Regional Transport Committee

Wednesday 3 October 2018 at 10.00am





Regional Transport Committee

3 October 2018

Regional Transport Committee Agenda


Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Wednesday 3 October 2018, commencing at 10.00am


Recommendations contained in the agenda are NOT decisions of the meeting. Please refer to minutes for resolutions.


MEMBERSHIP OF THE Regional Transport Committee

Chairman, Councillor John Bain

FNDC Councillor Ann Court

Deputy Chairman Paul Dimery

KDC Councillor Julie Geange

WDC Councillor Greg Martin

NZTA Representative Mr Steve Mutton




Item                                                                                                                                                                                   Page

1.0       apologies   

2.0       declarations of conflicts of interest

3.0       Confirmation of Minutes

3.1       Confirmation of Minutes - Regional Transport Committee Meeting - 8 August 2018       3

4.0       Financial Reports

4.1       Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018 - 2021 Funding Uptake                                   8

5.0       Operational Matters

5.1       Northland Road Safety Update                                                                                                              9

5.2       New Zealand Transport Agency Report to Regional Transport Committee                         13

6.0       Decision Making Matters

6.1       Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Kaipara District Council Low Cost Low Risk Improvements Program                                                                                              29

6.2       Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Whangarei District Council Maunu Road/Porowini Avenue Intersection Upgrade                                                                36

6.3       Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 – New Zealand Transport Agency – Northland Passing and Overtaking Opportunities – Detailed Business Case   42    


Regional Transport Committee                                                                                                                                  item: 3.1

3 October 2018



Confirmation of Minutes - Regional Transport Committee Meeting - 8 August 2018




Tegan Capp, Executive Assistant Customer Services - Community Resilience


Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to present for confirmation the minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 8 August 2018.

Councils are required to keep minutes of proceedings in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002.



1.    That the minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 8 August 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.



Attachment 1: Unconfirmed Minutes of Regional Transport Committee Meeting 8 August 2018  

Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


26 September 2018


Regional Transport Committee  ITEM: 3.1

3 October 2018Attachment 1

Regional Transport Committee Minutes


Meeting held in the Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Wednesday 8 August 2018, commencing at 10.00am




Chairman, Councillor John Bain

Deputy Chairman, Councillor Paul Dimery

FNDC Councillor Ann Court

WDC Councillor Greg Martin

NZTA Representative Steve Mutton
NZTA Representative Jacqui Hori Hoult


In Attendance:

Full Meeting

NRC GM – Customer Service/Community Resilience - Tony Phipps

NTA/NRC Transport Manager - Chris Powell

FNDC Group Manager and Infrastructure - Andy Finch

KDC General Manager Infrastructure - Curt Martin

NTA/WDC  Roading Manager - Jeff Devine

Northland Road Safety Trust – Gillian Archer

WDC Councillor – Cr Vince Cocurullo

NTA Manager – Peter Thomson

NZTA Regional Delivery Manager – Lloyd De Beer

Safety Engineer –David Spoonley

NZTA Principal Project Manager – Jim Sephton

NTA/NRC Transport Projects Manager – Ian Crayton Brown

NTA/FNDC Manager Transport Operations – Wil Pille

NTA/KDC Roading Manager – Henri Van Zyl

NTA/FNDC Team Leader – Road Safety and Capital Works – Tim Elliott

NZ Police – Sergeant Tony Dunckley

NRC Minute Taker - Megan Evans


Part Meeting

NRC Economist – Daryl Jones

NRC Economic Policy Advisor– Jon Trewin

NRC Chairman - Cr Bill Shepherd

NRC  GM Governance and Engagement - Jonathan Gibbard

NTA/NRC Transport Strategic Planning Officer – Sharlene Selkirk



3 others were in attendance.


The Chair declared the meeting open at 10.01am.

Apologies (Item 1.0)

Moved (Martin/Court)

That the apologies from Councillor Julie Geange for non-attendance be received.



Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 2.0)

It was advised that councillors should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.


