Huihuinga O Te Poari O

Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē
Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board

Friday 26 February 2021 at 10.00am





Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board

26 February 2021

Rārangi Take O Te Poari

Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board Agenda


Meeting to be held in the Banquet Room, Te Ahu Centre

cnr State Highway 1 & Matthews Ave, Kaitāia

on Friday 26 February 2021, commencing at 10.00am


Recommendations contained in the agenda are NOT decisions of the meeting.

Please refer to minutes for resolutions.



MEMBERSHIP OF THE Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board

Chair: Haami Piripi, Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa

Deputy Chair, Cr Mate Radich
Far North District Council

Graeme Neho
Ngāti Kuri Trust Board

Waitai Petera, Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupouri Trust

Wallace Rivers

Cr Colin (Toss) Kitchen
Northland Regional Council

Cr Marty Robinson
Northland Regional Council

Hon John Carter QSO
Far North District Council Mayor



Item                                                                                                                                                                                   Page


2.0       NGĀ WHAKAPAHĀ | apologies   

John Carter

3.0       NGA WHAKAPUAKANGA | declarations of conflicts of interest

4.0       Whakāe Ngā Miniti | Confirmation of Minutes

4.1       Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                                                          3

5.0       Ngā Rīmiti | Items

5.1       Financial Report                                                                                                                                           7

5.2       Workplan - 2021                                                                                                                                          9

5.3       Level Contract Variation - request two                                                                                             16

5.4       NZPI Award Nomination - Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Beach Management Plan                              18   




Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board                                                                                                                                            item: 4.1

26 February 2021



Confirmation of Minutes




Rachael King, Board Secretary

Authorised by:

Ben Lee, GM - Strategy, Governance and Engagement, on 19 February 2021


Tūtohutanga | Recommendation

That the minutes of the Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board meeting held on 11 December 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Ngā tapirihanga | Attachments

Attachment 1: Minutes of Meeting - 11 December 2020   

Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board  ITEM: 4.1

26 February 2021Attachment 1

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Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board                                                                                                                                            item: 5.1

26 February 2021



Financial Report




Rachael King, Board Secretary

Authorised by:

Ben Lee, GM - Strategy, Governance and Engagement, on 19 February 2021


Whakarāpopototanga | Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to provide the financial statement of the Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board for the period ending 31 January 2021.


Tūtohutanga | Recommendation

That the report ‘Financial Report’ by Rachael King, Board Secretary and dated 19 February 2021, be received.


Tuhinga | Background

A detailed Financial Report is provided as Attachment 1.

In summary, to date the Board has expended $216,936.70 from the following funds:

1.      Board Operational Fund                  $150,000                    $103,351.40 remaining

2.      Plan Development Fund                  $250,000                    $79,711.90 remaining


Ngā tapirihanga | Attachments

Attachment 1: Financial Report - as at 31 January 2021   

Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board  ITEM: 5.1

26 February 2021Attachment 1

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Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board                                                                                                                                            item: 5.2

26 February 2021



Workplan - 2021




Sheila Taylor, Kaiārahi Kaupapa Māori

Authorised by:

Ben Lee, GM - Strategy, Governance and Engagement, on 22 February 2021


Whakarāpopototanga | Executive Summary

This paper seeks to provide advice to Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board in relation to the prioritisation of action items from Te Rautaki o Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe and the delivery of the 2021 workplan.


Tūtohutanga | Recommendations

1.         That the report ‘Workplan - 2021’ by Sheila Taylor, Kaiārahi Kaupapa Māori and dated 16 February 2021, be received.

2.         That the board approve the priority action items for inclusion in the TOATB 2021 workplan.

3.         That the board approve the TOATB 2021 workplan.

4.         That the Board agree to monthly meetings of the Technical Steering Group.

5.         That the Iwi representatives of Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Beach Board confirm/reconfirm the following Technical Steering Group members:

a.         Te Aupouri: ______________________

b.        Ngati Kuri: _______________________

c.         Te Rarawa: _______________________

d.        NgaiTakoto: ______________________

6.         That the Board delegate to the Chair, approval of the Technical Steering Group meeting schedule for 2021.


Summary of workplan

The beach plan identifies 54 key action items that will assist in achieving the Boards vision, values outcomes and objectives for Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe beach management area. Of these 54 action items, 18 are a priority to be completed in the short term (39% of the action items contained in the plan).

A further eight action items have been identified as a priority due to their association with a proposed regional policy statement, regional plan change, or district plan change process update. Although these seven action items are not classified with a short-term delivery time frame, it may be more practicable for councils to fulfil their obligations in relation to these action items by completing them alongside other action items with short term delivery timeframes.

It is proposed that these 26 (18+8) action items, form the basis for the 2021 workplan which is detailed in appendix one – TOATB 2021 work plan.

Priority action items

Below is a summary of the number and percentage of priority action items for each value identified in the beach plan. From this analysis, it is evident that the primary focus of the Boards 2021 workplan will be on enhancing the values of Ngā Ture Wairua | Spiritual Value and Ngā Kaiārahi | Leadership (65% of priority action items).

