Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting

Monday 17 June 2019 at 11.00am




































Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting

17 June 2019

Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting Agenda


Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Monday 17 June 2019, commencing at 11.00am


Recommendations contained in the agenda are NOT decisions of the meeting. Please refer to minutes for resolutions.


MEMBERSHIP OF THE Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting

Chairman, FNDC Councillor Colin Kitchen

KDC Councillor Anna Curnow

NZ Police Representative Superintendent Tony Hill

WDC Mayor Sheryl Mai

FENZ Representative Mr Commander Brad Mosby

NRC Councillor Rick Stolwerk

MCDEM Representative, Ms John Titmus (Observer Status)



Item                                                                                                                                                                                   Page

1.0       apologies   

2.0       declarations of conflicts of interest

3.0       Confirmation of Minutes

3.1       Confirmation of Minutes - 06 March 2019                                                                                         3

4.0       National

4.1       Monthly update from Director of Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management 9

4.2       Emergency Management Reforms                                                                                                     14

5.0       Group

5.1       Northland CDEM Group Work Programme 2019                                                                          18

5.2       Welfare Coordination Group Work Programme 2019                                                                 25

5.3       Northland CDEM Group Shared Services Update                                                                          40

5.4       Recovery Update                                                                                                                                       42

5.5       2019 Northland CDEM Forum                                                                                                              44

5.6       CDEM, CEG & Group Appointments                                                                                                   47

6.0       Operational

6.1       Northland Tsunami Readiness                                                                                                              49    


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 3.1

17 June 2019



Confirmation of Minutes - 06 March 2019




Evania Arani, Executive Assistant Customer Services - Community Resilience



That the minutes of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group meeting held on 06 March 2019 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: Unconfirmed minutes of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - 06 March 2019  

Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


10 June 2019


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting  ITEM: 3.1

17 June 2019Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 4.1

17 June 2019



Monthly update from Director of Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management




Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager


Executive summary/Whakarāpopototanga

Attached for the information of the group is the most recent update provided by the Director of Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management.



That the report ‘Monthly update from Director of Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management ’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager and dated 10 June 2019, be received.



Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: Directors monthly update to CEG Chairs and CDEM Group  

Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


10 June 2019


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting  ITEM: 4.1

17 June 2019Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 4.2

17 June 2019



Emergency Management Reforms




Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager


Executive summary/Whakarāpopototanga

The Minister of Finance, Hon. Grant Robertson delivered the Budget 2019 on 30 May and made two announcements that impact the civil defence emergency management sector.

1.    Funding to establish a National Emergency Management Agency.

2.    To improve response capability.



That the report ‘Emergency Management Reforms ’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager and dated 10 June 2019, be received.


Budget announcements

In the Budget 2019 funding has been announced to strengthen the emergency management system with $3 million for the establishment of a new National Emergency Management Agency, by 30 June 2020, and a further $1.5 million to improve the resilience of response capability.  The attached letter from the Minster of Civil Defence Hon. Kris Faafoi outlines further details.


Legislative changes

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet officials are continuing to work through many proposed legislative changes.   Included in the changes that are being considered is iwi representation on the Coordinating Executive Group.  


The changes to the legislation are likely to take some time to develop and are unlikely to be drafted before the end of this year.  It is uncertain how long any changes may take to be passed.


Several meetings with Te Pouni Korkiri have been held locally to discuss options on how to engage with the iwi and how to get broad representation on the CEG.


EMIS Replacement

Progress is being made to replace the EMIS with Microsoft Teams.  The following is an outline timeline for the system implementation.


19 July                                     1st Iteration of the system will be Live.  Further work will be needed, but it can be used for demonstrations

19 July - 2 Aug.       MCDEM to provide ‘show & tell’ roadshow and discuss rollout approach with each Group and Agency

14 Aug.                      “Good Practice” EXERCISE

15 Aug. – 31 Oct.    Development of Con Ops, SOP and Training Material

1-15 Nov.                  Train-the-trainer sessions


Groups to roll out February 2020 onwards.




Once live, the use of the system will be reviewed after each live event and amended if required.

•     User Group will be established to review and approve changes to the system and operational practices.

•     Intent is to test the system during the AF8 exercise in late 2020.


Implementation by CDEM Groups

Officials from the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management will meet with representatives of the Northland CDEM Group on 17 June to review the alignment of work programmes aimed at implementation of the various key stands of work that MCDEM have identified with the group work programme.


The Northland CDEM Group already had in place some of the identified activities ahead of the review and has been working to deliver those areas of work that are relevant to the region.                                    


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: Letter from Hon Kris Faafoi - Budget 2019 Investment in National Emergency Management Agency  

Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


10 June 2019


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting  ITEM: 4.2

17 June 2019Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 5.1

17 June 2019



Northland CDEM Group Work Programme 2019




Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager


Executive summary/Whakarāpopototanga

Attached for the information of the group is the updated Northland CDEM Group work programme 2018-19.



That the report ‘Northland CDEM Group Work Programme 2019 ’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager and dated 10 June 2019, be received.



Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: Northland CDEM Group Work Programme 2019  

Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


10 June 2019


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting  ITEM: 5.1

17 June 2019Attachment 1

Northland CDEM Group

Work Programme 2018 – 2019








































CDEM Group



·      Negotiate, agree, deliver and report upon the Northland CDEM shared services work programmes for the Whangarei, Far North and Kaipara District Councils.

