeting                                                                                                                       ITEM: 5.4

23 October 2018                                                                                                                                                             Attachment 1





                                    30 September 2018


Author:                          Nuku Jones, Manager Financial Accounting


Date of report:               09 October 2018


Document number:       A2223246  


Executive Summary


The purpose of the report is to provide quarterly reporting to Northland Regional Council on action to collect current rates and rate arrears, and to provide information on how collection is tracking against targets.


1)         Background:


This document has been prepared to highlight the actions taken by Far North District Council to manage the collection of the Northland Regional Council’s rates and to reduce the monies outstanding.  This report is prepared as at the end of the first quarter of the financial year 2018/19.


2)         Discussion and options


·    During the past quarter the team have continued to

Audit existing collection types to ensure minimum repayments are being met.

Increase phone communications with those in arrears with no collection type in place.

Review accounts with collection agencies to ensure any long-standing arrears are brought back to Council’s debt collection team to proceed with the next appropriate course of action e.g. abandoned land or legal collection processes.


·    The ongoing promotion of the Internal Affairs Rates Rebates Scheme in day to day communications with Ratepayers and regular meetings with relevant community organisations is another key focus.


3)               Collection Data

A detailed analysis of arrears that identifies the debt by collection status is included in the following table.


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 5.5

23 October 2018



Northland Inc. Ltd Annual Report for the Year Ending 30 June 2018




Jon Trewin, Economic Policy Advisor and Simon Crabb, Finance Manager


Executive summary

Northland Inc. Limited’s (NINC) Annual Report 2016/17 conforms to the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002.  NINC reported a surplus after tax of $9,493 in the 2018 financial year compared to a budget of $759 (2017: $243 surplus compared to a budget of $10,000), producing a closing equity position at 30 June 2018 of $122,471 (2017: $112,978).  In addition, 11 of the 14 performance measures set out in NINC’s Statement of Intent 2017–2020 have been achieved.



That the report ‘Northland Inc. Ltd Annual Report for the Year Ending 30 June 2018’ by Jon Trewin, Economic Policy Advisor and Simon Crabb, Finance Manager and dated 9 October 2018, be received.



As required under section 67 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA), Northland Inc. Limited has provided council with a copy of their Annual Report for the year ended June 2018.  The full report is attached as Attachment 1.

Staff have reviewed the Annual Report and confirm that the requirements of the LGA in relation to the content (i.e. sections 68 and 69) have been met, e.g. reporting against the Statement of Intent (SOI), audited consolidated financial statements, and an independent auditor’s report.

NINC reported a surplus after tax of $9,493 in the 2018 financial year compared to a budget of $759 (2017: $243 surplus compared to a budget of $10,000), producing a closing equity position at 30 June 2018 of $122,471 (2017: $112,978).

In terms of reporting against the key performance measures set out in the SOI 2017–2020, the following table details the results, achieving 11 of the 14 targets.


Measure / Target


2017/18 performance



Growth in Northland businesses engaged with Northland Inc. measured through an increase in:




Aggregate turnover by 5% per annum



Figure is based on RBP active accounts that have provided 2016/17 financial data.

25% of RBP active companies are research active


Not Achieved

Note this percentage has gone down due to an annual 74% increase in active companies.  To take these companies to research active takes time but the overall growth in active companies is positive.

The Orchard achieves 30% occupancy rate

Q1 – 60.37%

Q2 – 63.39%

Q3 – 75.56%

Q4 – 68.29%



Generic Investment proposals




Development of two investment ready proposals

Two investment ready proposals are complete – Resin and Wax and Kingfish Aquaculture.



Northland Inc. Board recommendations made to the NRC Investment and Growth Reserve




One project for debt or equity funding per annum

Not applicable due to changes in IGR criteria.



One project for impact investment funding per annum

Stage 2+ Demand Assessment for Water Storage Opportunities.



Promotion of Māori Economic Development




Two new projects partnering with Māori on economic development funded and underway

Ngahwa Springs and Footsteps of Manea have received funding from IGR and PGF and are progressing.



30 active Māori businesses in CRM

50 active businesses in the CRM self-identify as Māori.



Promotion of the region measured by:




Partner investment of $300,000 per annum in regional promotions activity




Northland Tourism Marketing Products




An equivalent advertising value of $15M per annum achieved from destination marketing and media coverage




10% increase in traffic on our social media channels




Website traffic growth exceeds growth in visitor spend by 10%


Not achieved

Please see full annual report for detailed explanation.

Implementation of the Action Plan measured by:




Total value of investment in Action Plan projects (cumulative)

I&G contribution - $5,553,500.

Investment from outside the region - $92,552,625.

Total project value - $112,312,125.

Combined economic impact - $65,736,701.

Combined FTE’s – 301.



Projects/actions/milestones successfully completed

8 of 54 projects successfully completed (15%).

73 key actions/milestones were successfully completed across the remaining projects.




A date has not yet been confirmed for the Northland Inc. Limited Annual General Meeting.

A representative from Northland Inc. Limited will attend the council meeting to answer any questions.



Attachment 1: Northland Inc. Annual Report 2017/18 (separately circulated)   

Authorised by Group Manager


Jonathan Gibbard


Group Manager - Governance and Engagement


16 October 2018


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 6.1

23 October 2018



Annual Resolution to Form the Māori Technical Advisory Group




Rachel Ropiha, Kaiarahi - Kaupapa Māori


Executive summary

Council is increasingly being asked to respond to national policy and project initiatives, and at times with very little turn-around time.  These short timeframes do not allow sufficient time to engage with the Māori Technical Advisory Group (MTAG) as per council process.  As the convening of these meetings needs to be through a recommendation from the Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (TTMAC), to council, in order to comply with council’s Appointed Members’ Allowances Policy so that members can be reimbursed for their time.


Given the bi-monthly meeting schedule of TTMAC, this process does not fit within the tight timeframes imposed by central government.  Therefore, TTMAC propose that council consider passing an annual resolution to convene MTAG for the purpose of informing unforeseen and unplanned work in order to allow for technical Māori input into council’s decision-making on these national initiatives.



1.         That the report ‘Annual Resolution to Form the Māori Technical Advisory Group’ by Rachel Ropiha, Kaiarahi - Kaupapa Māori and dated 4 October 2018, be received.

2.         That council allow for an annual allocation of nine meetings of the Māori Technical Advisory Group to allow for their input into unscheduled programmes of work. 

3.         That this allocation be used only for the purpose of unscheduled work over and above formal programmes of work.

4.         That council write to Ministry for the Environment and request more consideration be given to the timeframes imposed for seeking input into its policies and project initiatives.



MTAG was established via a resolution of council at its March 2016 meeting as a means of gaining Māori technical advice and input during the preparatory stages of plan and policy development.

In drafting a work programme for MTAG, staff identify those plans or processes that require or would benefit from Māori technical input and are then able to schedule a series of workshops into their project planning.  This schedule of meetings is then recommended to council, as a requirement of councils Appointed Members’ Allowances Policy, in order for MTAG members to be paid. 

This process works well when we are able to anticipate work within council’s planned programmes of activities.  However, increasingly, council is being asked to respond to issues and projects that fall outside its regular work.  For example, feedback on central government policy.

On occasions, these projects would either benefit from or should have Māori input.  However, due to often extremely tight timeframes council staff are not able to gain input from MTAG as the short notice does not allow for the process of a recommendation from the Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (TTMAC) to council which could take up to three months to obtain due to the bi-monthly meeting schedule of TTMAC.

Due to these anomalies, TTMAC are recommending that an annual resolution to form MTAG for the purpose of input into unplanned projects be considered by council.  This would be in addition to any planned schedule of work for known council plans or processes.  This annual resolution would then allow for MTAG to be convened at short notice and for members to have input into adhoc projects they might not currently be able to contribute to and to be reimbursed for their time.