1.             Presentations (Item 3.0)

ID: A1090925

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager

Moved (Bain/Martin)

That the presentations:

1.         Safe Roads - SH1 Whangarei to Wellsford Safer Corridor Improvements (Lloyd De Beer- Regional Delivery Manager and David Spoonley, Safety Engineer)

2.         State Highway 1 and Tarewa Road Intersection (Jim Sephton, Principal Project Manager) be received.



2.             Confirmation of Minutes - Regional Transport Committee Meeting 6 June 2018 (Item 4.1)

ID: A1088094

Report from Tegan Capp, Executive Assistant Customer Services - Community Resilience

Moved (Dimery/Court)

1.    That the minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 6 June 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Secretarial Note: The spelling of Jacqui Hori-Hoult’s name requires correction in the previous minutes.


3.             Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2018 Funding Uptake (Item 5.1)

ID: A1086706

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager

Moved (Dimery/Bain)

1.    That the report ‘Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2018 Funding Uptake’ by Chris Powell, Transport Manager and dated 13 July 2018, be received.


Secretarial Note:

·    Jacqui Hori-Hoult to get back to Cr Ann Court, regarding the 13th claim.

·    Chris Powell to bring the paper he’s working on, regarding 360֯ strengths/weaknesses/improvements, to the next Regional Transport Committee meeting.


4.             Kaipara District Council Regional Transport Committee Alternate Representative (Item 6.1)

ID: A1088073

Report from Chris Powell, Transport Manager

Moved (Bain/Dimery)

1.         That the report ‘Kaipara District Council Regional Transport Committee Alternate Representative’ by Chris Powell, Transport Manager and dated 17 July 2018, be received.

2.         That the formally nominated Kaipara District Council Regional Transport Committee Alternate Representative Councillor Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock, be duly noted.     



5.             New Zealand Transport Agency Report to Regional Transport Committee (Item 6.2)

ID: A1092072

Report from Tegan Capp, Executive Assistant Customer Services - Community Resilience

Moved (Court/Martin)

1.    That the report ‘New Zealand Transport Agency Report to Regional Transport Committee’ from Kristin Taylor, New Zealand Transport Agency and dated 27 July 2018, be received.


Secretarial Note: It was noted that the Kaeo bridge update narration has remained the same for a long time, Steve Mutton is to provide a timeline.


6.             Northland Road Safety Action Plan Update (Item 6.3)

ID: A1091500

Report from Ian Crayton-Brown, Transport Projects Officer

Moved (Dimery/Bain)

1.    That the report ‘Northland Road Safety Action Plan Update’ by Ian Crayton-Brown, Transport Projects Officer and Trish Rudolph, NZTA Regional Road Safety Advisor and dated 26 July 2018, be received.


Secretarial Note: Ian Crayton-Brown will send out an email with date suggestions to identify availability of members.


7.             Transport Agency Investment Proposal and Provincial Growth Application Update (Item 7.1)

ID: A1092089

Report from Tegan Capp, Executive Assistant Customer Services - Community Resilience

Moved (Bain/Martin)

1.         That the report ‘Transport Agency Investment Proposal and Provincial Growth Application Update’ by Steve Mutton, New Zealand Transport Agency and dated 27 July 2018, be received.

2.         That a workshop date is confirmed and carried out prior to the next meeting.



8.             Regional Walking and Cycling Strategy Update (Item 7.2)

ID: A1091488

Report from Darryl Jones, Economist and Darryl Jones, Economist

Moved (Bain/Dimery)

1.         That the report ‘Regional Walking and Cycling Strategy Update’ by Darryl Jones, Economist and Jon Trewin, Policy Analyst and dated 26 July 2018, be received.

2.         That the Regional Transport Committee approves the final version of the Northland Walking and Cycling Strategy to be presented to the Northland Regional Council meeting in August for formal adoption.


Secretarial Note: The supplementary paper that Cr Ann Court circulated will be deferred until the next meeting. The Chair confirmed that the paper would be added to the agenda for the December meeting.



The meeting concluded at 11.23am.



Regional Transport Committee                                                                                                                                  item: 4.1

3 October 2018



Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018 - 2021 Funding Uptake




Chris Powell, Transport Manager


Executive summary

Reports on the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan – Funding Uptake are tabled at each Regional Transport Committee (RTC) meeting.


