Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting

Tuesday 14 June 2022 at 11.00





Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting

14 June 2022

Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting Agenda


Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber

36 Water Street, Whangārei

on Tuesday 14 June 2022, commencing at 11.00


Recommendations contained in the agenda are NOT decisions of the meeting. Please refer to minutes for resolutions.


MEMBERSHIP OF THE Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting

Chair, NRC Councillor, Rick Stolwerk

WDC Mayor, Sheryl Mai

KDC Mayor, Jason Smith

FNDC Councillor, Dave Collard

NZ Police Representative, Superintendent Tony Hill

FENZ Representative, Commander Brad Mosby

NEMA Representative, Chloe Marshall (Observer Status)





RĪMITI (ITEM)                                                                                                                                                                Page

1.0       Ngā Mahi Whakapai/Housekeeping

2.0       Ngā Whakapahā/apologies   

3.0       Ngā Whakapuakanga/declarations of conflicts of interest

4.0       Ngā Whakaae Miniti (Confirmation of Minutes)

4.1       Confirmation of Minutes -                                                                                                                        3

4.2       Receipt of Schedule of Actions                                                                                                               8

5.0       National

5.1       NEMA Monthly Update                                                                                                                           10

6.0       Group

6.1       Northland CDEM Group, CEG and Group Appointments                                                            23

6.2       CEG Chair's Report                                                                                                                                    26

6.3       Update on Civil Defence Community Response Plans in Northland                                       42

Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 4.1

14 June 2022



Confirmation of Minutes -


Nicky Hansen, PA to GM Community Resilience

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Victoria Harwood, Pou Tiaki Hapori - GM Community Resilience, on 03 June 2022


Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

That the minutes of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group meeting held on 1 March 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: 2022 03 01 CDEM Group Minutes Unconfirmed   

Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting  ITEM: 4.1

14 June 2022Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 4.2

14 June 2022



Receipt of Schedule of Actions


Nicky Hansen, PA to GM Community Resilience

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Victoria Harwood, Pou Tiaki Hapori - GM Community Resilience, on 03 June 2022


Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

That the minutes of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group meeting held on 1 March 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: CDEM Group Schedule of Actions - as at 31 05 2022   

Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting  ITEM: 4.2

14 June 2022Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 5.1

14 June 2022



NEMA Monthly Update


Graeme MacDonald, Emergency Manager

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Victoria Harwood, Pou Tiaki Hapori - GM Community Resilience, on 03 June 2022


Whakarāpopototanga / Executive summary

Over the past 15 months NEMA and the CDEM Group Managers have collaborated on the development of a Partnership Charter that sets out how NEMA and CDEM Group offices will collaboratively work together.   This is a new initiative, having been developed by NEMA officials and the 16 CDEM group managers.


The Partnership Charter is attached for the information of the group – Attachment 1.

The NEMA Update for CEG Chairs for June is attached – Attachment 2.


Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

1.    That the report ‘NEMA Monthly Update’ by Graeme MacDonald, Emergency Manager and dated 23 May 2022, be received.


2.    That the “Partnership Charter” be received and endorsed.




CDEM and NEMA Partnership Charter.

The Emergency Management system involves a wide and diverse range of stakeholders locally, regionally and nationally – working together to support the people and communities of Aotearoa in reducing risk, increasing readiness and responding and recovering from emergencies.


The 16 Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Offices and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) play an important role as part of this system. Each operating independently with their own governance structures, but with a common purpose and desire to work together to improve outcomes for the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand.


The purpose of the Partnership Charter is to outline our shared vision for an effective and enduring strategic partnership at the regional and national level, which will provide a strong “back-bone” that supports the broader emergency management sector and stakeholders, and the roadmap to achieving this.


It includes:

•     Our shared Kaupapa (vision)

•     How our functions align and support each other

•     How we work together

•     Our partnership aspirations

•     What actions we should take to support the achievement of our partnership aspirations.