As the number of unforeseen projects is not easily identifiable, TTMAC recommend that council consider an annual quota caped at nine meetings.  It should be acknowledged that nine meetings might not be required and that this number is not a target, rather this is a contingency in the event of unplanned work. 


1.      Options







Council resolve to allow a quota of meetings per calendar year capped at nine for MTAG to be convened should it need to have input into unforeseen work

Council’s advice on projects and policy from central government has the benefit of receiving Māori technical input.

This process is consistent with the Terms of Reference of TTMAC and with the agreed process (previously resolved) of receiving Māori advice to aid council’s decision making processes.

The process would be consistent with council’s Appointed Members Allowances Policy, therefore allowing members to be reimbursed for their time.

No specific disadvantages are envisaged.


That council declines to resolve to allow for an annual allocation of MTAG meetings for unforeseen projects

Council would not be able to seek Māori technical input for some national policy and project initiatives with constrained timeframes.

Responses to unforeseen policy and projects requested of central government would not have input from Māori.


Staff recommend option 1, that council allow a quota of meetings per calendar year capped at nine for MTAG to be convened should it need to have input into unforeseen work.

On behalf of TTMAC, staff also recommend that a letter be sent to MfE highlighting this constraint to council being able to provide well informed feedback to central government on its policy and project initiatives and stress the need for reasonable feedback timeframes to ensure well informed input.


2.      Significance and engagement

             In relation to section 79 of the Local Government Act 2002, this decision is considered to be of low significance when assessed against council’s Significance and Engagement Policy because it has previously been consulted on and provided for in council’s Long-Term Plan and/or is part of council’s day to day activities.  This does not mean that this matter is not of significance to tāngata whenua and/or individual communities, but that council is able to make decisions relating to this matter without undertaking further consultation or engagement.

3.      Policy, risk management and legislative compliance

 This is an administrative matter and as such there are no risks or legislative compliance issues.

The decision would be consistent with council’s Appointed Members’ Allowance Policy.

Further considerations

4.      Community views

No specific community views have been received on MTAG. 

5.      Māori impact statement

This particular agenda item comes as a recommendation from Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party.

It is anticipated that Māori would support this decision as it will allow for input into the decision making of council when asked to respond to national policy and/or projects.

6.      Financial implications

The provision of nine annual MTAG meetings can be accommodated within existing budgets.

7.      Implementation issues

It is envisaged that this decision will help streamline existing council processes.  There are no envisaged implementation issues.



Authorised by Group Manager


Jonathan Gibbard


Group Manager - Governance and Engagement


11 October 2018


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 7.1

23 October 2018



Chair's Report to Council




Bill Shepherd, Chairman


Purpose of Report

This report is to receive information from the Chair on strategic issues, meetings/events attended, and correspondence sent for the month of September 2018.



That the report ‘Chair's Report to Council’ by Bill Shepherd, Chairman and dated 28 September 2018, be received.


Strategic issues


The September council meeting approved significant milestones in two long-running projects for the Northland Regional Council.


During the development of the Long Term Plan, council consulted on a new Regional Sports Facilities rate to provide funding for regionally significant sporting facilities.  One of the important criteria for funding is that projects must be on the Regional Sports Facilities Plan which has been developed by Sport Northland, sports associations and councils over a number of years.


It was really a significant milestone when the regional council decided on the allocating of $3.8 million of funding to the top two projects in each of the district council areas.  This allocation gives real certainty to the community groups planning and developing those facilities.


The second really important milestone for the council was approving the signing of a Heads of Agreement with our developer partners for the former Countdown supermarket site at Kensington in Whangārei.  This is another project that has taken some time, however, given the importance of the site and the significant investment that the council has in that site, it was really important to ensure that the interests of the community and ratepayers were fully protected and enhanced.


A further strategic project that the council is currently working on, but has not yet been approved, is with the Kaipara District Council.  The concept potentially involves building a new office building in Dargaville that will be capable of housing the staff of both the regional council and the Kaipara District Council.


Utilising shared premises makes a whole lot of good sense from the perspective of efficient use of public capital and further enhancing the collaboration of the two councils.


Financial Management

One of the really important initiatives that our council took in 2013, soon after I and other new councillors came onto the council, was to appoint an independent financial advisor, whose role is to provide independent financial advice to the councillors.


Whilst a number of our councillors do have business and financial management skills, it is still really important to have someone providing us with financial advice without being involved in the general decision-making of council.


Geoff Copstick has been a fantastic find for us.  He has a career background in financial and investment management in a number of areas, including the Hamilton-based International Gallagher Group.  Now living in Northland, and focusing on governance roles, Geoff has recently been appointed to the Board of Northland Inc.


In Geoff’s report to the council for inclusion in our 2017/18 Annual Report, he is very complimentary of the work that our finance team has done in collaboration with our new auditors, Deloitte.  This collaborative work has enabled us to trim superfluous material from the report while remaining fully compliant with all our audit requirements.


Planned further collaborative work will enable additional improvements to be made in the next financial year.


Ratepayers can be confident that the work of our independent financial advisor, combined with our new auditors, is helping to ensure that their council is managing its finances responsibly and prudently.


Meetings/events attended

During this period, I attended the following meetings/events/functions:

·        Meetings attended with the council’s CEO, Malcolm Nicolson:

o   David Wilson, CEO, Northland Inc. – Matakohe Museum.

o   Northland Mayoral Forum hosted by Northland Regional Council.

o   Invitation from the Northland Events Centre Trust to attend the Northland vs Manawatu rugby game at the Northland Events Centre.

o   Attended the graduation of Northland Regional Council’s two cadets at a joint function with Whangārei District Council’s cadets.

o   Catch up meeting with Dr Shane Reti, MP for Whangārei.

o   Attended the Northland Inc. Board meeting.

·        Regular fortnightly Northland Mayoral Forum teleconference calls.

·        Don McKay – Maungaturoto Community Trust – funding support.

·        Dr Jason Smith, Mayor, Kaipara District Council – Matakohe Museum.

·        Sheryl Mai, Mayor, Whangārei District Council; Hon John Carter, Mayor, Far North District Council; and Dr Jason Smith, Mayor, Kaipara District Council – Mayors/Chair only time prior to Northland Mayoral Forum.

·        Opened the ‘Find Your Future’ event held at Barge Park for Year 11 students.

·        Interview for Te Hiku Media – sea levels at Ahipara.

·        Attended the powhiri for the new Chief Executive of Kaipara District Council, Louise Miller.

·        Attended the Northland|Forward Together Strategic Planning Workshop hosted by Kaipara District Council.


During September I sent out the following correspondence:


Addressed To



Whangārei Camera Obscura

Letter of support for application to the Provincial Growth Fund


Ben Lee

Policy Development Manager

Northland Regional Council

Complimenting Ben Lee and his team on the organisation of the hearings for the Proposed Regional Plan



Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 7.2

23 October 2018



Chief Executive’s Report to Council




Malcolm Nicolson, Chief Executive Officer



That the report ‘Chief Executive’s Report to Council’ by Malcolm Nicolson, Chief Executive Officer and dated 23 October 2018, be received.


7.2.1 Highlights

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) 
We’ve been on a hikoi (journey) of our own to incorporate and encourage the use of Te Reo within our culture, relationships and the work we do. This was an opportunity to highlight our progress as a council and get feedback from our community. We reached over 19,000 people.

Kiwi Coast – NRC Partnership

The Kiwi Coast Trust supported two kiwi events during September.  The Whareora Landcare ‘Meet a Kiwi’ event on 9 September was attended by 225 people and the subsequent evening kiwi release by Pataua North Landcare, also held on 9 September.

A media release was completed for the kiwi events, which featured in the NZ Herald and Northern Advocate which acknowledged council’s valued support. Refer to this link for further information:


7.2.2 CEO’s Office


A Heads of Agreement has been signed with Argyle on the Kensington development and a Project Manager has been engaged.