·      Review and report on the key recommendations, and outcomes of the Ministerial review and where necessary implement the appropriate findings at the Northland level (incorporates the MCDEM Business Plan 2018 - 2022).

·      Engage with, provide feedback and submissions to MCDEM and other national agencies on strategies, guidelines and documents that may have a bearing on the Northland region, in particular the Ministerial review recommendations and actions.

·      Monitor and provide input and/or submit where appropriate on district council activities relevant to resilience/hazard management.

·      Develop, promote and implement a collaborative across region approach to CDEM.

·      Review the past year’s work programmes with a view to establishing those activities that should be maintained, those that could be reduced and those that could be omitted from future programmes.


FNDC, WDC, KDC, full agreements in place.


Review of EMSR underway


EMSR, NZ FIT, NEMDG ToR, NWCG representation.


No progress


On going



December workshop


Readiness and Response



·      Develop and implement an across region Exercise Programme. 

·      Develop a new strategy outlining how Northland CDEM engages with communities.

·      Review and maintain e CRP’s across the region.

·      Enhance the knowledge, understanding and preparedness of Northland’s vulnerable communities.

·      Provide capability to deliver business continuity courses on an as needed basis.

·      Implement and coordinate the region on call arrangement for Controllers and Duty Officers.





To be completed

Workshops held / underway



No courses planned


Underway and ongoing



Recovery framework, capacity and capability



·      Incorporate recovery as a key CDEM component.

·      Develop, promote and integrate recovery arrangements internally and externally.

·      Review existing recovery arrangements and where necessary act to strengthen or enhance the recovery structures in the region.





Welfare Co-ordination



·      Implement the agreed Northland CDEM strategy for delivery of Welfare arrangements across the region.

·      Deliver Northland Welfare Coordination Group work plan.

·      Engage with and contribute to the National Welfare arrangements, including planning and delivery.  

·      Review and update Welfare plans and arrangements, with an emphasis on priority actions.



Strategy approved by CEG. Work programme under

Representation now agreed

To be completed


EOC and ECC readiness



·      Enhance the readiness and response capability of the Group ECC.

·      Develop and implement a consistent and harmonised across region template or format for EOC’s.  



Underway (Priority High)


Forms completed.


Lifeline Utilities



·      Support and collaborate with the Northland Lifelines Group members to ensure ongoing engagement and commitment. 

·      Provide support to the Lifelines Utility Group projects and meetings.



Quarterly meetings annually





·      Maintain and enhance Northland’s alerting capability

·      Consolidate and improve delivery of important strategic information with key decision makers, spokespeople and the media so that they get the right information at the right time.

·      Train staff and ensure learnings/changes at a national level are conveyed within the Northland CDEM Group (including governance) and the reach if/when required is understood and available to other agencies.

·      Maintain and develop social media platforms to engage with community and across agencies.

·      Develop, maintain and strengthen Public Information arrangements.




Underway and ongoing




Operational Systems



·      Consider, evaluate and implement technology to support readiness and response arrangements i.e. Contacts app.  CDEM GIS Portal. 

·      Where necessary for larger scale technology projects develop a project outline or strategy.

·      Extending the reach of alerts into other platforms (websites, social media) as technology becomes available.

·      Create and maintain SOP’s and other plans to support operational capability.  


Partly complete and ongoing


To be completed




Tsunami Risk Management and preparedness



·      Develop a single region asset management plan for tsunami sirens and tsunami public information boards.

·      Complete an across region installation of tsunami public information boards.

·      Engage with and provide the Ministry of Education, school boards and principals with the high-level tsunami risk management tools to enable them to disseminate the information through schools.

·      Carry out bi-annual tsunami siren testing and reporting.

·      Review and implement any necessary changes in tsunami risk assessments.





Partly complete (High Priority)



Complete for 2018



Relationships and engagement



·      Build upon existing relationships; and leverage and enhance new relationships with partner agencies, communities, including with iwi and Maori communities.  

·      Deliver the YES programme.

·      Engage with national, regional and local level working groups, meetings and programmes where appropriate.

·      Consider and report on the mechanisms available to have Iwi representation at the CEG level taking into consideration the national review findings and any national recommendations or findings.

·      Work with PIM staff from other agencies (including those outside the region) to better understand strengths and reinforce logical separation of responsibilities, particularly during events.





Iwi engagement on CEG to be clarified.


Ongoing needs review

As above





Professional development



·      Review and provide professional development and training opportunities including CIMS, EOC, Welfare, Governance and Mayors as priorities.

·      Review and report upon the national level ITF courses.

·      Provide professional development programme and opportunities for all Controllers, Recovery Managers and Welfare Managers.



Ongoing and further development required

To be commenced


Human resources



Recruit and induct two Emergency Management Advisors (2 X FTE’s budget and approved). 





Portfolio’s – Area of responsibility


Lifelines Utility Group

Coordination of the Northland Lifelines Utility Group activities including assisting the Project Manager to deliver the Lifelines Utility Group work programme.  Acts as the focal point for LUG.

Kim Abbott

Welfare Coordination Group and Work Programme

Coordinates Welfare Coordinating Group activities and delivery of the work programme.  Acts as the focal point for all Welfare related matters. Chairs the WCG.