Analysis of priority action items by value


Total number of action items

Number of priority action items

Priority %

Ngā Ture Wairua | Spiritual Value




Ngā Kaiārahi | Leadership




Ecology and Biodiversity




Mahi Oranga | Economic Wellbeing




Kaupapa Whakahirahira | Recreation




Whakakotahitanga | Collaboration




Maātauranga | Education




Total action items





Monthly meetings of Technical Steering Group

It is proposed that as a part of the TOATB 2021 workplan, the Technical Steering Group meet monthly to provide input and advice into the delivery of priority actions and refinement of the 2021 workplan.

Next steps:

Once the board has approved the TOATB 2021 workplan, staff will work to provide detailed information for each priority action item. This will include, estimate commencement and completion dates as well as expected costs that will need to be considered by the Board at the April board meeting.








Endorse the workplan

·      Implementation will align to the priority actions as outlined in the beach plan

·      Staff are clear on where effort needs to be exerted

·      Limited resources and existing work programmes (Both iwi and council)

·      Nearly 50% of the action items are deliverable in the short term, putting pressure on limited resources.


Do not endorse the workplan

·      Less pressure on the limited resources of iwi and council entities

·      Delay in implementing action items outlined in the beach plan

The staff’s recommended option is option one - endorse the work plan.


1.         Environmental Impact

This decision will increase the ability of the board to protectively respond to the impacts of climate change now or in the future.

2.         Māori impact statement and community views

The implementation of the workplan has the potential for positive effects for all local people including Māori. The development of the beach plan included significant Māori and community engagement and is subsequently representative of their aspirations. The ability of the Board to now deliver on feedback received during the various engagement events and included in the plans, will assist in building the relationship of the community and Māori with the Board.

3.         Financial implications

The financial implications of the decision to commence the workplan has no financial implication in itself. However, the cost of implementing each action item still needs to be costed and will need to be considered by the Board as the financial implication of delivering each action becomes clearer.

4.         Significance and engagement

In relation to section 79 of the Local Government Act 2002, this decision is considered to be of low significance when assessed against council’s significance and engagement policy because it has previously been consulted on. This does not mean that this matter is not of significance to tangata whenua and/or individual communities, but that the board is able to make decisions relating to this matter without undertaking further consultation or engagement.


Ngā tapirihanga | Attachments

Attachment 1: TOATB 2021 Workplan

Attachment 2: TOATB 2021 Workplan priority action items   

Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board  ITEM: 5.2

26 February 2021Attachment 1

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Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board  ITEM: 5.2

26 February 2021Attachment 2

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Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board                                                                                                                                            item: 5.3

26 February 2021



Level Contract Variation - request two




Sheila Taylor, Kaiārahi Kaupapa Māori

Authorised by:

Ben Lee, GM - Strategy, Governance and Engagement, on 22 February 2021


Whakarāpopototanga | Executive Summary

The purpose of this paper is to request a variation to the value of the contract awarded to Level in order to complete the post consultation amendments to the final version of Te Rautaki o Te Oneroa-a and associated documents.


Tūtohutanga | Recommendation

1.    That the report ‘Level contract variation request two’ by Sheila Taylor, Kaiārahi Kaupapa Māori and dated 17 February 2021, be received.


2.    That Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board approve an additional $2,000 (excluding GST) of budget be assigned to the final stages of design work for Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board - Beach Management Plan and associated documents.


Tuhinga | Background

At the August 2020 meeting of council, the Board approved the consultation plan and budget for the beach management plan and associated documents. As part of this consultation budget was approval to spend up to $2,000 on post consultation amendments to the plan and associated documents. Contractor Level were engaged to undertake this work.

At the December 2020 Board meeting, the Board approved Te Rautaki o Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe and the four reserve management plans. They also delegated to Graeme Neho or Haami Piripi:

1.         approval of minor changes to the content, formatting and graphical layout of the final Reserve Management Plans A, B, C and D as well as the Beach Management Plan itself.

2.         approval of the final design versions of Reserve Management Plans A, B, C and D as well as the Beach Management Plan itself.

The Board also delegated to the Iwi representative’s final approval of Section E – Spirits Pathway.

Changes were made to the plans and the budget of $2,000 was sufficient to cover these scheduled changes.

In mid-January, a final quality control review was undertaken by staff and it was determined that many additional minor changes were required to the documents. This review was outside the scope of the original quote and is the primary driver for contract variation two. These changes are considered necessary to ensure the documents are of a quality and standard, the Board and Iwi representatives of the Reserve Management Plans, expect.

Note: Contract variation one was in relation to the draft Te Rautaki o Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe for consultation.




1.         Options







Approve increase

Documents will be completed to a standard acceptable to the Board and reflect the significance of the Plan.

Budget could be utilised on other deliverables of the Board.


