Huihuinga O Te Poari O

Te Oneroa-A-Tōhē
Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board

Friday 17 April 2020 at 10.00am





Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board

17 April 2020

Rārangi Take O Te Poari

Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board Agenda


Meeting to be held in the Banquet Room, Te Ahu Centre

cnr State Highway 1 & Matthews Ave, Kaitaia

on Friday 17 April 2020, commencing at 10.00am


Recommendations contained in the agenda are NOT decisions of the meeting.

Please refer to minutes for resolutions.



MEMBERSHIP OF THE Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board

Chair, Haami Piripi, Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa

Deputy Chair, Mate Radich
Far North District Council

Graeme Neho
Ngāti Kuri Trust Board

Cr Colin (Toss) Kitchen
Northland Regional Council

Cr Marty Robinson
Northland Regional Council

Hon John Carter QSO
Far North District Council Mayor




Item                                                                                                                                                                                   Page

1.0       NGĀ WHAKAPAHĀ | apologies

2.0       NGA WHAKAPUAKANGA | declarations of conflicts of interest

3.0       Whakāe Ngā Miniti | Confirmation of Minutes

3.1       Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                                                          3

4.0       Ngā Rīmiti | Items

4.1       Funding for Graphic Design of the Beach Management Plan                                                      6

4.2       Financial Report                                                                                                                                           9   



Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board                                                                                                                                            item: 3.1

17 April 2020



Confirmation of Minutes




Rachael King, Board Secretary


Tūtohutanga | Recommendation

That the minutes of the Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board meeting held on 20 March 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Ngā tapirihanga | Attachments

Attachment 1: Minutes of Meeting - 20 March 2020  

Authorised by Group Manager


Jonathan Gibbard


Group Manager - Strategy, Governance and Engagement


08 April 2020


Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board  ITEM: 3.1

17 April 2020Attachment 1

PDF Creator


PDF Creator


Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board                                                                                                                                            item: 4.1

17 April 2020



Funding for Graphic Design of the Beach Management Plan




Ben Lee, Strategic Policy and Planning Manager


Whakarāpopototanga | Executive Summary

Approval of funding for $8,000 from the Board is sought for the graphic design of the draft Beach Management Plan, the four Reserve Management Plans and the Supporting Document.

Attached is a quote from Level – the same company engaged to develop the Board’s branding and that assisted with the summer engagement programme.


Tūtohutanga | Recommendations

1.         That the report ‘Funding for Graphic Design of the Beach Management Plan’ by Ben Lee, Strategic Policy and Planning Manager and dated 8 April 2020, be received.

2.         That the Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board approves up to $8,000 (excluding GST) being made available for the graphic design of the draft Beach Management Plan, the four Reserve Management Plans and the Supporting Document.

3.         That the Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board delegates authority, to approve expenditure approved by the Board in accordance with resolution 2, to Jonathan Gibbard, Group Manager – Strategy, Governance and Engagement of the Northland Regional Council.



1.         Options






Approve funding of $8,000 for graphic design

Documents that are visually appealing and meet the brand and formatting guidelines set by the Board

$8,000 cost to Board


Don’t approve funding of graphic design

Save $8,000

Documents that have no or little visual appeal and do not meet approved brand and formatting guidelines.

The recommended option is to approve the $8,000.  The Board has the budget and having a visually appealing document is important for engaging people with the documents and to reflect that the documents are a product of the Board

2.         Significance and engagement

The decisions do not trigger the significance and engagement policy and therefore the Board is able to make this decision without the need to undertake further public consultation.

Further iwi, hapu and wider public engagement will be required as the beach management plan is prepared.


3.         Policy, risk management and legislative compliance

The decisions listed in this report comply with all policy or legislative requirements and will act to mitigate potential future project risks

Other Considerations

Being a purely administrative matter, Community Views, Māori Impact Statement, Financial Implications and Implementation Issues are not applicable.


Ngā tapirihanga | Attachments

Attachment 1: Level Design Quote - April 2020  

Authorised by Group Manager


Jonathan Gibbard


Group Manager - Strategy, Governance and Engagement


09 April 2020



Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board  ITEM: 4.1

17 April 2020Attachment 1

PDF Creator

Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board                                                                                                                                      item: 4.24.2

17 April 2020



Financial Report




Rachael King, Board Secretary


Whakarāpopototanga | Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to provide the financial statement of the Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board for the period ending 31 March 2020.


Tūtohutanga | Recommendation

That the ‘Financial Report’ by Rachael King, Board Secretary and dated 8 April 2020, be received.


Tuhinga | Background

A detailed Financial Report is provided as Attachment 1.

In summary, to date the Board has expended $140,468.61 from the following funds:

1.      Board Operational Fund                  $150,000                    $109,152.78 remaining

2.      Plan Development Fund                  $250,000                    $150,378.61 remaining


Ngā tapirihanga | Attachments

Attachment 1: Financial Report - as at 31 March 2020  

Authorised by Group Manager


Jonathan Gibbard


Group Manager - Strategy, Governance and Engagement


08 April 2020


Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board  ITEM: 4.2

17 April 2020Attachment 1

PDF Creator


PDF Creator