Supported by the Alternate Group Welfare Manager. 


Claire Nyberg


Shona Morgan


Shared services agreements.

Focal points are appointed to act for each of the three councils operating shared services arrangements.   The focal points act as the key points of contact.  Delivery of the agreed services is through the CDEM Group office personnel and not exclusively by the single point of contact.



Sharon Douglas

Victoria Harwood

Bill Hutchinson


Professional development

Acts to coordinate the professional development programme including CIMS, ECC and other professionally delivered external provider courses.  (Acts as the Groups representative on the CDAG).


Kim Abbott

Controllers development and training of staff

Provides guidance, training and direction to ensure Controllers and the on-call staff are equipped with the appropriate tools to implement the on-call roster arrangements.


Claire Nyberg


Delivers specific projects as the Project Manager.  (Project Manager acts as the focal point including but not limited to project oversight, responsibility for decisions, coordination and delivery and its implementation.  Projects may become long term programmes. 

Projects –

Marae Preparedness

Business Continuity

Vulnerable Communities


Tsunami Sirens and

Tsunami signboards

Community response plans and planning

Youth and Emergency Services

Contacts Management

Exercise Programme

Community Engagement strategy

GIS Portal     







Claire Nyberg

Kim Abbott

Shona Morgan

Victoria Harwood, Bill Hutchinson, Sharon Douglas

Shona Morgan and 3 above.

Shona Morgan

Kim Abbott

Shona Morgan

Shona Morgan

Shona Morgan


Coordinates and leads the regional recovery programme. 


Jenny Calder


Develops the Group ECC  



Claire Nyberg and Shona Morgan

Communications Engagement

Acts as a focal point to engage with and provide guidance and support to communications specialists across agency. Provides specialist knowledge and oversees the apps/communications mechanisms. 



Murray Soljak


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 5.2

17 June 2019



Welfare Coordination Group Work Programme 2019




Claire Nyberg, Civil Defence Emergency Management - Welfare


Executive summary/Whakarāpopototanga

This report outlines the delivery of the Welfare Coordination Group work programme.



1.         That the report ‘Welfare Coordination Group Work Programme 2019’ by Claire Nyberg, Civil Defence Emergency Management - Welfare and dated 10 June 2019, be received.

2.         That the ‘Welfare Coordination Group Work Programme 2019/2020’ be accepted.



Welfare Coordination Group Meeting

The second Welfare Coordination Group (WCG) meeting of the year was held on 10 May.  The following agencies attended;

·    Northland CDEM (responsible for registration, needs assessment, household goods and services and emergency shelter and accommodation)

·    NZ Police (Inquiry)

·    Oranga Tamariki (Care and protection services for children and young persons)

·    Northland DHB (Psychosocial Support)

·    Ministry of Social Development (Financial Support)

·    Ministry of Primary Industry representative (Animal Welfare)

·    Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) were not present but provided an update given by the Group Welfare Manager and were on standby to teleconference for questions.

Supporting agencies with no representation at the meeting included; Housing NZ, IRD, ACC and Te Puni Kokiri (TPK).

Priorities completed for the 2018/2019 work programme

·    Development of local welfare manager roles and responsibilities checklist.

·    Development of the Strategic Plan for Delivery of Welfare in Northland.

·    Review of Civil Defence Centre’s (CDC) in Northland.

·    Development of a professional development pathway for CDC volunteers, WCG members, welfare managers and welfare teams.

·    Completion of a draft Shelter and Accommodation Plan for Northland.

Outstanding work items from 2018/2019 which have been incorporated into the 2019/2020 work programme include:

·    Updating the welfare communication factsheets.

·    An activation exercise for the WCG.

·    CDC exercise schedule and training targets (to be incorporated into the professional development pathway above).

The WCG work programme for 2019/2020

The WCG work programme for 2019/2020 (attached) was approved.  Priority items for completion include:

·    Updating CDC kits with revised documentation.

·    Completion of appendix plans to the Group Welfare Plan.

·    Training agencies in the use of the Common Operating Tool when it has been developed.

·    Implementing changes which may arise from the CIMS review.

·    Carrying out training and an exercise.

·    Developing a coordinated needs assessment plan.

·    Establishing the inquiry sub-function and embedding Restoring Family Links (RFL).

·    Establish the household goods and services sub-function and developing a draft plan.

·    Holding desktop exercises for psychosocial support, financial support care and protection services for children and young person’s sub-functions.

·    Completing a draft Northland Animal Welfare Emergency Management Plan.

The work programme takes into consideration the Governments Response to the Technical Advisory Groups recommendations, the CIMS review, the Common Operating Picture project and the registration and needs assessment project.

Registration and needs assessment

MCDEM managed the Welfare Registration and Needs Assessment Review Project during 2016-17 assisted by a multi-agency project team.  Multiple workshops and online work resulted in an agreed registration and needs assessment process, the Common Minimum Dataset (CMD) and a list of requirements (‘must haves’) of the system, which has informed requirements for a future IT solution.

A new project has now been enabled by the outcome of the Ministerial Review (Better responses to natural disasters and other emergencies in NZ) to investigate options for a solution for welfare registration and needs assessment.  The Emergency Management Information System (EMIS) will no longer support welfare registration and needs assessment from 2020. 