We want to establish and commit to a mutually beneficial partnership, that enables us to provide strong emergency management leadership and national, regional, and local support that increases our collective resilience.


Trifecta Programme

At the National Emergency Managers Development Group meeting in May, NEMA officials ran a workshop to further refine and develop policy proposals for the Bill.   The purpose of the NEMDG session was to gather any final feedback to inform the proposals to be presented to Minister Allan.  Consultation with Minsters and departments will then follow before final approval from cabinet is sought, hopefully in late July and August, which will allow sufficient time for the Bill to be drafted and go into the House towards the end of the year (post local body elections).


Recently released cabinet papers (which can be located at summarise the policy proposals forming the changes to the new bill.

The key areas where changes are being made are:

1.    Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of CDEM Groups and local authorities. NEMA is proposing to allocate separate functions through the Bill to clarify that: CDEM Groups are responsible for regional coordination and governance; and local authorities are responsible for delivering local emergency management in their communities and for participating in the CDEM Group.


2.    Enabling equitable outcomes.  NEMA is proposing to include a requirement in the Bill for CDEM Groups and their local authorities to consult with disproportionately impacted communities in their regions when preparing the CDEM Group Plan.


3.    Roles and responsibilities lead and support agencies.   NEMA proposes a new provision in the Bill that enables the making of regulations which establish the roles and responsibilities of (lead and support) agencies with regards to the management of hazards and emergencies


4.    Strengthening Māori participation. NEMA proposes six changes through the Bill to strengthen Māori participation in emergency management including: adding a Te Tiriti / Treaty clause.  Māori members on Joint Committees and CEGs and establishing a National Māori Emergency Management Advisory Group.



Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: Partnership Charter

Attachment 2: NEMA Monthly Update - June 2022   

Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting  ITEM: 5.1

14 June 2022Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting  ITEM: 5.1

14 June 2022Attachment 2

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 6.1

14 June 2022



Northland CDEM Group, CEG and Group Appointments


Graeme MacDonald, Emergency Manager

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Victoria Harwood, Pou Tiaki Hapori - GM Community Resilience, on 03 June 2022


Whakarāpopototanga / Executive summary

This report provides an up-to-date list of members and key appointments for the Northland CDEM Group.   The list of key appointments is available on the Northland CDEM Group plan webpage. Key appointments are also referenced in the group plan. 


KDC Controller appointment

Approval is being sought from the CDEM Group to appoint Alistair Dunlop, Building Services Manager - Kaipara District Council as a Group and Local Controller. 


Alistair has completed CIMS4 training, Response Control training, and participated in an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) exercise. Alistair has been identified for the Group [and Local] Controller appointment for his leadership ability and competence throughout his training, as well as in his BAU roles with the Kaipara District Council. The Northland CDEM Group staff will support Alistair with continued training for this role.



Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

1.    That the report ‘Northland CDEM Group, CEG and Group Appointments’ by Graeme MacDonald, Emergency Manager and dated 3 June 2022, be received.


2.    That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group approves the appointment of Alistair Dunlop, Building Services Manager – Kaipara District Council, as a Group Controller, in accordance with Section 26 (2), Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2022.





Membership of the Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group:

·    Cr Rick Stolwerk, Chairperson (NRC) - alternate Cr Colin Kitchen

·    Cr Dave Collard (FNDC) - alternate Cr Kelly Stratford

·    Mayor Sheryl Mai (WDC) - alternate Cr Nicholas Connop

·    Mayor Jason Smith (KDC) - alternate Cr Anna Curnow

·    Commander Wipari Henwood (Fire and Emergency NZ)

·    District Commander, Superintendent Tony Hill (NZ Police)

·    Chloe Marshall, observer (NEMA)

Membership of the Coordinating Executive Group:

·    Victoria Harwood (Chairperson, NRC)

·    Andy Finch (FNDC)

·    Sandra Boardman (WDC)

·    John Burt (KDC)

·    Inspector Wayne Ewers (NZ Police)