The sale of a CBD property has been agreed and is subject to a Sale & Purchase Agreement yet to go unconditional.

1.         Current Legal Proceedings





To construct a boardwalk as part of a coastal walkway in Back Bay, Mangawhai Estuary

Mediation held on 10 April 2018.  Further mediation adjourned until 30 June 2019.


Seventeen (17) groundwater takes for horticultural irrigation at Houhora, Motutangi, and Waiharara

Expert witness conferencing between the parties’ hydrologists was held on 20 September 2018 to discuss the matters raised by the DOC appeal.  A joint witness statement for this conferencing is to be provided to the court by 5 October 2018.  The Applicant is to file its evidence for the hearing with the Court by 12 October 2018.


Proposed deepening and realignment of Whangārei Harbour entrance and approaches

NZ Refinery has appealed specific conditions of consent.  Informal mediation was held between the council and the applicant, which included the presence of technical experts from both parties, to discuss possible resolution of the appeal.  The outcome of this mediation was favourable.  A mutually acceptable position was reached at mediation.  The applicant proposes to meet with Patuharakeke, which is a section 274 party, to discuss the outcome of informal mediation prior to proceeding any further.


7.2.3 Corporate Excellence

Fraud Declaration

I am not aware of any fraud nor am I investigating any incidence or suspected incidence of fraud at this time.


7.2.4 Regulatory Services

Consents in Process

During September 2018, a total of 46 Decisions were issued.  These decisions comprised:







Coastal Permits




Air Discharge Permits




Land Discharge Permits




Water Discharge Permits




Land Use Consents




Water Permits




Bore Consents




The processing timeframes for the September 2018 consents ranged from:


§ 266 to 5 calendar days, with the median time being 35 days;

§ 172 to 3 working days, with the median time being 25 days.



Applications were received in September 2018.


Of the 100 applications in progress at the end of September 2018:



were received more than 12 months ago (most awaiting further information);


were received between 6 and 12 months ago (most awaiting further information);


less than 6 months.

Appointment of Hearing Commissioners

No commissioners were appointed in September 2018.

Consents Decisions and Progress on Notified Applications in Process, Objections and Appeals

The current level of notified application processing activities at the end of September 2018 is (by number):


§ Applications Publicly/Limited Notified During Previous Month


§ Progress on Applications Previously Notified


§ Hearings and Decisions


§ Appeals/Objections



Compliance and State of the Environment monitoring

The results of compliance monitoring for the period 1 – 30 September 2018 (and year-to-date figures) are summarised in the following table and discussed below:



Full compliance


Significant non-compliance

Not exercised during period

Air discharges






Coastal permit






Discharge permit






FDE – Discharge permit






FDE – Permitted activity






Land use consent






Water permit





























Air discharges

A total of 32 air quality related environmental incidents were received, 24 of which related to burning and smoke nuisance and five to spraydrift.

Continuous ambient PM10 monitoring results for August 2018 for the Whangārei and Marsden Point airsheds, and Kaikohe, showed that compliance was met with the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality (NESAQ).  PM2.5 monitoring results for Whangārei were within the Ambient Air Quality Guideline value. 


The majority of consents monitored during the reporting period related to coastal discharges (treated municipal sewage and industrial), coastal structures in the Whāingaroa (Whangaroa) Harbour and dredging activities. 

Routine water quality sampling of the Whangārei, Bay of Islands and Kaipara harbours and southern estuaries (Mangawhai, Waipū and Ruakākā) was carried out.


Hazardous substances

·     Three incidents involving the discharge of hazardous substances and 20 enquiries regarding contaminated land were received and responded to.

·     424.3kg of hazardous wastes was disposed of.

·     The owner and operators of the solvent processing site at Ruakākā have a formal agreement in place to reduce the amount of solvents currently stored at the site.


Discharge and land use monitoring

Routine compliance monitoring of discharge and land use consents continued during the period.  Council staff attended the following during the reporting period:

·     Monthly meeting with compliance staff from WDC to discuss any cross-over issues.

·     Investigative Best Practice Network workshop.

·     Ngāwhā community liaison committee meeting.  There were no issues raised for NRC.


Since 1 May 2018 (when the National Environmental Standard – Plantation Forestry came into effect), NRC has received 133 notices of activities.  The majority (60%) of these have been in relation to harvesting, which has created considerable work load for council staff.

Notices of Activities NES–PF

Subpart 1



Subpart 3



Subpart 4

River crossings


Subpart 5

Forestry quarrying


Subpart 6







Farm Dairy Effluent (FDE) Monitoring

FDE inspections commenced on 16 July 2018.  This is a month earlier than normal, with the early visits being made to winter-milking farms.  A total of 876 farms will be visited by the FDE contractor or council staff prior to Christmas.  To date about 46% of these have been visited and reported on.  The results for consented and permitted activity farms are tabled below and compared with those for the same period last year.



Consented FDE discharges

A total of 289 consented farms have been visited and reported on, which is about 44% of the total consented farms to be visited.

Full Compliance


Significant Non-Compliance

This Year

Last Year

This Year

Last Year

This Year

Last Year














Non-consented FDE discharges

A total of 112 non-consented farms have been visited and reported on, which is about 53% of the total non-consented farms to be visited. 

Full Compliance


Significant Non-Compliance

This Year

Last Year

This Year

Last Year

This Year

Last Year














To date there is an obvious marked improvement in the percentage of farms which have been graded significantly non-compliant.  Overall the percentage has dropped from 24% this time last year to 14% this year.

Environmental incidents

There were no incidents recorded during the reporting period which resulted in a significant environmental impact.


Abatement notices, infringement notices and formal warnings

The following enforcement actions were taken during the period:


Infringement Notice





Nature of Offence

No. Offences

No. Notices

No. Offences

No.  Notices

No.  Offences

No. Notices

Burning & smoke nuisance







Farm dairy effluent







Hazardous substances, spills & refuse







Illegal activity in CMA






















Other Enforcement

Dumping and burning of demolition waste, Kaikohe

Charges have been laid against two companies, two individuals (associated with the two companies) and a land owner for the dumping and burning of demolition waste near Kaikohe.  Statements of evidence were required to be delivered to the defence by 3 September 2018.  The case has been adjourned to 10 October 2018 for a “Case Review Hearing”.


7.2.5 Environmental Services

Environment Fund Update

207 projects totalling $1,071,668 have been approved for funding this financial year, plus 22 Northern Wairoa Freshwater Fund projects totalling $130,839. 

Farm Water Quality Improvement Plans (FWQIP) – 2018/19

This financial year 52 FWQIP’s have been commenced and 17 have been completed.  We anticipate approximately 150 plans will be undertaken during the year.

Northern Wairoa Freshwater Improvement Project

The development of Te Kawa Waiora for each iwi/hapū partner has grown to reflect the project objectives and needs of each hapū.  This will initially require us to hold wānanga with up to 10 hapū instead of using the 3 iwi or hapū collectives we originally engaged with. This will enable us to build stronger relationships with each hapū and produce information that will be more relevant to each rohe, these changes can be managed well within existing budgets and will commence this month.




Two more sections of dune along the road reserve at Long Beach, Russell, were reshaped and then planted with native dune plants by Russell Landcare Trust and Russell School.  The first stage of mechanical reshaping and planting at Langs Beach, Bream Bay, was also completed.  The purpose of both of these projects is to restore the natural dune function by removing exotic vegetation and fill and rebuilding a dune and planting with native sand-binding plants. 

Dune planting was also completed at Waipū Cove and Taipā.

FIF Dune Lakes Project

A variation to the project workplans has been lodged with MfE to allow herbicide operations to move from the current year to next year as well as a streamlining of all workstreams into cleaner annual silos.  Plant aquaculture and pest fish operations will begin over the next three months.  All fencing and water reticulation projects have been scoped and are ready to begin on the signing of the variation.