Some CDEM Groups have been proactively developing their own IT solutions and while MCDEM has acknowledged this work is very promising, there is no over-all co-ordination.

Therefore, the ministry have put forward a proposal to progress a Federated system model in the interim until a final IT solution is adopted.  A Federated system model is one where each CDEM Group would implement an agreed solution regionally.  This is currently based on ArcGIS Online solution as this is what the majority of the CDEM groups surveyed, including ourselves, are currently using.

MCDEM has formed a project team to work with stakeholders to implement the Federated (IT System) Model based on the ESRI ArcGIS toolset.  This project consists of representatives from MCDEM, Department of Prime Minister (DPMC), Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Primary Industry (MPI), Ministry of Social Development (MSD), Federated Farmers, NZ Red Cross and two CDEM Group Welfare representatives. 

The priority for this project team is to develop an agreed solution to be available this calendar year (2019) along with prepared training material and a training roadshow.  Our CDEM Group responsibility is to provide information, feedback and review outputs from the project team. 

CIMS review of the welfare sub-function

The current version of the Coordinated Management Systems (CIMS) 2nd edition was approved in 2014, with a five-year review period. In 2018 MCDEM re-convened the CIMS Steering Group, to carry out the review.


The review Project team is made up of representatives from:

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC)                                    Organa Tamariki (OT)

Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM)         Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ)

Ministry of Primary Industry (MPI)                                                                      Department of Corrections

Ministry of Health (MOH)                                                                                        St John

Department of Conservation (DOC)                                                                    NZ Police

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)                                                 Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ)

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE)                          Maritime NZ (MNZ)

Rescue Coordination Centre of NZ (RCCNZ)                                                     NZ Customs

New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF)                                                                   CDEM Group Representative

A Terms of Reference (TOR) was established in August 2018 and agreed by the Hazard Risk Board (HRB).  Small working groups have been established to look at specific areas and report back to the CIMS Steering Group.  The intent is to provide the next CIMS edition for approval to the HRB by mid July 2019.

Welfare is recognised as a key function in CIMS and a working party has been established to review and report on the revised structure.  The welfare working group consists of representatives from MCDEM, MPI, FENZ, DOC, OT, MSD, Victim Support, and a Group Welfare Manager (from Bay of Plenty CDEM Group) to represent the civil defence groups of NZ. 

After seeking initial feedback from welfare agencies, it was recognised that there was an appetite to explore more than the current arrangements provided.  It was put forward to the CIMS Steering Group that further engagement was required to explore three possible options.  This approach was endorsed by the CIMS steering group.

The three options put forward by the working party to the wider sector include:

·    Option 1: Status Quo.

·    Option 2: Retaining welfare function but refining the sub-functions to be fit for purpose for all response levels and incident classification.

·    Option 3: A structure shift, splitting welfare advisory and delivery (with delivery going back to operations).

Our feedback is a preference for option 2 but with suggested changes to the sub-functions presented (needs assessment, needs identification, welfare coordination and welfare facility management).  Northland, even before the CIMS 2 revision, had recognised the importance of welfare and it was already a separate function in our emergency operations/coordination centres.

All agencies will have the opportunity to feedback on the proposed CIMS 3rd edition structure when it comes out for consultation later in the year.

Group Welfare Manager’s Forum (Napier)

The Group Welfare Managers (GWM’s) Forum is an opportunity for GWM’s to workshop collectively some of the priority issues currently facing regional groups.  The purpose of the Forum is for GWM’s;

·    To develop, create and review welfare strategies and priorities

·    Network and develop relationships to strengthen the sector

·    Nurture a space for open and honest de-briefing to identify opportunities for improvement

·    Keep up to date with latest developments in the sector through the MCDEM representatives, welfare specialists and guest speakers.

Key agenda items were:

·    An update on the Rapid Relief resilience fund project that Hawkes Bay are administering

·    An update on the national registration and needs assessment project (see separate section)

·    A workshop how we could cater our response for older people in emergencies

·    An overview of the Nelson fires from the Nelson/Tasman GWM and MPI representatives

·    An update on the Hikurangi Response Plan and the consequence this event could have on other CDEM groups.

The priority outcomes from this forum are:

·    To confirm with Group Managers the process for the appointment of GWM’s to national projects and working parties and the correct mechanism for gathering national feedback and reporting project outcomes.  An agenda item has been added to the next National Emergency Manager’s Development Group (NEMDG) meeting for Group Managers to discuss.

·    Alignment of welfare work programmes by regions and MCDEM to allow for greater harmonisation, collaboration, enhanced delivery and cost savings.  MCDEM are following this up as part of a review of the effectiveness and structure of the GWM’s forums

·    Follow up with Oranga Tamariki in regards to children and young people in emergencies with the intention of extending this to include needs of all children and young persons in an emergency.

·    Investigating the use of outcomes frameworks to enhance the work we do in the welfare sector.  To be discussed at a NEMDG meeting with Group Managers.

National Emergency Management Development Group meeting.

At the NEMDG meeting held in Christchurch on 28 May the Group Managers discussed the relationship between the National Welfare Coordination Group (NWCG), the Group Welfare Coordination Group (WCG) and the Group Managers.   The Northland CDEM Group has for an extended period advocated that CDEM Groups and Group Welfare Managers should be represented at meetings of the NWCG.   The group managers and MCDEM officials have now agreed that there should be closer coordination and collaboration between Groups and WCG’s.  Two Group Welfare Managers and a Group Manager have now been invited to represent the group and local sector at NWCG meetings.  