·    Asssitant Area Commander Graeme Quensell (Fire and Emergency NZ)

·    Sarah Hoyle (Northland Health)

·    Tony Devanney (St John Ambulance)

·    Chloe Marshall (NEMA) in observer role

·    Jane Rollin (Interim MoH Representative)

·    Russell Watson (Northland Lifelines Group)

·    Rachel Hill (Northland Welfare Coordination Group)

·    Hone Dalton (Iwi Representative)

·    Mariameno Kapa-Kingi (Iwi Representative)

·    Snow Tane (Iwi Representative)

Group Controllers:

·    Graeme MacDonald

·    Claire Nyberg

·    Sandra Boardman

·    Victoria Harwood

·    John Burt

·    Alistair Wells

·    Darren Edwards

Local Controllers for the Whangarei District:

·    Sandra Boardman

Local Controller for the Kaipara District:

·    John Burt

Local Controllers for the Far North District:

·    Alistair Wells

·    Jacine Wamington

·    Darren Edwards

Group Welfare Managers:

·    Rachel Hill

·    Kym Ace

·    Tess Dacre

Local Welfare Managers:

·    Paula Urlich (WDC)

·    Shayne Storey (FNDC)

·    Jenny Rooney (KDC)

Group Recovery Manager:

·    Jenny Calder

·    Graeme MacDonald

Local Recovery Managers

·    Janice Smith (FNDC)

·    John Burt (KDC)

·    Vacant (WDC)


Deputy Coordinating Executive Group Chair

Sandra Boardman is currently appointed as the Northland CEG Deputy Chair.  Sandra is leaving the WDC at the end of July and the Deputy Chair for the CEG will become vacant.   Nominations were sought for the position of Deputy CEG Chair for the Northland CDEM Group.


Controller appointments

Recently three appointed Group Controllers for the Northland CDEM Group have resigned, and a fourth controller will also be leaving at the end of July.    Recruitment is underway to identify appropriate replacements and a Controllers development day is planned for later in the year.   



Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 6.2

14 June 2022



CEG Chair's Report


Victoria Harwood, Pou Tiaki Hapori - GM Community Resilience

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Victoria Harwood, Pou Tiaki Hapori - GM Community Resilience, on 03 June 2022


Whakarāpopototanga / Executive summary

This report provides a summary of activities undertaken by or directly related to the Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group over the period since the last CEG meeting in March 2022.


Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

That the report ‘CEG Chair's Report’ by Victoria Harwood, Pou Tiaki Hapori - GM Community Resilience and dated 3 June 2022, be received.



Activations and response - Graeme MacDonald, Emergency Manager

On 21 March Metservice issued a thunderstorm warning for parts of Northland.    As a result, in the early hours of 21 March over 100 mms of rain were recorded at Maungatapere which caused flooding.   This thunderstorm activity was a very short duration high intensity event rainfall event west and south of Whangarei, that set a record for the highest amount of rainfall recorded in Northland for a 1 our period.   No support or activation was required from Civil Defence.  Flood waters subsided relatively quickly.

Personnel Movements and Appointments – Graeme MacDonald, Emergency Manager

Since the March meeting further personnel changes have occurred within the CDEM Group Office.

Shona Morgan, Response Specialist and Murray Soljak, Communications Specialist both resigned, although Murray Soljak has continued to provide on-call and communications specialist cover on a casual basis. 


Both these vacancies have been filled, with Zachary Woods commencing in the Communications Specialist role on 15 June and Jenny Calder having taken over the Response Specialist role in early May.


Rachel Hill has been appointed as the Welfare Specialist and started in mid-April.


Tegan Capp has been appointed as the Emergency Management Specialist lead for the Whangarei District Council Service Level Agreement coordination and delivery.  


The Recovery Specialist role remains vacant and the recruitment process to fill the role has started with the job description being reviewed and advertising for the vacancy commenced.     