Biosecurity Threats/Incursions

Mycoplasma bovis

There is still only one confirmed mycoplasma bovis infected farm in Northland and there are restrictions on the movement of animals and other risk goods on and off the farm.  A plan for the depopulation of the infected property has been formulated and the first load of animals has been sent to slaughter.

The Council’s Biosecurity Incursion Management Officer is continuing to assist the Ministry for Primary Industries with the management of seventeen Northland farms, eight of which are under Notices of Direction (NoD), one Infected Property (IP) and eight farms which have had their notices revoked because of the properties being declared disease free following testing.  Latest updates can be found at the link below:

Marine Biosecurity 

This month staff attended the Auckland On Water Boat Show and presented a joint campaign with with MPI, Waikato, Auckland, Hawkes Bay and Bay of Plenty Councils.  Thousands of people attended the show and engagement with the Auckland and Northland boating community was high.

A response plan for the Mediterranean fanworm incursion at Opua is in preparation in liaison with MPI and staff from the Cawthron institute.  In an initial response 104 fanworm have been detected and removed from the Opua area by contracted dive teams and staff have met with Northland Marina Managers to discuss the best approach to the eradication attempt.  MPI staff are closely involved in the survey design and the planning for future work and have also agreed to contribute a share of the costs.

Sampling to identify traces of fanworm DNA in the seawater is complete and have returned positive in all sites - further analysis should be able to indicate where higher population densities are located within site areas. These results are expected to be returned in early October. Divers are expected to be contracted in November and continue the removal work as soon as the diver removal plan is complete.

The hull surveillance contract has been awarded to Marine Environmental Field Services (MEFS).  The hull surveillance program will start mid-October and is expected to survey a minimum of 2000 vessel hulls by the end of May 2019.

Feral Deer

In mid-September, a major deer escape event occurred at a deer farm south-west of Tangihua Forest on the northern side of the Mangonui River.  It was initially reported that between 20 – 90 deer had escaped and were roaming outside the farm.  The Northland Deer Response Team responded immediately and met with the farm owner to develop a plan to recover the deer. 

Several deer have since been recaptured however 11 remain outside the farm and the Response Team are continuing to work with the farm owner and surrounding land owners to develop a plan to contain or destroy them.  An initial investigation has found a farm boundary fence may have not been secure and further investigation is underway.


Biosecurity High Value Areas

Piroa-Brynderwyn Landcare is a newly established collective of more than a dozen community-led conservation projects that are working together to restore biodiversity in the Brynderwyn Hills range and environs.  A newly developed 5-year plan builds on active conservation work carried out in the area by communities, iwi/hapu, land managers, agencies and organisations over the last decade. 

It consolidates the considerable investment of resources provided to date by a lengthy list of supporting organisations and entities including the NZ Landcare Trust, QEII Trust, Northland Regional Council (NRC), Department of Conservation (DOC), Marunui Conservation Ltd., Bream Bay Coastal Care, Fairy Tern Charitable Trust, Mangawhai Tracks Charitable Trust, Kiwis for Kiwi, Hancock Forest Management (NZ) Ltd (HFM) and more recently Kiwi Coast.

Find more information here:

Biofund – Biosecurity Environment Fund

Staff are continuing to deliver pest control equipment and materials to successful Biofund applicants during September.  Mustelid trap boxes have been manufactured by the Ngawha Corrections Facility near Kaikohe. 

Some recipients from this year’s bio fund were Te Touwai Hapu, Wainui Marae Hapu, Te Patunga Marae, Otongaroa Marae and Tauroa Whanau Whenua.  These Marae based projects are led by this group of passionate wahine (women).

Photo: Recipients of Biofund pest control equipment.

Paparoa Primary School 10th annual possum purge

The 10th annual possum purge was held by the Paparoa Primary School as a school fundraiser. KSL possum traps were donated as sponsorship prizes for the event’s prizegiving on 9 September 2018.  Competing teams recovered 865 possums, with proceeds from possum fur to be used for school projects. 


River Contract Works

Priority Rivers






5% complete

Tender awarded.  All weather work is underway.



10% complete

Work is progressing with Bell’s Hill bench.



0% complete

Tender has been awarded.


LTP Projects




Bell’s Hill bench – resource consent is lodged.  Preliminary archaeology assessment will allow NRC to work under accidental discovery protocol. Enabling works for river crossing and incorporating grade control has been completed.  Enabling works for Te Ahu rock armouring is underway. 

Resource consenting for the full scheme upgrade has been awarded to Vision Consultants. 

Update of the Preliminary Scheme design is being undertaken by Tonkin + Taylor.  This project is being coordinated with, and running alongside the DHI flood modelling referred to below.


A meeting was held with key members of the community, NRC staff and Cr Justin Blaikie at NRC Waipapa office.  NRC will model pre-and post-causeway scenarios and then meet with the community in November to progress solutions.

Kawakawa - Taumarere

Meeting has been set for 18 October.  NZTA has confirmed funding for Turntable Hill works, NRC finalising modelling and design for NZTA to complete.


Geotech has been completed and detailed design is expected end of October for Commerce street overflow reduction works.  Gravel extraction completed, the gravel has been used at the dam. 


NRC will model several scenarios to present back to the community in December. 


Landowner engagement has started with preliminary design.  

Minor Rivers

Minor River Works Programme is being prepared.



Work Streams



Regional LiDAR Project



RPS has contracted Mainland Air to complete the LiDAR capture.  The survey aircraft was modified to accommodate the survey equipment in September and we expect a re-start in October.  RPS have predicted they require 40 clear weather days to complete the Northland survey.

Coastal Hazards


A community meeting is to be held with the Ruawai community on 15 October to discuss the coastal flood hazard maps and their implications.  This is a joint meeting with KDC.

Priority Rivers Flood Hazard Maps



Waipu and Paparoa catchment flood mapping has been completed and the team is reviewing the model files.  Final delivery of outputs is programmed for early October.

Awanui Flood Model




Data transfer to the engineering consultants DHI is complete.  Model network has been set and staff have been reviewing channel cross sections and structures represented in the flood model.  Feedback has been provided to the modeller.


In house modelling, has sped up the project and given a better understanding of the complex overflow of SH-1.



Hydrology Team & Water resources Work Programme

Three concrete huts were transported up to Kaitaia late September as part of the flood warning upgrade.  The huts are 5 tonne and provide more security in remote areas.  To save time onsite the huts were fitted out with the statillite communication units and water level compressor sensors at Union East before heading north.  The Victoria and Te Puhi huts are operational.



Most of the Northland Region had less rain than would be expected in September, the exceptions being the area south of Whananaki down to and including the eastern hills and Whangarei Harbour.  Glenbervie had 124% as the highest percentage of the expected September rain and gauges around Kaitaia showed the least at around 50%.  Regionally we had on average about 82% of the expected September rain.

Looking at the winter recharge, the Far North had 20-30% below the expected rainfall, which equates to a 226mm defict at the NIWA Kaitaia rain station.  With NIWA predicting a weak El Nino this summer, the Far North water resources will need to be monitored closely over the coming months.  A NIWA climate update will be released next week looking at the situation in more detail.  The SPI map below shows the severity of the dry weather looking back at historic weather.  It does show the Far North moderately dry over the last four months.

Median Rainfall Map Winter 2018                            SPI Drought Index Map June, July, August, September2018



7.2.6 Governance And Engagement


Investment and Growth Reserve – Projects report


September update

Future developments/ reporting

Extension 350

Annual Report 2017/18 received

First quarter 2018/19 due October.

Resources Enterprise Limited (REL)

Sent email to directors outlining council’s position and requested a meeting. 

Continue to engage with directors including meeting for October.