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: 2019-2020 Work Programme for the Northland Welfare Coordination Group (WCG)  

Authorised by Group Manager


Graeme MacDonald


Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager


10 June 2019


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting  ITEM: 5.2

17 June 2019Attachment 1

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PDF Creator

Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 5.3

17 June 2019



Northland CDEM Group Shared Services Update




Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager


Executive summary/Whakarāpopototanga

This report provides an update of the Civil Defence Emergency Management activities within the region over the past three months.



That the report ‘Northland CDEM Group Shared Services Update’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager and dated 10 June 2019, be received.



Service Level Agreements

The 2019/20 CDEM Service Level Agreements (SLA) between the Northland Regional Council and the three district Councils are in the process of being finalised. Updated work programmes and budget allocations have been included for the 2019/20 year.


District Council Work Programmes

The three district councils continue to carry out their CDEM responsibilities and activities.

The Far North District work plan has been focused on its risks and hazards, both at the council internally and in the Kaitaia area. In March 2019, an updated assessment of the top risks at Far North District Council was undertaken.

Far North District Council (FNDC) EOC resourcing and capability to support a sustained incident had been in the top 5 risks on 2018’s organisational top risk dashboard. Based on several improvements including – an increase in trained CDEM staff, implementation of the shared services model for CDEM, the appointment of a group recovery manager and the appointment of a second Civil Defence Officer in Kaitaia, the risk score was lowered and sits at number eight out of the top 10. Further improvements were also recommended such as a better understanding of the regional support arrangements by stakeholders.

Impacts from climate change and natural disasters was identified as the number one risk, which has links to the CDEM risk as the treatment plans call for improved infrastructure and community resilience. The new risk dashboard was presented and signed off by the CEO, SLT, and the Audit Risk and Finance Committee in April 2019 by the FNDC, providing current visibility of both the climate change and the CDEM risks.

The Flood Evacuation Plan for Kaitaia has been completed and a desktop exercise has been carried out with the Group Controllers, Northland Regional Council hazards specialists, hydrology and Emergency services (refer to the Controllers Development Programme report for more details).


The Whangarei District Council (WDC) work plan has been focused on the Emergency Operations Centre capability, the duty roster and budgets. The annual review of the Emergency Operations Centre equipment, resources and standard operating procedures. Improvements have been made to the WDC CDEM duty roster with a 10-person roster as first point of contact for CDEM issues and activation of the EOC for out of hours. 

The WDC CDEM budget review 2018/19 and 2019/20 is complete and the WDC Public Information Managers collaborated with the Northland CDEM Group PIM at their bi-monthly meeting.

The Kaipara District Council (KDC) focus has been on internal capability and capacity, with completion of the annual exercise on the 11 April.  The tabletop exercise talked through on call arrangements for the region, monitoring and activation of the EOC and looking at roles within the KDC EOC. 


Community Response Plans

Community Response Groups across the region continue to develop their response plans. Plans complete or underway in the last three months are Donnellys Crossing (KDC), Taiharuru (WDC), Portland (WDC), Hikurangi (WDC), Mitimiti (FNDC), Taipa (FNDC).


Community Engagement

Community Response Group support has been provided the Tutukaka Coast (WDC), Oakura (WDC), Whakapirau (KDC) and Waikaretu Marae (KDC). The Whangarei Heads community response group held a public information afternoon about hazards and promote preparedness in April. The Far North Stroke Foundation held a workshop to assist people with disabilities with hazard awareness and personal preparedness planning. Visits to child Care centres in Taipa tsunami hazard zones were carried out and directional tsunami evacuation signs have been installed in Karikari Peninsular as a pilot project.


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga


Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


10 June 2019


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 5.4

17 June 2019



Recovery Update




Jenny Calder, CDEM Group Recovery Manager


Executive summary/Whakarāpopototanga

This report provides an update on the activities of the Group Recovery Manager.



That the report ‘Recovery Update’ by Jenny Calder, CDEM Group Recovery Manager and dated 10 June 2019, be received.



Costs and reimbursement in emergencies

A Government Financial Support workshop was held in Whangarei on the 8 May with staff from Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC).  The focus of the workshop was to provide clarity regarding funding eligibility and to outline the systems and processes to assist local government to plan and prepare financially for possible future emergencies. 


The workshop was well attended by controllers, infrastructure and finance staff from the four councils and CDEM staff.   


As a result of the workshop, staff have a better understanding of how costs from an emergency event need to be well managed and the reimbursement process. 


Strengthening recovery across the region

Work continues towards strengthening recovery across the region with a recovery presentation to the Whangarei District Council Operational Leadership Team on 29 April.  Further workshops with WDC are planned for late August. 


Temporary accommodation

A Temporary Accommodation Services (TAS) plan for Northland is being developed with the Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation (MBIE).   The first workshop with MBIE, building and compliance staff from the three district councils is scheduled for 29 July. 


The focus will be in identifying potential parcels of land suitable for use in establishing temporary accommodation, meeting building regulations and the immediate requirements of MBIE in relation to establishing temporary accommodation. 