In May the CDEM Group Office personnel all undertook a series of self and team assessments using the Hogan processes.    The Hogan Assessments are a series of tests, used to assess an individual’s personality, cognitive abilities, and leadership skills, often used for management positions.

Each member carried out the following:


·    Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) – This popular Hogan assessment examines how an individual relates to others and performs at their best.

·    Hogan Development Survey (HDS) – An additional personality assessment, used to measure character traits and behaviours that may turn into obstacles in times of stress.  

·    Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) – This Hogan questionnaire measures core goals, interests, values, and motives for success.


Each team had a 90-minute feedback interview, and a two-day workshop was also held to review the assessments.   A Team Assessment survey was also conducted and team and individuals’ opportunities to improve performance and build leadership have been identified.


On Thursday 26 May 2022, Tegan Capp- Emergency Management Specialist attended a Massey University graduation ceremony in Auckland where she received a Diploma in Arts- Emergency Management qualification. Tegan is one of two graduates to have completed this relatively new qualification which was introduced by Massey University in 2018 as an undergraduate option to study in the emerging field of Emergency Management. Tegan completed her studies via distance learning on a part-time basis over a period of 4 years and will be taking some time off before returning to further studies. Evania Arani is presently enrolled in the same programme of study, Diploma in Arts- Emergency Management.

Service Level Agreements

The Service Level Agreements between the Northland Regional Council and the Far North, Kaipara and Whangarei District Councils are currently being reviewed to ensure alignment with the recently reviewed Northland CDEM Group Plan 2021-2026.

In 2017, a Ministerial Review “Better Responses to Natural Disasters” recommended the development of more formalised shared service arrangements, implemented by regional (or unitary) councils, to strengthen a Group wide approach and accountability to Civil Defence Emergency Management.

Northland Councils started to adopt a shared services model for CDEM with service level agreements. In 2011 the purpose of Service Level Agreements is to document the basis on which CDEM services are being delivered across the region, and the actions and responsibilities agreed between the NRC and the three district councils.

Features of the shared service include:

·     Improving the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of CDEM reduction, readiness, response, and recovery arrangements

·     Seeking opportunities to share data and information.

·     Aligning levels of service as far as practicable.

·     Sharing best practice ideas and other opportunities to improve CDEM outcomes for the community.

·     Supporting the development of staff through joint training, secondments, and other training opportunities.

·     Developing or engaging key skills to enable the CDEM professionals to provide services to Northland communities and stakeholders. 

·     Ensuring that no cross subsidisation of costs between each of the partners occur


In summary the services provided by the Service Level Agreements are categorised into those:

• provided by the Northland CDEM Group Office and

• those provided by the district councils.

As agreed between the parties, the Service Level Agreements are reviewed once a year with the approval and sign off by the Chief Executive of each Council.


Whangārei District CDEM Activities – Tegan Capp, Emergency Management Specialist and Evania Arani, Emergency Management Specialist 

Whangarei District Emergency Management (EM) Specialists are working with Northland Regional Council Communications team to develop an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) recruitment video. The intention is to share this video at all staff meetings and new staff induction to help drive recruitment of new EOC staff within the district councils; in order to grow and maintain capability, capacity and support for CDEM locally.  


Community activities carried out include:


·    Hikurangi Community Response Group was disestablished approx. 2 years ago. Emergency Management Specialist for the Whangarei District has kept in contact with the secretary of the Hikurangi Friendship House group for the past 6 months about potentially reestablishing the group and was invited out to their meeting in May to present on the benefits of having a Civil Defence Community Response group and an up-to-date Community Response Plan. The group agreed on hosting a community meeting that CDEM personnel could present at to re-establish a group. At the time of writing the meeting has been confirmed to take place on the evening of 2 June.


·    A community meeting was held at the Parua Bay School and attended by three founding members of the newly resurrected Parua Bay Community Response Group and three CDEM staff in early May. Discussions included how the group intend to communicate with the community to generate more membership, potential opportunities for sharing of hazard and preparedness information, updates required to the existing Community Response Plan; and consideration was given to the various alerting methods and platforms the group may choose to utilise to communicate. The school principal was very supportive of the formation of the Community Response Group and has offered the school facilities for use for meetings and in emergency situations- depending on time of day/night so as to not impact the school’s operations.