Hundertwasser Art Centre (Whangārei)

Assessing whether conditions of funding have been met to make first payment and sought further assurances.

Expect to make first payment in October.

Kawakawa Hundertwasser Park Centre (Te Hononga)

Comments received back from the trust on draft funding agreement.

Finalise funding agreement by end October.

Extended Regional Promotion

Nothing to report.

Report for the first six months 2018/19 due in February.

Twin Coast Cycle Trail (TCCT)

Nothing to report. 

Awaiting further progress reports and associated invoices to complete funding commitment.

Demand assessment for new water storage

Awaiting response on success of application to PGF. 

Preparatory work on tender documents.

Investment and Growth Reserve – Business case funding by Northland Inc
No business case funding allocation was reported by Northland Inc.

Other activities undertaken included:

·    Workshop with Council on the Manea Footprints of Kupe project at Omapere.

·    Northland Walking and Cycling Strategy – ongoing work to facilitate the development of business cases with district council and NZ Transport Agency.

·    Northland Economic Quarterly: The twenty-first issue of the Northland Economic Quarterly (NEQ) newsletter was published on 21 September 2018. The annual section looks at some of the data for tourism while the spotlight section focusses on cruise ship passengers. The current and past issues can be found at



·    Highlights
Social media campaign: Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week) – Please refer to the highlights section.

Social media campaign: Ko Waiarohia ahau (I am Waiarohia) – In support of World Rivers Day, we put the spotlight on one of Whangārei’s urban waterways – the Waiarohia Stream. The campaign told the story from the Waiarohia’s perspective, where it flows, the creatures that depend on it and the challenges it faces in terms of urban impacts. We reached over 18,000 people.

·    Most popular post on Facebook this month – Most popular post on Facebook this month – video of a Mediterranean Fanworm attached to a scallop.


Key Performance Indicators












# Visits to the NRC website






E-payments made



No data



# subscription customers (cumulative)






SOCIAL MEDIA (cumulative)






# Twitter followers






# NRC Facebook fans






# NRC Overall Facebook Reach






# CDEM Facebook fans






# CDEM Overall Facebook Reach






# Instagram followers







enviroschools / education

Regional Co-ordinators Hui
From 11 – 13 September, council attended the biannual Enviroschools Regional Co-ordinators Hui in Wellington. 


Young Ocean Explorers evening
On the evening of 18 September, council hosted Steve Hathaway from Young Ocean Explorers at a professional development session for teachers.  Council’s Environmental Monitoring Officer (Coastal) also gave a presentation on Community Coastal Monitoring.  

Find Your Future events
On 19 and 20 September, Chairman Bill Shepherd and Cr Justin Blaikie opened the ‘Find Your Future’ events in Whangarei and Kerikeri respectively.  Council joined with the Whangarei Agricultural and Pastoral Society to run the interactive careers events focused on the professional primary industries.  We were supported by the Ministry of Primary Industries, Rabobank, SEEKA, NIWA, Tahi Honey and Plant and Food Research. 

120 senior students from 13 schools registered for ‘Find Your Future’ where they listened to the career pathways of young professionals, participated in experiential activities and joined in a site visit.  Council’s marine biosecurity, land management, environmental monitoring (coastal) and GIS teams all played a part.


During September, Enviroschools sharing and decision-making sessions took place at the following schools:  Ruakaka (Green-Gold review), Oruaiti (Silver), Maungakaramea, Paparoa and Whangarei Primary (Bronze).  Councillors will be contacted regarding the associated celebrations.


Dargaville Intermediate Energy Expo
On 25 September, alongside Northpower, council supported Dargaville Intermediate to run an Energy Expo based around electric vehicles, solar power generation, efficient and safe electrical appliances and ‘the oil story’.


School communities facilitated
During Sept 32 school communities were visited by Enviroschools facilitators.



For more information see specific sections.

Auckland on the water boat show (26-30 September)
Marketing and events supported the Maritime team – Be a safe boatie mate campaign, and the Biosecurity team – Top of the North to attend this show. 


Transport - Snap to it and Free Ride Day

Staff provided support to the transport team on the impending changes to the CityLink Whangarei Bus Service.  The team also assisted with Free Ride Day.


Training workshop – Storytelling and digital content marketing

Staff from the marketing and online services team ran a training workshop for Northland Inc’s Business, Growth and Innovation team.

Vehicle branding

All new vehicles are receiving council’s updated branding featuring images and a key message.

Video creation
A new ‘7 days style’ video has been created to promote council’s mission statement.  This video will be showcased at the Westpac Business Excellence Awards later this month and later be published online.


Treaty Settlements
Auckland and Northland Regional Council staff, supporting the Kaipara Moana Working Party, met to discuss how best to support the case for remedial funding to support the Kaipara Moana Treaty settlement. A meeting of the Working Party and Kaipara Uri has been scheduled for mid-October. 

Staff of Far North District and Northland Regional Councils, Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa and Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupouri met to discuss a request for a meeting of Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board. A meeting has been scheduled for 19 October.


Mana Whakahono ā Rohe (MWR)

Staff from all four councils in Northland met to discuss MWR, specifically, how each council is addressing these and if any invitations had been received.  Outcomes from the Iwi Local Government Authorities Chief Executives Forum (ILGACE) were also discussed and the request for all four councils to engage in discussions with three Iwi Authorities for the purpose of developing a single MWR.




Iwi Hapu Environmental Management Fund (IHEMP)

Staff from Far North District and Northland Regional Councils met with Ngāti Kuri trustee, Walter Wells, to discuss their (Ngāti Kuri) recently completed Iwi Environmental Management Plan (IEMP). Ngāti Kuri received co-funding from both councils to develop their IEMP. 

It is anticipated that staff will meet once more to discuss the IEMP further prior to a more formal meeting between governance of both councils and Ngāti Kuri.

The councils Environment Management Plan Fund was advertised from 14 May to 18 August through the Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party e-newsletter, Ngā Karere o Taitokerau, and information was sent out to directly to over 201 contacts on council’s database.

Council received six applications with four successful in obtaining funding support. The successful applicants are Ngātiwai Trust Board, Te Roroa Whatu Ora Trust, Ngā Tirairaka o Ngāti Hine and Ahipara takiwa (Korou kore Marae, Roma Marae and Wainui Marae).



Local government official information (LGOIMA) requests


LGOIMA requests received 2017/18

LGOIMA requests received 2018/19








































Total LGOIMA requests received



Total LGOIMA requests not responded to ≤ 20 working days*



In September 2018, there were no LGOIMA requests that exceeded 20 working days’ response.

7.2.7 Customer Service – Community Resilience


The Regional Navigation Safety Bylaw infringement regulations are still being processed by government. The Regulation is expected to be before the Cabinet Legislation committee meeting on the 18th of October, and then to the executive Council meeting on the 23rd of October for signing by the Governor-General. A formal request for a Kai Iwi Lakes Navigation Safety Bylaw Infringement Regulation has also been lodged.

The oil spill national response team (NRT) contracted the Waikare and maritime staff to assist with commissioning large response gear on water over 4 days at Opua.

The 6 weekly Harbour Safety Meeting was held on the 25th with a presentation from Jose Borrero, a Tsunami Specialist. Mr Borrero is currently working on a publication which would enable predictions to be made on how a port or harbour will be impacted by a Tsunami originating from known locations within the Pacific region. The idea being to provide early information to assist in decision making, planning and development of contingencies in response to an impending event.

The first draft of a berthing Chart for Portland reach and wharfs has been released for feedback from the Harbour Safety committee.

The NRC’s Maritime Transport Operator Plan is currently under its internal annual review. The Waikare was hauled out for its annual hull survey and has had an infrared FLIR camera system fitted, the camera will detect heat signatures of small vessels or people. This is to enhance safety when working in fog or during hours of darkness.