This work will allow Northland to respond much faster to temporary accommodation needs after an emergency.


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga


Authorised by Group Manager


Graeme MacDonald


Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager


10 June 2019


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 5.5

17 June 2019



2019 Northland CDEM Forum




Kim Abbott, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer


Executive summary/Whakarāpopototanga

The 2019 Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (CDEM) Forum was held at Forum North on Wednesday 1st May.



That the report ‘2019 Northland CDEM Forum’ by Kim Abbott, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer and dated 10 June 2019, be received.



The 2019 Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) half day annual Forum was held at Whangarei’s Bougainville Theatre on Wednesday, 1 May.


This year’s theme was around being “Part of the Team”, highlighting the strong working relationships that make up the CDEM group either locally in Northland, nationally with other CDEM groups or the rapport and access we have to industry specialists.

Image may contain: 4 people, people standing and indoor

Wipari Henwood and Albert Cash from Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ) started proceedings with a Mihi Whakatau and were joined by other FENZ members in a touching Waiata.  There has been a challenge to the Northland CDEM team that they will join in the Waiata at the 2020 CDEM Forum.

Whangarei District Council Mayor Sheryl Mai welcomed the audience and outlined the year from a Northland CDEM perspective, the key projects and work program that have been undertaken by the group. 

Next to the stage was Damian Southorn and Julian Young from Refining NZ who gave an overview of the 2017 Pipeline rupture at Ruakaka. They gave an insiders explanation of what happened and how the event was managed from an operational, commercial and community perspective. Key learnings were around the value of relationships with outside agencies, the need to fully document everything in real time, communication with the local community as well as the greater affected community (NZ) and also managing the ongoing fatigue on staff during a significant event.

Shane Bailey from Ministry of Civil Defence Emergency Management (MCDEM) talked about the year in review from a national perspective.  Whilst much of the staff resources of MCDEM have been diverted into supporting significant events over the past 12 months, there has still been a number of projects and initiatives that are progressing. These include: Emergency Management Systems Reform, the National Disaster Resilience Strategy, establishment of the NZ Fly-In teams and the development of a single public education website that will consolidate the four websites currently being managed.

The final speaker for the morning session was Wally Mitchel from St John who started his new role as District Operations Manager, Canterbury just three weeks before the Christchurch Terror attacks took place on 15 March. Wally spoke about how the event was managed from a medical perspective; the chaos of the initial response through to the ongoing recovery initiatives and how staff are being supported. St John are based in the newly opened Christchurch Justice precinct (JESP) which brings together CDEM and emergency services in one facility, enabling strong working relationships across the agencies during BAU as well as response. Wally’s presentation resounded strongly with the audience and he received the first standing ovation for a Northland CDEM forum.

After the morning tea break, local updates included:

·    Graeme MacDonald – The Northland CDEM strategic progress including shared services.

·    Rebecca Norman – An introduction to the Northland CDEM GIS portal.

·    Ryan Gray, NZ Police – Summer Safety Day and the success of working together with other agencies.

Next was guest speaker, Chris Noble, Severe Weather Manager for NZ Metservice talked the audience through the process and criteria of a ‘Weather Warning’ being established and communicated. Chris has a unique ability to communicate the complex process of weather forecasting and how weather modelling is undertaken into simple English.

The final speaker of the day was Otago CDEM Public Information Manager, Michele Poole. Deployed to manage the PIM function in the Pigeon Valley /Nelson fire response, Michele shared her perspective on how the strategies that were undertaken around this event were developed and implemented. She talked the audience through the challenges around communicating the situation sensitively to the affected community while also managing the national interest. 

The forum was then officially closed, and guests were invited to lunch.

With the largest number of registered attendees to date, there were a few minor changes to the day’s format including streamlining catering and excluding a welcome gift on arrival, however the feedback of the event has been overwhelmingly positive.

Another great morning of thought-provoking talks. Each year it seems to get better and better!

I couldn’t wait to stand up and be among those to give Wally Mitchell a standing ovation.  New Zealanders are still reeling, let alone those poor victims. Good on him, and his entire team.

Thank you again for such a worthwhile event.     Hazel MacMillan, Okaihau Community Association


Thanks to the Northland CDEM team for a very educational forum. What a great day to be involved with an inclusive team preparing to be ready. Outstanding organisation from your team.

Clint Sirl, NZ Red Cross 


You guys do a great job to put this on every year.  We at RNZ value your knowledge, capability and above all your friendly and trusting approach with no inflated egos. This is a sure way to have a successful unified IMT.

The Forum is a valued way of sharing and educating the people in the business and the public.

It is a shame it is not done like this around the country…. Others may then learn and understand that you do not need to throw hundreds of people from behind their desks to putting on vests to making requests to try to achieve the best in an effort of conquest….

Damian Southorn, Refining NZ



Whangarei District Council sponsorship. This annual event is significant for the Northland CDEM group. It allows all the shareholders within the sector to celebrate success, build relationships and listen to industry specialists who would otherwise be inaccessible within the region. The WDC have kindly sponsored the venue for the past seven years and the Northland CDEM would like to thank them for their support.