Do not approve increase

Budget will be available for utilisation on other deliverables of the Board.

Documents will lack continuity and may not convey the desired message to the community.

The staff’s recommended option is option.

2.         Significance and engagement

The decisions do not trigger the significance and engagement policy and therefore the Board is able to make this decision without the need to undertake public consultation.

3.         Policy, risk management and legislative compliance

The decisions listed in this report comply with all policy or legislative requirements and will act to mitigate potential future project risks.


Further considerations

Being a purely administrative matter, Community Views, Māori Impact Statement and Implementation Issues are not applicable.

The Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Beach Management Board have the funds available to approve an additional $2,000 (plus GST) in order to produce the final design work for the Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē Board - Beach Management Plan and associated documents.  There are no known significantly negative financial implications associated with this decision.



Ngā tapirihanga | Attachments


Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board                                                                                                                                            item: 5.4

26 February 2021



NZPI Award Nomination - Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Beach Management Plan




Sheila Taylor, Kaiārahi Kaupapa Māori

Authorised by:

Ben Lee, GM - Strategy, Governance and Engagement, on 22 February 2021


Whakarāpopototanga | Executive Summary

On 22 January 2021, an email was sent to Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Beach Board members advising that an application was being submitted nominating Te Rautaki o Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe for an award at the New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI) awards later this year.  NZPI Annual Awards celebrate the important role of the planning profession in the community and highlight the best of the best from around the country and are presented at the NZPI Conference.  The awards are a great opportunity to have the plan presented on the national stage and to have the effort of tangata whenua and the wider community recognised.

Responses to the email were received from Marty Robinson, Colin Kitchen and Graeme Neho.  These Board members indicated support for the award nomination.  David Badham of Baker and Associates completed the nomination for the NZPI – District/Regional planning award (Attachment 1).  As a part of the application a copyright and intellectual property rights consent notification form needed to be signed (Attachment 2).  This form included two sections that required consent:

·    Written consent from the true author of the nominated project who agrees to their project being reproduced, exhibited, published, communicated and/or adapted by NZPI for the purposes of the awards. Authorship will be attributed to the author.

·    Written consent of the copyright owner/s of the nomination material granting permission for the nomination material to be reproduced, exhibited, published, communicated and/or adapted by NZPI for the purposes of the Awards. Authorship will be attributed to the true author.

The consent form was signed by Ben Lee on behalf of the Board with the provision that a formal resolution of the Board would be requested and forwarded to NZPI if obtained.  This paper seeks formal approval from the Board in relation to these matters.


Tūtohutanga | Recommendations

1.         That the report ‘NZPI Award Nomination - Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Beach Management Plan’ by Sheila Taylor, Kaiārahi Kaupapa Māori and dated 18 February 2021, be received.

2.         That Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Beach Board approve the NZPI 2021 application form in attachment 1 as completed by David Badham of Baker and Associates

3.         That Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Beach Board:

a.         Give written consent and agree to their project being reproduced, exhibited, published, communicated and/or adapted by NZPI for the purposes of the awards, provided authorship is attributed to the Board

b.        grant permission for the nomination material to be reproduced, exhibited, published, communicated and/or adapted by NZPI for the purposes of the Awards.

4.         That in relation to the Reserve Management Plans, the iwi representatives of Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Beach Board:

a.         Give written consent and agree to their project being reproduced, exhibited, published, communicated and/or adapted by NZPI for the purposes of the awards, provided authorship is attributed to the iwi representatives of the Board.

b.        grant permission for the nomination material to be reproduced, exhibited, published, communicated and/or adapted by NZPI for the purposes of the Awards.

5.         If the nomination is successful, Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Beach Board approve the creation of:

a.         A poster for the purposes of promoting Te Rautaki o Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe

b.        A video for the purposes of promoting Te Rautaki o Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe.








Approve the nomination

·      Opportunity to have the plan presented on the national stage

·      Opportunity to have the effort of tangata whenua and the wider community recognised.

·      There are no known disadvantages.


Do not approve the nomination

·      There are no known disadvantages.

·      Missed opportunity to have the plan presented on the national stage

·      Missed opportunity to have the effort of tangata whenua and the wider community recognised.

The staff’s recommended option is 1.


1.         Environmental Impact

There are no known environmental impacts associated with this decision.

2.         Māori impact statement and community views

The implementation of the plan change has the potential for positive effects for all local people including Māori.

3.         Financial implications


4.         Implementation issues

This is a retrospective request. There are no implementation issues.

5.         Significance and engagement

In relation to section 79 of the Local Government Act 2002, this decision is considered to be of low significance when assessed against council’s significance and engagement policy.


Ngā tapirihanga | Attachments

Attachment 1: NZPI Best Practice Awards nomination form

Attachment 2: NZPI Best Practice Award Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights Notification   

Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board  ITEM: 5.4

26 February 2021Attachment 1

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Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board  ITEM: 5.4

26 February 2021Attachment 2

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