Staff attended the Auckland on water Boat Show as part of the promotion for the on the water summer safety campaign with a focus on large launch wakes.

Aids to navigation are progressively being individually labelled with identification signs around all the harbours. This will assist with navigation, and reporting accurately of any damage or light outages.

Nine incidents were received in September. These included the grounding of a yacht near Portland Channel that was re-floated by NRC staff after Coastguard were unsuccessful. Additionally, there were two minor spills in the Bay of Islands which were responded to and the recovery of a small yacht which broke off its mooring.


Customer Service

Performance StatisticsTelephones

Data relating to inbound calls via our 0800 numbers was not available in time for last month’s report.  Calls through our direct lines indicated similar volumes to previous months, however, there was a significant spike in calls made through the 0800-number compared to August last year, and call trends this year.  September’s call volumes are in keeping with other periods. The conversion rate for incoming calls for September is 99.3%.


Satisfaction Monitoring


ALGIM’s Customer Experience survey results were released with NRC ranked at 51st place (out of 78), and the fifth best performing regional council.  The survey is conducted in mystery shop format by phone.  Whether it is the questions or the format, regional councils tend to rate poorly.  This year, four regional councils and Auckland council were in the bottom ten.   The survey questions and judge’s feedback is not yet available but will be used to inform future practice.

Last year the survey was conducted over the winter months and related to swimmable rivers.  We were 75th overall.


Small volumes of hotline and regional customers were surveyed for satisfaction with no issues identified.  

Feedback Cards, Compliments and Complaints

Six compliments were registered in September. Four compliments were for the conduct and helpfulness of specific staff, with two of the compliments being for one of our monitoring team.  The other two compliments were for the bus service.

A single feedback card reported a favourable experience with our monitoring team

Ten complaints were recorded in September with eight relating to bus services, and two to consent decisions.

Classification of complaint


Standard of service provided

          Buses didn’t stop

          Black smoke pollution

          Inconvenient timetables





Disagree with decision or process

          Consent decisions

          Lack of refund on Snapper card




Staff or contractor attitude or behaviour

          Driving complaint (bus driver)

          Inconsiderate bus parking

          Bus door closed too quickly





Lack of information or communication

          Contradictory information on bus fares



Rates Enquiries

Two further enquiries about rates increases were received during September. The first customer’s rates had increased by $1200 and they had been told by FNDC the majority of the increase related to NRC rates. The second questioned whether their increase in rates was to offset the rates of others.  Both were satisfied with the explanations given.


Regional Customer Service Centres (CSC)

*Due to a data error, Waipapa data is for a partial month only

Kaitāia Office

The renovations are not complete as the glass wall has not yet been delivered. Once it is in place the only remaining work is to relocate the video conferencing unit and to fit a smaller welcome/promotional video screen in reception.  Initial testing of the new phone/video has shown good sound and visual quality. Kaitāia staff are anticipating its implementation will reduce the need to travel to Whangārei for meetings.

Waipapa Office

The meeting room at Waipapa is being used frequently by both NRC staff and affiliated organisations.  Recent displays of pest animals have generated public interest prompting discussions about pest control.  In future, schools will be approached with the offer of using space to display other environmentally focused projects.

Ōpua Office

Staff leave and absences in the Waipapa office have been covered by our Ōpua customer services officer.  Service for Ōpua based customers has been provided by maritime staff.



 Regional Land Transport Planning

Government Policy Statement Stage 2

The second stage of GPS 2018 is expected for release in 2019. The Minister of Transport has recently stated that any second stage to the 2018 GPS will be limited to matters that need immediate action outside of the regular three-year GPS cycle, such as investment in rail.  The Minister will consider whether this second stage is required in early 2019. 


Passenger Transport Administration

Total Mobility                                                                                 

Total Mobility (TM) figures are reported one month in arrears, as the required information is unavailable at the time of the agenda deadline.


Total clients




Monthly Budget Expend



Actual Expend


Budgeted Expend


August 2018









Community Transport Inter – Agency project   

Work continues with other supporting organisations to produce a Northland brochure, on transport that is offered within the community for our vulnerable people. A meeting was held Friday 7th September to finalise the brochure, and decide the lay out and organisations that want to be on the brochure.    

Contracted Bus Services  

Operational Statistics  



(revenue ex GST)









City Link Passengers






City Link Farebox Revenue 




$ 103,835

$ 110,101

Mid North Link Passengers






Mid North Link Farebox Revenue






Far North Link







Far North Link

Farebox Revenue





$ 3,380

Hokianga Link Passengers 






Hokianga Link Farebox Revenue







Operational Statistics



(revenue ex GST)









City Link Passengers






City Link Farebox Revenue 

$ 45,985



$ 149,820

$ 163,034

Mid North Link Passengers






Mid North Link Farebox Revenue






Far North Link







Far North Link

Farebox Revenue





$ 4,933

Hokianga Link Passengers 






Hokianga Link Farebox Revenue





$ 1,017


RITS (Regional Integrated Ticketing System) Update


The Citylink fleet have been wired for an “Interim Cash Only System”, and became operational from 1 October 2018. Email messages were sent to all current Snapper cardholders urging them to fully utilise the balance on their cards prior to this date, as the Snapper Card will no longer be accepted. Social media and newspaper adverts were also targeting Snapper users and as a result we have had few enquiries around Snapper refunds. 


Car Free Day

Saturday 22 September was Free Ride Day, in support of World Car Free day.  Travel the Citylink buses for free; on a Saturday, we have an average of 250 passengers, on this day we had 450, an increase in 200 more passengers traveling.

Road Safety Update
Northland Police have set up a number of road safety and restraint check-points around the region. In addition,  driver mentoring, impaired driver courses and a number of other initiatives have been held.

Radio, Print and Digital road safety messaging is focussing on the key high-risk issues identified for Northland. These being:-

·    High risk rural roads;

·    Alcohol;

·    Motorcycles;

·    Speed;

·    Young drivers (15 – 24);

·    Restraints;

The above includes the development of a video engaging with the public at various locations around Whangarei seeking their awareness of key risk influencers in Northlands road toll. This concept will be repeated in both the Far North & Kaipara areas due to the very positive feedback.

Key advertising themes by NZTA for August 2018 have centred around ‘Speed & Alcohol’.

The  year to date road deaths in Northland stands at 23 with the main contributing factors being:-

·    Speed;

·    Impairement;

·    Seatbelts; and

·    Fatigue/Distraction


Regional Road Toll Statistics – 2018 & 2017 Comparison


YTD 2018

YTD 2017

Far North
















The ages of those involved in the death related crashes are: -

0 – 14yrs


15 – 19yrs


20 – 24yrs


25 – 39yrs


40 – 59yrs


60 + yrs



Warnings and Activations

No weather watches or warnings have been issued during September for the Northland region. 

Ministerial Review

The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) has developed a business plan outlining how it will address the outcomes of the Governments response to the Technical Advisory Group’s report Better Responses to Natural Disasters and other Emergencies.   The business plan outlines activities and initiatives intended to be progressed through until 2022.  Many the projects outlined in the document are to be undertaken in the first 12 months. 

The government’s response outlines many areas for reform and MCDEM has made allowance for these changes in the work programmed, having prioritised some areas of work, whilst some areas are reliant upon legislative amendments or changes. 

Here is the link to the MCDEM business plan

Operational GIS Viewer

The development of an operational GIS viewer to assist in response in emergencies is at the stage where training for the professional CDEM staff is being planned and the final produce is being refined.

On call arrangements

The single on-call Duty Officer and a single on-call Controller for all CDEM related matters (i.e. alerting, warning, initial actions and response) outside of normal business hours for the Northland region has been implemented.

A Group Controller and Duty person will now be available for on call matters 24/7 through a single point of contact phone number.

Contacts App.