These reports serve to update the RTC on the progress of funding uptake by each of the regions four approved road-controlling authorities and the Northland Regional Council.


Due to the late release of the 2018 – 21 National Land Transport Programme, the number of early requests for variations to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 – Three Year Review and the very short expenditure period, there is limited value in presenting a report to the 3 October 2018 RTC meeting.



1.    That the report ‘Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018 - 2021 Funding Uptake’ by Chris Powell, Transport Manager and dated 21 September 2018, be received.




Reports on the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan – Funding Uptake are tabled at each Regional Transport Committee (RTC) meeting.


These reports serve to update the RTC on the progress of funding uptake by each of the regions four approved road-controlling authorities and the Northland Regional Council. Comparisons on Budgeted Expenditure against Actual Expenditure by Activity/Programme for both the full financial year and year to date of the relevant financial year are provided.


The base information contained in the spreadsheets is sourced directly from the New Zealand Transport Agency’s (NZTA’s) ‘2018 – 21 National Land Transport Programme for Northland’ and from the relevant subsidy claims as submitted to NZTA by the approved authorities.




Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


26 September 2018


Regional Transport Committee                                                                                                                                  item: 5.1

3 October 2018



Northland Road Safety Update




Ian Crayton-Brown, Transport Projects Officer


Executive summary

This report serves to update the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) on the progress of the Northland Road Safety Action Plan and on-going regional road safety related issues.



1.    That the report ‘Northland Road Safety Update’ by Ian Crayton-Brown, Transport Projects Officer and dated 26 September 2018, be received.




Regional road safety progress reports are provided at each Regional Transport Committee (RTC) meeting. These shared reports; along with input from the Northland Road Policing Manager, provides an overview of the progress made on both the strategic and programme outcomes for the Northland region.


New Zealand Police Road Safety Presentation

Northland Road Policing Manager Inspector Wayne Ewers will present on Police road safety response across Northland.

This road safety update gives a rolling outline of the fatal crashes and issues for 2018 on Northlands roads.


Road Safety Action Planning

The Regional Transport Committee (RTC) approved Northland Regional Road Safety Action (RRSAP) Plan compiled in collaboration with the regions road safety partners. This is an evidence based living document that identifies, prioritises and implements the regions agreed road safety interventions in an effort to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on our roads.

The above document aligns with the Governments Key Strategic Priority of “Significantly reducing the number of deaths and serious injuries that occur on the transport network”.

The RRSAP is set to be updated through the soon to be released ‘Northland Road Safety Issues 2013-2017 Crash Data’, which assists in the planning and understanding of crash behavior across Northland along with other key crash data information.

The main Regional Road Safety Key Areas of Focus were identified as: -

1.    High Risk Rural Roads

2.    Alcohol

3.    Motorcycles

4.    Speed

5.    Young Drivers

6.    Seatbelts


National and Regional Statistics Relating to Deaths on Roads

National Statistics

There have been 275 deaths nationally on the nation’s roads for the period 1 January 2018 to 25 September 2018 compared to 265 deaths during the same period in 2017.


Regional Statistics

There have been 23 deaths on Northlands roads for the period 1 January 2018 to 25 September 2018, compared to 24 deaths during the same period in 2017.


When analyzing the 23 deaths, it is noted that 15 occurred on State Highways and 8 local roads.


The statistics relating to these deaths are as follows –

·    14 car or van drivers

·    7 car or van passengers

·    2 motorcyclists

·    0 pedestrians


National and Regional Road Safety Campaigns

NZTA Campaigns

The following campaigns are being run by NZTA in an effort to address nationally identified road safety related issues: -

Importance of Correct Tyre Tread Depth



To complement the above, NZTA have developed and are distributing custom made ‘tyre tread checker keyrings’ to encourage drivers to regularly measure their tyre tread depth.



Excessive speed continues to be a serious ongoing challenge.  NZTA’s latest advertising is targeted at reminding drivers that speed does have a direct impact on the outcome of any crash. It has been designed around the scenario of being ‘In my Shoes’ and delivered by a Police Officer at different locations and stages of speed related incidents.