·    He Waka Eke Noa early childhood centre on Riverside Drive, Whangarei were visited after contacting Northland Civil Defence requesting some advice and guidance on their emergency evacuation plan/policies to ensure they were fit for purpose. Recommendations on potential changes were provided and a follow up visit is being organised.


·    Whangarei EM Specialists attended the Tauraroa Area School in early June and presented to three classes, approximately 54 Year 7 and 8 students. The students are learning about how different groups and individuals respond in a disaster and how the actions (or inaction) that people take affects the outcomes of a disaster. The various hazards we might face in Northland were discussed, as well as personal preparedness and the strength of community.


Whangarei District Council On-Call Arrangements: Proposed Changes to Civil Defence Emergency Management Duty PIM & Duty Officer Role and Responsibilities and On-Call Arrangements

Since 2018, Whangarei District Council has been part of the regionwide on call arrangements for Civil Defence and Emergency Management. The regional on-call arrangements include a Duty Controller and Duty Officer each week. At present, there are two Controllers from Whangarei District Council who are employed as members of the WDC Senior Leadership Team and who form part of the Duty Controller roster. Presently, the on-call arrangements for a WDC Duty Officer and WDC Duty PIM run alongside the group roster and are managed at a local level, although the expectations of local roles have reduced since the introduction of the regional roster.

All CDEM incidents are managed initially at a Group level, irrespective of location, so the WDC Duty Officer no longer forwards warning information to key stakeholders and a local EOC has rarely been needed. Similarly public information management is led by the CDEM Group PIM. Over the last 18 months there have been several CDEM emergencies that have affected the Whangarei District and while the response has been coordinated at a Group level, there has been some confusion and differing expectations about the role of the WDC Duty Officer and PIM.

This proposal is presently in the consultation stage with Whangarei District Council.

The proposal is to bring the WDC Duty Officer and WDC Duty PIM roster alongside the Northland CDEM Duty Roster. This aims to clarify expectations of everyone involved in the CDEM response for Whangarei District and make better use of the skills and expertise of the WDC Duty Officer and WDC Duty PIM. Additionally, the capacity and capability of these staff will be developed as training is provided as part of the induction and as experience is gained working alongside the Northland CDEM Team.

Diagram 1:
Proposed alignment of WDC Duty Staff with Northland CDEM staff on one roster

Diagram 2: Example of proposed tasks to be undertaken by Duty staff, from both Northland CDEM and Whangarei District Council.


Far North CDEM Activities – Sarah Boniface, Emergency Management Specialist Far North; Bill Hutchinson, Emergency Management Specialist Far North

Community engagement activities Kanohi ki te Kanohi (face to face) have continued to be restricted due to the ongoing COVID19 and Omicron response and precautionary measures taken due to contact risk and low vaccination rates in the Far North. However, where appropriate and protocols and the circumstances have allowed, meetings have been undertaken to maintain relationships and review community response plans.

 An overview of community activities carried out include:

·     Post fires debrief with Kaimaumau Community Response Group, and review and update of the Kaimaumau Community Response Plan following lessons learnt from the evacuation of the community and response to the wildfire.


·     Attendance and participation at recovery meetings hosted by Fire Emergency New Zealand to support recovery management for the Kaimaumau fire.


·     Ongoing attendance at meetings and workshops in support of the continuation of the Te Hiku Covid Response Group (THCRG).


·     Review and update of Karikari Peninsula Community Response Plan.


·     Meetings at Doubtless Bay to re-establish a Community Response Group that has been in recess.


·     Discussions have been held with residents of the Russell community to encourage and support re-establishment of a Community Response Group.