The Northland CDEM Group has obtained a app that will act as a telephone book for the storage of contact information of key partners and stakeholders.  The app is capable able of being accessed by anyone who has approval and information is able to be accessed and updated by those that are approved.   The app can also be used to send emails and text messages, including push messaging.   This capability is not currently available on portable devices. 

Tsunami Readiness

Tsunami sirens (both indoor and outdoor) were tested on 24 September.  The biannual test is an opportunity to increase public awareness and education of the tsunami risks and response arrangements for this region together with activating the siren network.  No major defects in the systems were reported.


Council Meeting                                                                                                                  item: 8.0

23 October 2018



Receipt of Committee Minutes




Chris Taylor, Governance Support Manager



That the unconfirmed minutes of the:

·        Investment Subcommittee - 29 August 2018;

·        Investment Subcommittee - 25 September 2018;

·        Property Subcommittee - 5 September 2018;

·        Property Subcommittee - 3 October 2018; and

·        Regional Transport Committee - 3 October 2018

be received.



Attachment 1: Investment Subcommittee Minutes - 29 August 2018

Attachment 2: Investment Subcommittee Minutes - 25 September 2018

Attachment 3: Property Subcommittee Minutes - 5 September 2018

Attachment 4: Property Subcommittee Minutes - 3 October 2018

Attachment 5: Regional Transport Committee Minutes - 3 October 2018  

Authorised by Group Manager


Chris Taylor


Governance Support Manager


16 October 2018


Investment Subcommittee  ITEM: 8.0

23 October 2018Attachment 1

Investment Subcommittee Minutes


Meeting held in the Whale Bay Room, 36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Wednesday 29 August 2018, commencing at 8.30am



Present:                        Cr John Bain                          (Chair)

                                                  Cr Penny Smart

                                                  Cr Rick Stolwerk                  (Alternate)

                                                  Geoff Copstick                     (Independent Financial Member)


In Attendance:             Full Meeting                  NRC Chief Executive

                                                                                                     Finance Manager

                                                                                                     Accounting Assistant, Treasury & Projects

                                                                                                     Governance Manager

                                                                                                    PA, Corporate Excellence (minutes)

                                      Part Meeting                 Jonathan Eriksen, EriksensGlobal (via phone)

                                            Cr David Sinclair



The Chair declared the meeting open at 8.32am.



The apologies from Councillor Shepherd and GM, Corporate Excellence for non-attendance were received.



It was advised that committee members should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.



2.         3.1   Confirmation of Minutes

ID: A1100092

Report from Dave Tams, Group Manager, Corporate Excellence

Moved  (Copstick / Smart)

That the minutes of the Investment SubCommittee meeting held on 31 July 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.





3.         4.1 Refund the Property Reinvestment Fund (PRF) from the Infrastructure Investment Fund (IIF) for Kaitaia Flood control properties

ID: A1100503

Report from Simon Crabb, Finance Manager

Moved  (Bain / Stolwerk)

1.         That the report ‘Refund the Property Investment Fund (PRF) from the Infrastructure Investment Fund (IIF) for Kaitaia flood control properties’ by Simon Crabb, Finance Manager and dated 20 August 2018, be received.

2.         That $683,363 is redeemed from the IIF Milford Diversified Income Fund and invested into the PRF Mint Diversified Income Fund to repay the PRF for the purchase of the Empire and Dunn Street properties.



Summary of Discussion

·   Discussion took place regarding the fact that money is being moved into a lower performing fund

·   The rationale for the move relates to the discipline of having funds in the correct place and not exceeding the percentage cap set for each fund

·   Discussion took place regarding the benefits of looking at the funds from a performance perspective vs an accounting perspective


8.49am  -  Jonathan Eriksen joined the meeting (via phone)


4.         4.2                         Performance of council's externally managed funds to July 2018

ID: A1100524

Report from Simon Crabb, Finance Manager

Moved (Bain / Smart)

That the report ‘Performance of council's externally managed funds to July 2018’ by Simon Crabb, Finance Manager and dated 20 August 2018, be received.



9.02am  -  Cr David Sinclair joined the meeting


Summary of Discussion

·   Jonathan Eriksen advised that he had met with Jonathan Windust from Milford Funds recently

·   EriksensGlobal are expecting a correction in the markets in late 2018 / early 2019

·   Geoff Copstick queried whether the report could be amended to reflect actual performance, or why there is continued investment in “underperforming funds”

·   The CEO indicated that further discussion will be required regarding a reset of the three funds (CIF, IIF, PRF) in the near future

·   Jonathan Eriksen advised that he is happy to visit and hold a strategy session with the committee


9.34am  -  Jonathan Eriksen left the meeting


Agreed Actions:

1.      Jonathan Eriksen to email report from Continuity received last week for distribution              JE, RK

2.      Jonathan Eriksen to email paper on private equity for distribution                                                   JE, RK

3.      Next meeting to be shifted to 24 October - Jonathan Eriksen to attend                                                RK

4.      Council workshop on investment to follow on from October committee meeting                            RK

5.      Meet to discuss Investment Review prior to September meeting                                           MC, DT, SC


Meeting closed at 9.55am


Council Meeting  ITEM: 8.0

23 October 2018Attachment 2

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Property Subcommittee  ITEM: 8.0

23 October 2018Attachment 3

Property Subcommittee Minutes


Meeting held in the Ahipara Room

on Wednesday 5 September 2018, commencing at 8.30am




Chair, Councillor Penny Smart

Councillor John Bain

Councillor David Sinclair

Councillor Rick Stolwerk


In Attendance:

Full Meeting

NRC Chief Executive

Strategic Projects Manager

Property Officer

Property Officer

Part Meeting



At 8.30am the Chair declared the meeting commence upon the arrival of Councillors Sinclair and Stolwerk.  The Chair declared the meeting open at 8.58am.

Apologies (Item 1.0)

That the apologies from Councillor Bill Shepherd (Ex-Officio) for non-attendance were noted.

Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 2.0)

It was advised that councillors should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.


5.         Confirmation of Minutes - 8 August 2018 (Item 3.1)

ID: A1103368

Report from Alicia Jurisich, Property Officer

Moved (Smart/Bain)


That the minutes of the Property Subcommittee meeting held on 8 August 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



Business with Public Excluded (Item 5.0)

Moved (Sinclair/Bain)


1.         That the public be excluded from the proceedings of this meeting to consider confidential matters.

2.         That the general subject of the matters to be considered whilst the public is excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to this matter, and the specific grounds under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution, are as follows:

Item No.

Item Issue



Confirmation of Confidential Minutes - 8 August 2018

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, as stated in the open section of the meeting -.


Receipt of Action Sheet

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h).



The meeting concluded at 9.15am.


Property Subcommittee  ITEM: 8.0

23 October 2018Attachment 4

Property Subcommittee Minutes


Meeting held in the Committee Room

on Wednesday 3 October 2018, commencing at 2.00pm




Chair, Councillor Penny Smart

Councillor John Bain

Councillor Bill Shepherd (Ex-Officio)

Councillor David Sinclair

Councillor Rick Stolwerk


In Attendance:

Full Meeting

Strategic Projects Manager

Property Officer

Part Meeting

Ian Jenkins – Forestry Consultant


The Chair declared the meeting open at 2.05pm.

Apologies (Item 1.0)


Moved (Shepherd/Sinclair)

That the apologies from Chief Executive Malcolm Nicolson for non-attendance be received.



Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 2.0)

It was advised that councillors should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.


6.         Confirmation of Minutes - 5 September 2018 (Item 3.1)

ID: A1111445

Report from Alicia Jurisich, Property Officer

Moved (Bain/Sinclair)


That the minutes of the Property Subcommittee meeting held on 5 September 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



7.         Mount Tiger Forest Quarterly Report July - September 2018 (Item 5.1)

ID: A1111658

Report from Nicole Inger, Property Officer

Moved (Sinclair/Bain)


That the report ‘Mount Tiger Forest Quarterly Report July - September 2018’ by Nicole Inger, Property Officer and dated 24 September 2018, be received.