This project aligns with Northlands Regional Road Safety Key Areas of Focus relating addressing the negative outcomes of Speed.


High Risk Rural Roads

This is an ongoing project managed by each of the road controlling authorities. This covers both local roads and state highways.

This project aligns with Northlands Regional Road Safety Key Areas of Focus relating to the identification and addressing High Risk Rural Roads



This ongoing activity includes: -

·    Enforcement – NZ Police;

Promotion/Education – Undertaken through Dive Soba (addressing recidivist drink driving), SAID, ongoing regional media advertising, road side checkpoints, Marae and community based programmes.

The above projects align with Northlands Regional Road Safety Key Areas of Focus to address the high number of Alcohol related crashes on the regions roads.


Motorcycle Education Stops & September – Motorcycle Awareness Month

Six motorcycle education roadside stops have now taken place together with Police and supported by ACC on SH1. Motorcyclists that stopped were very appreciative of the opportunity to discuss motorcycle training opportunities that ACC offers through the Ride Forever initiative.

Motorcycle Awareness Month has been heavily promoted across numerous print and social media platforms.

The above aligns with Northlands Regional Road Safety Key Areas of Focus relating to Motorcycles.


Young Drivers

Projects directed at this road safety category predominantly revolve around young driver mentoring programmers undertaken around the region.

This aligns with Northlands Regional Road Safety Key Areas of Focus on assisting young people to become safer drivers.



This is an ongoing initiative and includes: -

·    Enforcement -  NZ Police and community check points;

·    Education – Roadside checkpoints, continued advertising through all forms of local media.

The above aligns with Northlands Regional Road Safety Key Areas of Focus on trying to reduce the number of drivers not wearing seatbelts.


Road Safety Workshop

Planning for the proposed road safety workshop with the Regional Transport Committee has stalled with NZTA and road safety partners having difficulty confirming a suitable date.



Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


26 September 2018


Regional Transport Committee                                                                                                                                  item: 5.2

3 October 2018



New Zealand Transport Agency Report to Regional Transport Committee




Chris Powell, Transport Manager


Executive summary

The New Zealand Transport Agency have provided an update to the Regional Transport Committee in the attached report which will be delivered as a presentation at the meeting.



1.    That the report ‘New Zealand Transport Agency Report to Regional Transport Committee’ by Chris Powell, on behalf of Steve Mutton, NZTA and dated 26 September 2018, be received.



The New Zealand Transport Agency have provided the Regional Transport Committee with an update on the following topics:

·    National priority programmes

·    Safe networks programme

·    Road safety barriers

·    Electric Scooters

·    Rail safety

·    Project map and Provincial Growth Fund

·    Maintenance and Operations programme



Attachment 1: NZTA Presentation to Regional Transport Committee  

Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


26 September 2018


Regional Transport Committee  ITEM: 5.2

3 October 2018Attachment 1

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Regional Transport Committee                                                                                                                                  item: 6.1

3 October 2018



Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Kaipara District Council Low Cost Low Risk Improvements Program




Chris Powell, Transport Manager


Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to request that the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) approve that the Kaipara District Council’s (KDC) Low Cost/Low Risk Improvements costs contained in the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 - Three Year Review (RLTP) be amended to align with the figures as contained in the KDC Long Term Plan (LTP)

The initial program uploaded onto the NZ Transportation Agency’s Transport Investment Online (TIO) system was considered draft. Following public consultation, the 2018-28 LTP was adopted containing revised and agreed figures.

A breakdown of the approved LTP figures compared to the draft figures can be seen below:

Low Cost Low Risk Improvements



LTP Approved Budgets

Initial Draft Budgets


Bridge Replacements




Minor Improvements/Safety/Resilience




New Footpaths




Internal Professional Services




Financial Contributions Programme




Growth and Demand




Paths, Walkways and Cycleways









The table above shows a difference of $3,255,439 between the Approved LTP budgets (after public consultation) and the initial draft budgets uploaded into TIO. Further breakdown of the budgets can be seen under Financial Implications.