·     On the 25th of March 2022 Far North EM Specialists met with trustees of Haiti-tai-marangi Marae on the Karikari Peninsula to discuss the implementation of a community response plan for the 300 residents who reside north of the Wairahoraho Stream.  Most residents in this community live off the grid and are unable to get cell phone or Wi-Fi reception.  In the event of an emergency, Emergency Mobile Alerts (EMA) and other avenues of receiving warning messages are not able to be received by this community.


·     On the 4th of June 2022 Far North EM Specialists were invited to participate in a community day held at the Karikari Community Hall hosted by Ngati Kahu. The aim of this event was help and assist Ngati Kahu in their drive to increase COVID vaccination numbers on the Karikari Peninsula.  Other stakeholders including the Department of Conservation, Police and Fire and Emergency New Zealand also participated in this initiative.


·    Meetings have been attended by representatives of CDEM, Far North District Council, Northland Regional Council, Waka Kotahi and the Taumatamakuku community to consider surface flooding impacting residential properties at the Taumatamakuku Settlement in Moerewa after heavy rainfall on 21 March.


·    An analysis of extensive flood modelling that has been undertaken by the Northland Regional Council and data recorded during the timeframes the flooding was reported by the community, indicates the issue has coincided with short periods of heavy localised rainfall as recent cyclones have passed over Northland.


·    It has been identified that the surface flooding was caused by stormwater runoff onto properties within the Taumatmakuku Settlement, as opposed to flooding of the Otiria Stream and any recent flood mitigation work that has been undertaken in Moerewa.


·    Of note, 123.3 mm of rainfall in an hour was recorded at Mangatapere from the same weather pattern.   These weather patterns carried a condensed band of very intense short duration rainfall, well over the 100-year rainfall for 30 min to 6-hour durations.  It is expected any catchments in its path with those timeframes and concentrations may be impacted by surface or flash flooding.  (Refer graphs and photo below)









Photo: Silt and debris left on nearby farmland from the localised rainfall 21 March


Further investigation by contractors found some Waka Kotahi drains on State highway 1 would benefit from cleaning to improve flow and assist to prevent overtopping during these types of events.   Waka Kotahi have committed to bringing their drain maintenance programme forward and will investigate a drainage analysis for this Settlement.


Northland Civil Defence have been advised that the Radio New Zealand (RNZ) Kaitaia AM transmission mast located at Waipapakauri is at risk of structural failure and is beyond repair. It is required to be removed urgently and is unlikely to be replaced.  The Kaitaia site provides AM radio transmissions for the northernmost areas of Northland from 20km north of Kerikeri to the top of Cape Reinga.

RNZ has alternative FM coverage which overlaps with some of the current AM coverage but not the entire area from this site.

CDEM have highlighted the following key points to RNZ in support of replacing the transmission tower and maintaining an AM Radio Service in the Far North.

·    Areas of the Far North currently have very limited access to communications in emergencies and are reliant on AM Radio.


·    Reliance is on local radio stations to alert people and provide information in emergencies.


·    Phone trees are commonly used within remote communities.


·    Deprivation is a big issue and there are few resources (money) for e.g., Freeview


·    Cellular coverage is poor and Emergency Mobile Alerts (EMA), Hazard App and other avenues of receiving warning messages are not always able to be received in the affected area of coverage.


·    It is not unusual for communities to live off-grid with only battery radios.


·    Despite Government funding there are few fixed lines and little fibre for many affected rural communities


·    Satellite coverage is poor, and costs to pay for and maintain Sat phones are unaffordable


Far North EM Specialists have been working to provide information to RNZ regarding which communities are likely to be affected by the closure and ways to mitigate the effects of the site closure.

National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) representatives visited the Far North on April 6. The purpose of the visit was to offer in person support of CDEM Groups that has been restricted due to COVID protocols and to provide an opportunity for Northland CDEM Staff to meet with NEMA Management to receive an overview of progress on the “Trifecta Program”. It was also an opportunity to provide an open forum to discuss any topics or concerns that that may be impacting the Northland CDEM Group.