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga


Authorised by Group Manager


Graeme MacDonald


Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager


10 June 2019


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 5.6

17 June 2019



CDEM, CEG & Group Appointments




Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager


Executive summary

This report shows an up to date list of members and key appointments for the Northland CDEM Group.   The list of key appointments is also available on the same webpage as the Northland CDEM Group plan.  The list has also been referenced in the group plan.



1.    That the report ‘CDEM, CEG & Group Appointments’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager and dated 10 June 2019, be received.




Membership of the Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group:

·    Cr Colin Kitchen, Chairperson (FNDC) - alternate Cr John Vujcich

·    Cr Rick Stolwerk (NRC) alternate Cr Paul Dimery

·    Mayor Sheryl Mai (WDC) alternate Cr Sue Glen

·    Cr Anna Curnow (KDC) -  alternate Cr Andrew Wade

·    Commander Brad Mosby (Fire and Emergency NZ)

·    District Commander, Superintendent Tony Hill (NZ Police)

·    Mr John Titmus (MCDEM) in observer role

Membership of the Coordinating Executive Group:

·    Mr Tony Phipps, Chairperson (NRC)

·    Mr Andy Finch (FNDC)

·    Ms Sandra Boardman (WDC)

·    Mr John Burt (KDC)

·    Inspector Martyn Ruth (NZ Police)

·    Asssitant Area Commander Graeme Quensell (Fire and Emergency NZ)

·    Ms Sarah Hoyle (Northland Health)

·    Mr Andy Gummer (St John Ambulance)

·    Mr John Titmus (MCDEM) in observer role

·    Dr J Ortega-Benito (Northland District Health Board)

·    Mr Russell Watson (Northland Lifelines Group)

·    Mrs Claire Nyberg (Northland Welfare Coordination Group)

Group Controllers:

·    Graeme MacDonald

·    Tony Phipps

·    Claire Nyberg

·    Simon Weston

·    Victoria Randall

·    John Burt

·    Alistair Wells

·    Shona Morgan

Local Controllers for the Whangarei District:

·    Simon Weston

·    Sandra Boardman

Local Controller for the Kaipara District:

·    John Burt

·    Dean Nuralli

Local Controllers for the Far North District:

·    Alistair Wells


Group Welfare Managers:

·    Claire Nyberg

·    Shona Morgan

Local Welfare Managers:

·    Raewyn Smythe (FNDC)

·    Kylie Cox (FNDC)

·    Aya Morris (FNDC)

·    Paula Urlich (WDC)

·    Darlene Lang (KDC)

·    Michelle Nepia (KDC)

Group Recovery Manager:

·    Jenny Calder

·    Graeme MacDonald

Local Recovery Managers

·    Janice Smith (FNDC)

·    John Burt (KDC)

·    Vacant (WDC)




Authorised by Group Manager


Tony Phipps


Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience


10 June 2019


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 6.1

17 June 2019



Northland Tsunami Readiness




Victoria Harwood, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer


Executive summary/Whakarāpopototanga

This report provides an overview of the establishment of the Northland Tsunami siren network and provides a discussion on future options for the network.  An update of the Northland Tsunami Readiness activities for the last three months is also provided.



That the report ‘Northland Tsunami Readiness’ by Victoria Harwood, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer and dated 10 June 2019, be received.



Northland Tsunami siren network

Investigation into the feasibility of a Northland tsunami warning siren network commenced shortly after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.  Several options were investigated, the indoor siren systems and the outdoor systems.  Testing and discussions were held with two providers and in 2008 agreement was reached with Northpower to design and host the outdoor “ripple control” tsunami sirens on its power supply network. The intent of the sirens was to create a warning device across Northland capable of reaching populations within communities in an efficient and timely manner.   


Initial installations occurred in 2010 with approximately 60 sirens in the Whangarei district in partnership with Northpower.  The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management resilience fund provided $90,000 in support for the initial round of siren installations. Agreement followed shortly afterwards with Top Energy to host the sirens on its network.  Both Far North and Kaipara District Councils installed a further 80 sirens across coastal communities.


In 2009 whilst the tsunami siren network was being developed, the Northland CDEM Group also invested in the first version of the region wide tsunami evacuation zone maps at a cost of $40,000.  These maps were used to assist in placing the tsunami warning sirens in communities.


In 2019 the current total of outdoor tsunami sirens in the network reached 202.  Northland has the most comprehensive tsunami warning system nationally.  The minimum lifespan of a tsunami siren is estimated to be 10 years. 


Up until 2014 the Ministry of Civil Defence Emergency Management (MCDEM) had little or no guidance on tsunami warning sirens.    In July 2014 MCDEM published a Technical Standard “Tsunami Warning Sirens” ( ).  In the development of the MCDEM Technical Standards in 2013 and 2014, the Northland CDEM Group were consulted on its existing tsunami warning siren network function, structure, design and processes.


The technical standard outlines 14 principles for the use of sirens for tsunami warnings. The principles include that sirens may be used for distant and regional source tsunami, although activation of sirens must not be expected for local source tsunami (<1-hour travel time).  It advocates that the natural warning systems of experiencing a strong or long earthquake is the only reliable warning source for a local event.


The standard states that it is not an official endorsement of using sirens to warn of tsunami and that tsunami warning sirens have several disadvantages, such as creating a delay in response actions by the public when deciphering the threat level and how they should respond.


Recent research carried out by GNS raises doubt about whether any natural warning from a long or strong earthquake would be felt in Northland, so a natural warning is unlikely.       