This application does not require public consultation, as it does not invoke the Significance Policy as contained under Section 8.3 of the RLTP, due to the fact that public consultation has already been carried out, and the consequent LTP budgets approved.

Section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 allows for the variation of a regional land transport plan under certain conditions. These conditions are detailed in the main body of this report.


1.         That the report ‘Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Kaipara District Council Low Cost Low Risk Improvements Program’ by Chris Powell on behalf of Henri van Zyl, Kaipara District Council Roading Manager and dated 24 September 2018, be received.

2.         That the Regional Transport Committee approves the request to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 to include the approved and adopted LTP budgets for Low Cost Low Risk Improvements as per the breakdown portrayed within this report.



Application to Vary the Northland Land Transport Plan 2015/18

The Kaipara District Council (KDC) have requested that the Regional Transport Committee approve a variation to the Northland Land Transport Plan 2018/21 (RLTP).

The application has been made for the very reason that the correct approved LTP budgets adopted by Council has not been included in the RLTP (which was formally approved by the RTC in August 2018) and therefore not in the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) for funding.

A summary of the breakdown of the budgets can be seen below:

Low Cost Low Risk Improvements



LTP Approved Budgets

Initial Draft Budgets


Bridge Replacements




Minor Improvements/Safety/Resilience




New Footpaths




Internal Professional Services




Financial Contributions Program




Growth and Demand




Paths; Walkways and Cycleways









The benefits associated with the inclusion of the correct approved and adopted LTP budgets for Low Cost Low Risk Improvements in the RLTP 2018/21:

·    Network resilience is ensured by means of adhering to the current approved program set out for delivery (slip remedial works, rehabilitation associated works; drainage Improvements); and

·    Safety related projects can commence as per the agreed program, ensuring that we work towards reducing deaths and serious injuries on our network (School zone improvements; corner realignments; route treatments; etc.); and

·    Additional infrastructure is implemented to ensure the public can safely travel from origin to destination, ultimately contributing to a safer and more resilient network (Intersection improvements; footpaths; shared paths; etc.).

Land Transport Management Act 2003

Section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 provides for the variation of a regional land transport plan in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) A regional transport committee may prepare a variation to its regional land transport plan during the 6 years to which it applies if: -

(a) the variation addresses an issue raised by a review carried out under  
section 18CA; or

(b) good reason exists for making the variation.

(2) A variation may be prepared by a regional transport committee:-

(a) at the request of an approved organisation or the Agency; or

(b) on the regional transport committee’s own motion.


Section (3) relates to Auckland Transport only.

(4) The regional transport committee or Auckland Transport must consider any
 variation request promptly.

(5) The provisions of this Act that apply to the preparation of a regional land  
 transport plan apply with the necessary modifications to a variation of a

     regional land transport plan; however, consultation is not required for any  
 variation that:-

(a) is not significant; or

(b) arises from the declaration or revocation of a State highway.

(6) Section 18B applies, with the necessary modifications, to the approval by a 
 regional council of a variation of a regional land transport plan.

(7) The Agency must consider promptly whether to vary the national land
 transport programme after receiving a varied regional land transport plan
 forwarded to it by a regional council or Auckland Transport.

(8) A variation of a regional land transport plan does not create an obligation on the Agency to vary the national land transport programme, but the Agency must give written reasons for any decision not to do so.         


Significance Policy

This application does not invoke the Significance Policy contained under Section 8.3 of the RLTP, as it does not result in: -

·    Addition or removal of a prioritised activity with an approved allocation of more than $7 million, irrespective of the source of funding;

·    A scope change to a prioritised activity costing more than 10 percent of the approved allocation but not less than $7 million, irrespective of the source of funding;

·    A change in the priority of an activity with an approved allocation of more than $7 million, irrespective of the source of funding; orA change in the proportion of nationally distributed funding (N funding) allocated to a prioritised activity with an approved allocation of more than $7 million



1.         Options

The variation to a Regional Land Transport Plan must be undertaken in accordance with the conditions of: -

·        Section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003;

·        Section 106 (2) of the Land Transport Management Amendments Act 2013; and

·        Section 8.3 of the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21.