The opportunity was also taken by NEMA while in the Far North District to meet with Far North District Council CEO Blair King as an introductory measure and provide an overview on National and Regional CDEM arrangements.


Kaipara CDEM Activities – Laura Exton, Emergency Management Specialist – Kaipara

A positive change recently is the transition back into meeting kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face). It has allowed for building stronger connections in-person, especially with those communities and community members who have limited access to technology. It’s encouraging working with community members who are engaged and keen to review their Community Response Plans and communicate emergency preparedness messaging in their area.

An Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Exercise has been organised to take place on Friday 8 July in the Kaipara District. This Exercise will be attended by CIMS4-trained Kaipara District Council staff who are members of the EOC team. This will be a great opportunity for the team to connect in person for the first time in a few years, refresh their skills, and apply their knowledge in a practical scenario.


Alistair Dunlop, Building Services Manager - Kaipara District Council, has been enlisted as a Group and Local Controller, pending official appointment at the NCDEM Group meeting on 14 June 2022. This appointment will assist with providing a fair and reasonable distribution of time commitment between Controllers – as in recent times, John Burt has been the sole Local Controller for the Kaipara District. 


An overview of community engagement activities in the Kaipara District is as follows:

·    After an initial meeting on 17 March, the Maungaturoto Community Response Group has reignited and are currently reviewing their plan with support from the EM Specialist – Kaipara. They are also working on ideas to build emergency preparedness in their community, for example advertising the Red Cross Hazards App in their local ‘Maungaturoto Matters’ Newsletter.


·    Following the Waikarā fire response in February, a Working Group has formed to work on their emergency preparedness. A Waikarā Working Group hui was held at Waikarā on Tuesday 22 March, with CDEM & FENZ staff in attendance. From this hui, actions for CDEM were to support the Working Group with creating a Marae Preparedness Plan and provide education and training opportunities to community members. The Working Group have created a draft Marae Preparedness Plan, which is currently being reviewed by the CDEM team to provide feedback. Progress has also been made, in collaboration with representatives from Working Group, towards creating an education plan.


·    A new Co-Coordinator has recently started on the Mangawhai Community Response Group. EM Specialist – Kaipara is working to engage with the Co-ordinator to determine the future direction of the group. 


·    The Ruawai Community Response Group met on Monday 4 April to reignite their group, view current and potential Community-Led Centre locations, and think about ways they could educate their community on emergency preparedness and communicate their Community Response Plan. The group are meeting again at the end of June to discuss feedback on their plan and next steps.


·    The EM Specialist – Kaipara met the Kaiwaka Community Response Group Coordinators on Tuesday 12 April, where they expressed an interest in reigniting their group.


·    In April, the Matakohe Community Response Group conducted a mailbox drop of Household Emergency Preparedness Plans to households within their neighbourhood.





Tsunami Readiness – Claire Nyberg, Emergency Management Specialist – Tsunami Projects

Tsunami Information Boards

An annual regional wide check of all the tsunami information boards has been completed.  Only one board has had to be replaced due to an unfortunate incident at Oakura with a motor cyclist.  This is the second time this particular board has been replaced. Based on suggestions from the community, a new position has been found for a new tsunami information board to be installed.

Two boards were removed, due to works being undertaken to upgrade parks and/or facilities at Opua and Paihia. Both boards will be reinstated. Civil Defence staff in the Far North have identified additional locations which would benefit from tsunami information boards and work will be undertaken with communities, stakeholders and FNDC budgets to prioritise installation.

In the Whangarei District, additional tsunami board installation sites include, Wellington’s Bay, Mimiwhangata and Teal Bay. The tsunami information board at Wellington’s Bay currently faces east but would potentially have greater visibility if it faced west towards the carpark. An additional board will be installed on the back of the existing board to allow for better public viewing.