Part of the Northland public education programme is to educate communities on the natural warning signs of ocean behavior before a tsunami arrival.  This compliments the use of a wide range of alerting tools in Northland.


Recent additions have been the Red Cross Hazard app and the Mobile Alerting platform.  Both have good capacity to reach large numbers of people with warning information. 


In developing the Technical Standard MCDEM commissioned a research study by the Acoustics Research Group at Canterbury University, College of Engineering in 2013 (  The purpose of the study was to review the danger signals used to indicate the possibility of a dangerous situation. 


This research found that Northland tsunami siren network, compared to other regions networks, is the closest to meeting all the recommendations and international standards.

Out of seven criteria the Northland sirens meet or exceeded 5, however to meet the international standards two improvements were identified.  

The identified changes were -

-      Adding a second lower tone between 224 Hz and 355 Hz – which would increase the likelihood of the signal being heard in dwellings and vehicles.


-      Incorporate a verbal warning which fully complies with the ISO 9221 standard into a non-verbal warning siren.


-      Replace all mechanical sirens with electronic sirens which include verbal communication.

Northland has a comprehensive public education programme, which includes tsunami information boards, the use of social media and other public information mechanisms.  The research identified the need to have an appropriate Public Education programme. 

Options for the future of the Northland Tsunami Siren Network.

Below are the five options that maybe considered for the future of the Northland Tsunami Siren Network:

1.    Halt expansion of the current siren network and maintain the current network for the life expectancy of the current sirens and phase sirens out completely.

2.    Continue with expanding and maintaining the current siren network with the current siren design.

3.    Investigate options and costs for upgrading the current siren network over a staged time frame to integrate a verbal warning component.

4.    Investigate options and costs for upgrading the current siren network over a staged time frame to integrate a lower additional tone

5.    Investigate options and costs for replacing the current sirens, over a staged time frame, with verbal communication electronic sirens.

Responses to Options

Option 1 – This is not feasible due to:

·    Tsunami is rated as one of Northlands highest risks (Northland CDEM Plan 2016-2021)

·    public expectation of alerting options in the region

·    earthquake is a low hazard and may not be felt

·    the amount of investment in both assets and public education already undertaken.

Option 2 -  This is feasible but does not look to future proof and improve the siren network in the long term.

Option 3 and 4 – This is feasible and should be investigated to enable an informed decision regarding upgrades to the current siren network with, moderate budget implications.

Option 5 – This is feasible and the recommended option from the research. This would future proof the network, with major budget implications.


That further investigations into the three options identified as feasible are carried out. 

Outdoor Tsunami Siren installations

Thirteen outdoor tsunami sirens were recently installed in the Whangarei district as follows -

-      Ruakaka Beach area (4)

-      Onerahi / Beach Road and Whangarei Heads Road area (2)

-      Oakura, Wharua Road / Oakura Road junction

-      Parua Bay, Kiteone Road

-      Bland Bay township

-      Whangarei CBD, Porowini Avenue and Commerce Street (2)

-      Waipu Cove Road

One siren was a replacement at Oakura, the remaining 12 were new additions to the network.  This brings the total network to 202 sirens across the region

Northland Tsunami Siren Network Testing April 2019

The Northland Tsunami Warning Siren Network was tested on Sunday 6 April 2019 at 10.00 am for 10 minutes and 10.30 am for 30 seconds.

Of the 202 outdoor sirens and the 54 indoor sirens in the network, 11 outdoor tsunami siren faults were reported.  No issues were reported for indoor sirens.

A total of 11 faults were identified (Whangarei district (8) and Far North (3)).  Kaipara had no reported faults.   Northpower and Top Energy are repairing the identified faults.

It was also found that a single siren in south Mangawhai was connected to the Vector network.  Arrangements have been made to re-site that siren and connect it to the Northpower network.

The leadup to siren testing was used as an opportunity to highlight the relationship between the Northland CDEM Group and the two electricity network providers. It was also a low-key test of the logistics of joint communication across the three organisations (the relationships and goodwill being already in place).

A competition was run via the Northpower and Top Energy Facebook pages, encouraging people to check whether they were in a tsunami evacuation zone to go into a draw to win one of four indoor tsunami sirens (two in the Northpower area and two for Top Energy).

This opened new audiences for the Group attracting more than 100 entries and a number of constructive conversations around understanding tsunami zones.  As a side benefit, it also enabled Northpower to achieve an internal KPI for its Facebook page.

Indoor Tsunami Sirens

A total of 55 indoor tsunami have now been sold -  42 in Whangarei and Kaipara district and 12 in the Far North.  The procedures for making the indoor sirens more available to the Far North area has been improved with sirens available for collection through both Waipapa and Kaitaia offices of the NRC.

A further 100 indoor sirens will be ordered through Northpower, 70 for the Whangarei and Kaipara districts and 30 for the Far North.

Tsunami Information Boards

A further 28 tsunami information boards will be added to Northland’s coastal communities in the Kaipara and Far North Districts.  These will be installed in Mangawhai, Karikari Peninsular and Doubtless Bay areas.   This is in addition to the already 47 boards already installed in the Whangarei District. 


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga


Authorised by Group Manager


Graeme MacDonald


Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager


10 June 2019