The staff recommended option is as detailed above.

2.         Significance and engagement

When analysed against the following documents, this issue is not considered significant and does not require public consultation.


3.         Policy, risk management and legislative compliance

The request to vary the RLTP is undertaken in accordance with the relevant requirements of the: -

·        Land Transport Management Act 2003;

·        Land Transport Management Amendments Act 2013; and

·        Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21.

Further considerations

4.         Community views

As this matter does not exceed any of the above mentioned significance policies, no public consultation is required. All consultation has been completed and forms the basis for this application.

5.         Māori impact statement

At this early stage of the RLTP, there are no known particular impacts on Māori which are different from general users of the road network.

6.         Financial implications

The adopted 2018-28 LTP budgets for Low Cost Low Risk Improvements have been consulted on, and approved. The current LTP budgets reflected in the RLTP does not reflect the adopted 2018-28 LTP budgets. The adopted 2018-28 LTP budgets for Low Cost Low Risk Improvements have agreed and available local share to be able to complete the prescribed program of works.

A breakdown of the adopted 2018-28 LTP budgets for Low Cost Low Risk Improvements can be seen as follows:










LC-LR Improvements





LTP Approved Budgets

Initial Draft Budgets


LTP Approved Budgets

Initial Draft Budgets


LTP Approved Budgets

Initial Draft Budgets


Bridge Replacements










Minor Improvements/ Safety/ Resilience










New Footpaths










Internal Professional Services










Financial Contributions Program










Growth and Demand










Paths; Walkways and Cycleways





















There are thus no financial implications from a local share perspective as a result of the variation sought.

7.         Implementation issues

There are no implementation issues recognised at this point.


Attachment 1: Variation Request Letter from Kaipara District Council  

Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


26 September 2018


Regional Transport Committee  ITEM: 6.1

3 October 2018Attachment 1

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Regional Transport Committee                                                                                                                                  item: 6.2

3 October 2018



Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Whangarei District Council Maunu Road/Porowini Avenue Intersection Upgrade




Chris Powell, Transport Manager


Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to request that the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) approve a variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 (RLTP).

The Whangarei District Council have requested that the following project be included in the RLTP as a separately named activity: -

·    Whangarei District Council Maunu Rd/Porowini Ave Intersection Upgrade

This project has already been included in the RLTP in the Whangarei District Council’s Low Cost/Low Risk Improvement programme.  The Whangarei District Council have also requested that the budget for their Low Cost/Low Risk Improvement programme be decreased to offset the funding required for the above project.

This application does not require public consultation, as it does not invoke the Significance Policy as contained under Section 8.3 of the RLTP.

Section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 allows for the variation of a regional land transport plan under certain conditions. These conditions are detailed in the main body of this report.



1.         That the report ‘Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21 – Whangarei District Council Maunu Road/Porowini Avenue Intersection Upgrade’ by Chris Powell, on behalf of Jeffrey Devine WDC Roading Manager and dated 26 September 2018, be received.

2.         That the Regional Transport Committee approves the request to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 as follows:

·    Include the Whangarei District Council Maunu Rd/Porowini Ave Intersection Upgrade at an estimated cost of $1,800,000.

·    Adjust the Whangarei District Council Low Cost/Low Risk Improvement budget for 2018/19 from $9,380,000 to $7,580,000.




Application to Vary the Northland Land Transport Plan 2015/21

The Whangarei District Council (WDC) have requested that the Regional Transport Committee approve a variation to the Northland Land Transport Plan 2015/21 (RLTP).

The application has been made because NZTA have advised that the “Maunu Rd/Porowini Ave Intersection Upgrade” project should be included in the RLTP as a separately identified improvement project.  This project is currently included in the RLTP in WDC’s Low Cost/Low Risk Improvement programme.  This change is effectively a transfer from one activity to another and does not change the total funding allocated to WDC.

The impact of these changes is shown in the table below:





Maunu Rd/Porowini Ave Intersection Upgrade




Low Cost/Low Risk Improvements


(-$1,800,000 Change)


(No Change)


(No Change)

Total Budget Change





The benefit of this change is that the projects will better match NZTA requirements to attract funding.


