Planning Working Party

Wednesday 13 February 2019 at 1.00pm





Planning Working Party

13 February 2019

Planning Working Party Agenda


Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Wednesday 13 February 2019, commencing at 1.00pm


Please note: working parties and working groups carry NO formal decision-making delegations from council. The purpose of the working party/group is to carry out preparatory work and discussions prior to taking matters to the full council for formal consideration and decision-making. Working party/group meetings are open to the public to attend (unless there are specific grounds under LGOIMA for the public to be excluded).


MEMBERSHIP OF THE Planning Working Party

Chair, Councillor Joce Yeoman

Councillor John Bain

Councillor Paul Dimery

Councillor Bill Shepherd (Ex-Officio)

Councillor Penny Smart

Non Elected Member from TTMAC




Item                                                                                                                                                                                   Page

1.0       apologies   

2.0       declarations of conflicts of interest

3.0       Reports

3.1       Record of Actions – 5 December 2018                                                                                                3

3.2       Natural Resources Policy Team Work Programme                                                                          6

3.3       Planning Working Party Terms of Reference - verbal update

Michael Day will provide a verbal update to the Planning Working Party with regards to the Terms of Reference of the Working Party.




Planning Working Party                                                                                                                                              item: 3.1

13 February 2019



Record of Actions – 5 December 2018




Evania Arani, Planning and Policy Team Admin/PA


Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to present the Record of Actions of the last meeting (attached) held on 05 December 2018 for review by the meeting.


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: Record of Actions Sheet - 05 December 2018  

Authorised by Group Manager


Jonathan Gibbard


Group Manager - Strategy, Governance and Engagement


07 February 2019


Planning Working Party  ITEM: 3.1

13 February 2019Attachment 1

PDF Creator


PDF Creator

Planning Working Party                                                                                                                                              item: 3.2

13 February 2019





Natural Resources Policy Team Work Programme




Michael Day, Natural Resources Policy Manager


Executive summary/Whakarāpopototanga

The development of the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland has been the single biggest project for the Policy and Planning team over the past three years.  As this has now gone through the Hearings process, upcoming work of the Policy and Planning team will be more diverse.


This paper provides an indicative snapshot of work that the Natural Resources Policy Team (within the Strategy Policy and Planning Team) will be focusing on over the next three years.  For clarity, it only focuses on projects that fall within the existing Terms of Reference of the Planning Working Party, meaning that it is work that the Planning Working Party can expect more information on in due course.


Recommended actions

1.         Planning Working Party to receive paper and provide verbal feedback on the proposed upcoming work programme.



The table below outlines the RMA Planning work we anticipate[1] will be the focus over the next three years.  It does not outline all operational detail of the activities.  The intent is to provide the Planning Working Party with a snapshot of upcoming work and a heads up of future work that the Working Party can expect to workshop in due course.




Indicative timeframe

Coastal Occupation Charging (COC)

While the Proposed Regional Plan has not included a COC regime, Councillors have indicated a desire to further explore how a charging regime may work and the pros and cons of initiating such a regime.

Council decision mid-2019 whether to proceed further or not.

Wetland mapping

Will result in plan change to identify (map) wetlands that warrant further protection through the regional plan.

Notify 2021

Councils Freshwater NPS implementation programme

Suite of actions to implement the requirements of the Freshwater NPS, including plan changes – see below for further detail

Project Plan finalised May 2019

Plan Changes notified late 2021

Freshwater quality management plan change

A plan change to set water quality limits and regulation to ensure the limits are met.  Required to give effect to the freshwater NPS

Notify late 2021


Catchment-specific water quantity limits

Catchment specific limits to replace regional ‘default’ limits within highly allocated water bodies.

Same as above for efficiency.

Proposed Regional Plan Appeals (making new plan Operative)

Proposed Regional Plan decisions likely to be released May 2019.  The next stage will involve resolving appeals and making the new plan Operative.

End of 2020 (hopefully)

District plan changes

The planning team provides feedback and makes submissions on changes to district plans.  The main reasons are to ensure the RPS is being given effect to and to ensure council operations (e.g. flood management) are not unduly regulated. 


District council consents (review / commentary)

See explanation for district plan changes.


Treaty settlement process

Planning staff provide input into Treaty settlement legislation as there are implications for council and council’s RMA plans.  Ngati Whatua settlement for the Kaipara Moana is a current live process staff are involved with.


TOAT Beach Board (90 Mile Beach)

Advice to board and potentially leading/assisting with preparation of beach management plan.

Advice to board – ongoing

Beach management plan – 2019 and 2020.


NRC input into national proposals under the RMA (e.g. proposed NPS for biodiversity or NPS on Hazard Management)

The planning team lead council input into national proposals (e.g. submissions and sitting on advisory groups) that flow from the RMA.


Central Government has indicated there may be substantial amendments to the RMA in 2019 as well as a raft of new National Policy Statements.


Regional Plan implementation/guidance material

Once the Plan is operative, the planning team may produce guidance material to assist with interpreting / implementing the Plan.

Early 2021 (or when new plan becomes Operative)

Additional sites of significance to tangata whenua – plan change


Possible plan change.  Likely to piggy back on other water related plan change.

Notify 2021

Manawhakahono o rohe (MWR)

Planning team involved with the development of MWR as much of the content relates to RMA planning activities.

2019 - 2021

RPS – 5-year review

RMA requires a review of the RPS.




Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga



Authorised by Group Manager


Jonathan Gibbard


Group Manager - Strategy, Governance and Engagement


07 February 2019


[1] As should be expected, this is a bit of a ‘crystal ball’ gazing exercise, as we cannot fully anticipate what will come out of Central Government, nor be generated by external stakeholders, that we need to prioritise and respond to.