Business with Public Excluded (Item 6.0)

Moved (Sinclair/Bain)


1.         That the public be excluded from the proceedings of this meeting to consider confidential matters.

2.         That the general subject of the matters to be considered whilst the public is excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to this matter, and the specific grounds under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution, are as follows:

Item No.

Item Issue



Confirmation of Confidential Minutes - 5 September 2018

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, as stated in the open section of the meeting -.


Presentation - Developer Group Proposal for New Facility

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h).


Heads of Agreement regarding Kaipara Property

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h) and the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) s7(2)(i).


Request to Sell a Hihiaua Precinct Property

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h) and the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) s7(2)(i).


Request to Purchase Whangarei CBD Properties

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h) and the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) s7(2)(i).


Receipt of Action Sheet

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h).



Secretarial Note:

The subcommittee decided that the Property Subcommittee Meeting will not be held on 14 November 2018.  Next meeting will be at 2pm on 5 December 2018 in the Committee Room.



The meeting concluded at 4.05pm.


Regional Transport Committee  ITEM: 8.0

23 October 2018Attachment 5

Regional Transport Committee Minutes


Meeting held in the Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Wednesday 3 October 2018, commencing at 10.00am



Chairman, Councillor John Bain

Deputy Chairman, Councillor Paul Dimery

FNDC Councillor Ann Court

KDC Councillor Julie Geange (Arrived 10.10am)

WDC Councillor Greg Martin

NZTA Representative Mr Steve Mutton


In Attendance:

NRC Chairman – Councillor Bill Shepherd (Arrived 10.45am)
NRC Councillor – Penny Smart

NRC GM – Customer Service/Community Resilience – Tony Phipps

NTA/NRC Transport Manager – Chris Powell

FNDC Group Manager and Infrastructure – Andy Finch

FNDC Chief Executive Officer – Shaun Clarke (Arrived 10.22am)

WDC General Manager Infrastructure – Simon Weston (Arrived 10.27am)

NTA/WDC  Roading Manager – Jeff Devine

KDC General Manager Infrastructure – Curt Martin
NTA/KDC Roading Engineer – Dwayne Classen

KDC  Acting Roading Manager – Bernard Petersen

Northland Road Safety Trust – Gillian Archer

NZTA Principal Investment Advisor– Denise Hennigan

NZTA Communications & Stakeholder Manager – Kelli Sullivan (Arrived 10.27am)

NTA/NRC Transport Projects Manager – Ian Crayton Brown

NZ Police – Senior Sergeant Ian Row

NZ Police – Inspector Wayne Ewers

NRC Minute Taker – Tegan Capp

There were 2 members of the public in attendance.


The Chair declared the meeting open at 10.01am.

Apologies (Item 1.0)


Moved (Court/Martin)

That the apology from Councillor Geange for lateness be received.


Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 2.0)

It was advised that councillors should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.


8.         Confirmation of Minutes - Regional Transport Committee Meeting - 8 August 2018 (Item 3.1)

ID: A1110324

Report from Tegan Capp, Executive Assistant Customer Services - Community Resilience

Moved (Court/Dimery)


1.    That the minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 8 August 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



Secretarial Note: Chris Powell provided an update on the action point from Item 3 in the previous minutes. Work on this task is underway and once completed a full report will be provided to the Regional Transport Committee.

9.          Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018 - 2021 Funding Uptake (Item 4.1)

ID: A1111019

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager

Moved (Bain/Martin)


1.    That the report ‘Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018 - 2021 Funding Uptake’ by Chris Powell, Transport Manager and dated 21 September 2018, be received.



10.      Northland Road Safety Update (Item 5.1)

ID: A1112495

Report from Ian Crayton-Brown, Transport Projects Officer

Moved (Martin/Geange)


1.    That the report ‘Northland Road Safety Update’ by Ian Crayton-Brown, Transport Projects Officer and dated 26 September 2018, be received.



11.      New Zealand Transport Agency Report to Regional Transport Committee (Item 5.2)

ID: A1112499

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager

Moved (Martin/Court)


1.    That the report ‘New Zealand Transport Agency Report to Regional Transport Committee’ by Chris Powell, on behalf of Steve Mutton, NZTA and dated 26 September 2018, be received.



12.      Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Kaipara District Council Low Cost Low Risk Improvements Program (Item 6.1)

ID: A1111800

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager


Moved (Geange/Court)

1.         That the report ‘Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Kaipara District Council Low Cost Low Risk Improvements Program’ by Chris Powell on behalf of Henri van Zyl, Kaipara District Council Roading Manager and dated 24 September 2018, be received.


Moved (Bain/Dimery)

2.         That the Regional Transport Committee approves the request to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 to include the approved and adopted LTP budgets for Low Cost Low Risk Improvements as per the breakdown portrayed within this report.



13.      Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Whangarei District Council Maunu Road/Porowini Avenue Intersection Upgrade (Item 6.2)

ID: A1112463

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager


Moved (Martin/Court)

1.         That the report ‘Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Whangarei District Council Maunu Road/Porowini Avenue Intersection Upgrade’ by Chris Powell, on behalf of Jeffrey Devine WDC Roading Manager and dated 26 September 2018, be received.

2.         That the Regional Transport Committee approves the request to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 as follows:

·    Include the Whangarei District Council Maunu Rd/Porowini Ave Intersection Upgrade at an estimated cost of $1,800,000.

·    Adjust the Whangarei District Council Low Cost/Low Risk Improvement budget for 2018/19 from $9,380,000 to $7,580,000.



14.      Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 – New Zealand Transport Agency – Northland Passing and Overtaking Opportunities – Detailed Business Case (Item 6.3)

ID: A1112471

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager


Moved (Mutton/Geange)

1.         That the report ‘Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 – New Zealand Transport Agency – Northland Passing and Overtaking Opportunities – Detailed Business Case’ by Chris Powell, on behalf of Simon Barnet, Principal Transport Planner and dated 26 September 2018, be received.

2.         That the Regional Transport Committee approves the request to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 as follows:

·    Include the Northland Passing and Overtaking Opportunities – Detailed Business Case at an estimated cost of $600,000.




The meeting concluded at 11.21am.




Council Meeting                                                                                                                                                         ITEM: 9.0

23 October 2018



Business with the Public Excluded


Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to recommend that the public be excluded from the proceedings of this meeting to consider the confidential matters detailed below for the reasons given.


1.              That the public be excluded from the proceedings of this meeting to consider confidential matters.

2.              That the general subject of the matters to be considered whilst the public is excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to this matter, and the specific grounds under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution, are as follows:

Item No.

Item Issue



Confirmation of Confidential Minutes - 18 September 2018

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, as stated in the open section of the meeting.


Receipt of Confidential Committee Minutes

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, as stated in the open section of the meeting -.


Human Resources Report

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons s7(2)(a).


Developer Group Proposal for New Facility

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) s7(2)(i).


Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO): Adjustments to Community Investment Fund and Infrastructure Investment Fund

The public conduct of the proceedings would be likely to result in disclosure of information, the withholding of which is necessary to enable council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities s7(2)(h).

3.              That the Independent Financial Advisor be permitted to stay during business with the public excluded.


1.   Options

Not applicable. This is an administrative procedure.

2.   Significance and Engagement

This is a procedural matter required by law. Hence when assessed against council policy is deemed to be of low significance.

3.   Policy and Legislative Compliance

The report complies with the provisions to exclude the public from the whole or any part of the proceedings of any meeting as detailed in sections 47 and 48 of the Local Government Official Information Act 1987.

4.   Other Considerations

Being a purely administrative matter; Community Views, Māori Impact Statement, Financial Implications, and Implementation Issues are not applicable.