Land Transport Management Act 2003

Section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 provides for the variation of a regional land transport plan in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) A regional transport committee may prepare a variation to its regional land transport plan during the 6 years to which it applies if: -

(a) the variation addresses an issue raised by a review carried out under  
section 18CA; or

(b) good reason exists for making the variation.

(2) A variation may be prepared by a regional transport committee:-

(a) at the request of an approved organisation or the Agency; or

(b) on the regional transport committee’s own motion.


Section (3) relates to Auckland Transport only.

(4) The regional transport committee or Auckland Transport must consider any
 variation request promptly.

(5) The provisions of this Act that apply to the preparation of a regional land  
 transport plan apply with the necessary modifications to a variation of a

     regional land transport plan; however, consultation is not required for any  
 variation that:-

(a) is not significant; or

(b) arises from the declaration or revocation of a State highway.

(6) Section 18B applies, with the necessary modifications, to the approval by a 
 regional council of a variation of a regional land transport plan.

(7) The Agency must consider promptly whether to vary the national land
 transport programme after receiving a varied regional land transport plan
 forwarded to it by a regional council or Auckland Transport.

(8) A variation of a regional land transport plan does not create an obligation on the Agency to vary the national land transport programme, but the Agency must give written reasons for any decision not to do so.


Significance Policy

This application does not invoke the Significance Policy contained under Section 8.3 of the RLTP, as it does not result in: -

·    Addition or removal of a prioritised activity with an approved allocation of more than $7 million, irrespective of the source of funding;

·    A scope change to a prioritised activity costing more than 10 percent of the approved allocation but not less than $7 million, irrespective of the source of funding;

·    A change in the priority of an activity with an approved allocation of more than $7 million, irrespective of the source of funding; or

·    A change in the proportion of nationally distributed funding (N funding) allocated to a prioritised activity with an approved allocation of more than $7 million.


1.         Options

The variation to a Regional Land Transport Plan must be undertaken in accordance with the conditions of: -

·        Section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003;

·        Section 106 (2) of the Land Transport Management Amendments Act 2013; and

·        Section 8.3 of the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21.

The staff recommended option is as detailed above.

2.         Significance and engagement

When analysed against the following documents, this issue is not considered significant and does not require public consultation.


3.         Policy, risk management and legislative compliance

The request to vary the RLTP is undertaken in accordance with the relevant requirements of the: -

·        Land Transport Management Act 2003;

·        Land Transport Management Amendments Act 2013; and

·        Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2018/21.

Further considerations

4.         Community views

As this matter does not exceed any of the above mentioned significance policies, no public consultation is required.


5.         Māori impact statement

At this early stage of the RLTP, there are no known particular impacts on Māori which are different from general users of the road network.

6.         Financial implications

The financial implications are detailed in the report and are not considered significant.

7.         Implementation issues

There are no implementation issues recognised at this point.


Attachment 1: Variation Request Letter from Whangarei District Council  


Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


26 September 2018


Regional Transport Committee  ITEM: 6.2

3 October 2018Attachment 1

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PDF Creator

Regional Transport Committee                                                                                                                                  item: 6.3

3 October 2018



Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 – New Zealand Transport Agency – Northland Passing and Overtaking Opportunities – Detailed Business Case




Chris Powell, Transport Manager


Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to request that the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) approve a variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 (RLTP).

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) have requested that the following project be included in the RLTP under the State Highway Improvements funding category: -


·    Northland Passing and Overtaking Opportunities – Detailed Business Case.


This is a new project at a total cost of $600,000 and is scheduled to be completed in the 2018/19 financial year.


As indicated in the attached letter, funding to undertake the detailed business case will be applied for through the Provincial Growth Fund and therefore will have no financial impact on the approved RLTP at this time. 


This application does not require public consultation, as it does not invoke the Significance Policy as contained under Section 8.3 of the RLTP.


Section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 allows for the variation of a regional land transport plan under certain conditions. These conditions are detailed in the main body of this report.



1.         That the report ‘Request to Vary the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 – New Zealand Transport Agency – Northland Passing and Overtaking Opportunities – Detailed Business Case’ by Chris Powell, on behalf of Simon Barnet, Principal Transport Planner and dated 26 September 2018, be received.

2.         That the Regional Transport Committee approves the request to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/21 as follows:

·    Include the Northland Passing and Overtaking Opportunities – Detailed Business Case at an estimated cost of $600,000.



Application to Vary the Northland Land Transport Plan 2015/21

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) have requested that the Regional Transport Committee approve a variation to the Northland Land Transport Plan 2015/21 (RLTP).

This is a new project and therefore has not been included in the approved RLTP. NZTA have indicated that funding for this variation will be sought through the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF). Should this funding application be successful, it will have no financial impact on the RLTP at this time.

It is important to note that any transport related activities seeking funding assistance from the PGF must have the project included in the regions approved RLTP.


The impact of these change is shown in the table below:





Northland Passing and Overtaking Opportunities – Detailed Business Case




Total of Request





Land Transport Management Act 2003

Section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 provides for the variation of a regional land transport plan in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) A regional transport committee may prepare a variation to its regional land transport plan during the 6 years to which it applies if: -

(a) the variation addresses an issue raised by a review carried out under  
section 18CA; or

(b) good reason exists for making the variation.

(2) A variation may be prepared by a regional transport committee:-

(a) at the request of an approved organisation or the Agency; or

(b) on the regional transport committee’s own motion.

Section (3) relates to Auckland Transport only.

(4) The regional transport committee or Auckland Transport must consider any
 variation request promptly.

(5) The provisions of this Act that apply to the preparation of a regional land  
 transport plan apply with the necessary modifications to a variation of a

     regional land transport plan; however, consultation is not required for any  
 variation that:-

(a) is not significant; or

(b) arises from the declaration or revocation of a State highway.

(6) Section 18B applies, with the necessary modifications, to the approval by a 
 regional council of a variation of a regional land transport plan.

(7) The Agency must consider promptly whether to vary the national land
 transport programme after receiving a varied regional land transport plan
 forwarded to it by a regional council or Auckland Transport.

(8) A variation of a regional land transport plan does not create an obligation on the Agency to vary the national land transport programme, but the Agency must give written reasons for any decision not to do so.

Significance Policy

This application does not invoke the Significance Policy contained under Section 8.3 of the RLTP, as it does not result in: -

·    Addition or removal of a prioritised activity with an approved allocation of more than $7 million, irrespective of the source of funding;

·    A scope change to a prioritised activity costing more than 10 percent of the approved allocation but not less than $7 million, irrespective of the source of funding;

·    A change in the priority of an activity with an approved allocation of more than $7 million, irrespective of the source of funding; or

·    A change in the proportion of nationally distributed funding (N funding) allocated to a prioritised activity with an approved allocation of more than $7 million.



1.         Options

 The variation to a Regional Land Transport Plan must be undertaken in accordance with the conditions of: -

·    Section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003;

·    Section 106(2) of the Land Transport Management Amendments Act 2013; and

·    Section 8.3 of the Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/18.


The staff recommended option is as detailed above.


2.         Significance and engagement

When analysed against the following documents, this issue is not considered significant and does not require public consultation.

3.         Policy, risk management and legislative compliance

The request to vary the RLTP is undertaken in accordance with the relevant requirements of the: -

•          Land Transport Management Act 2003;

•          Land Transport Management Amendments Act 2013; and

•          Northland Regional Land Transport Plan 2015/18.

Further considerations

4.         Community views

As this matter does not exceed any of the above mentioned significance policies, no public consultation is required.

5.         Māori impact statement

At this early stage of the RLTP, there are no known particular impacts on Māori, which are different from general users of the road network.

6.         Financial implications

The financial implications are detailed in the report and are not considered significant.

7.         Implementation issues

There are no implementation issues recognised at this point.



Attachment 1: Variation Request Letter from NZTA  

Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


26 September 2018


Regional Transport Committee  ITEM: 6.3

3 October 2018Attachment 1

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