Photo 1.  Campsite at Mimiwhangata                           Photo 2.  Checking a board at Wooleys Bay


The tsunami information board at Mimiwhangata is located at the campsite which requires a walk over a small headland to view. Since Mimiwhangata has a number of visitors which are not necessarily campers a new tsunami information board could be installed at the public carpark where there is already existing DOC information boards. We feel this will ensure greater public viewing of the tsunami information board. Going forward we will engage with DOC and/or any other stakeholders to investigate having a new tsunami information board installed at Mimiwhangata.

There is currently no tsunami information board at Teal Bay despite this location being identified in tsunami source modelling as being a highly impacted community from tsunami impact. Whangarei District CDEM staff will work with the community to determine if there is appetite to have a tsunami information board installed and where the best possible location would be.

Several other tsunami information boards have minor damage which at this stage do not require maintenance.  While the tsunami information boards are aging, they are holding up well to the harsh coastal conditions.


Tsunami Siren Testing

Tsunami siren testing was undertaken on Sunday 3 April. All of the sirens activated at the appropriate times.  Testing identified that some sirens have speakers which need realignment as they are pointing in the wrong direction and some lights were reported as not being operational or operated intermittently.  A list of all tsunami sirens requiring maintenance have been send through to North Power and Top Energy for action.

Some of the lights in the Whangarei and Kaipara Districts have not been operational since the last siren testing as Northpower were unable to address, due to reduced operating capacity because of COVID.  Any lights not operating during either siren tests in September 2021 and April 2022 have now been given priority in the maintenance schedule.

It is worth noting that there are still issues with community tsunami assessors incorrectly reporting if lights have been operating or not. This has been identified when Top Energy and Northpower have checked lights and that have been functioning.

New Tsunami Warning System Update

Siren Initial locations for 2021/2022 Year 1

There are 96 new Tsunami Warning Sirens (TWS) arriving across the next three years with 20 arriving in the year 1.  Of these sirens 10 are the TWS-295 type and the other 10 are of the TWS-293 type.  The new tsunami sirens are being built and tested by HSS Engineering in Denmark who were awarded the tender to supply the TWS’s.   

To determine the initial 20 TWS locations for Northland, an exercise was undertaken to assess all 96 TWS locations.  The locations provided by HSS Engineering as part of the sound propagation plan were only to determine how many sirens would be required to cover the current network.  The sound propagation locations did not consider factors such as land ownership, the hazardscape, access to power, visual impact on the landscape and community, stakeholder and iwi consultation.  Each sounds propagation location was re-assessed against the following factors:

·    Property ownership

·    Access to existing power

·    Proximity to the HSS sound propagation locations

·    Potential visual effect on the landscape

·    Location within hazards zones:

Coastal Erosion Hazard Zone

Coastal Flooding Hazard Zone

River Flood Hazard Zone

Tsunami Inundation Zones

Land instability (WDC)

Once this exercise was completed, a number of sites and in some cases alternative sites, were identified for each TWS.  The next steps include consultation with communities, stakeholders and iwi to confirm proposed installation sites.

However, in order for the first shipment of sirens to be sent from Denmark, to meet timeframes, the first 20 sirens have been selected for year 1 installation by:

·    Assessing tsunami risk using the NIWA Tsunami Modelling Study 1 (2007) * using the South American and Tonga/Kermadec tsunami sources

·    Population in tsunami inundation areas

·    Ability of the population to evacuate quickly

·    Facilities contained within inundation zones (i.e. hospitals, schools, industry)

·    Perceived ease of community engagement for site selection/relocation.

* Northland Regional Council Tsunami Modelling Study 1- NIWA Client Report CHC2007 NRC07502-109 September 2007, NIWA Project NRC07502- Emily Lane, Ray Walters, Jade Arnold, Helen Roulston.


Fig 1..  Maximum wave height at shoreline                         Fig 2.  Maximum wave height at shoreline for a shoreline for a South American scenario                                Mw9.0 Tonga Kermadec subduction zone scenario

The sites selected for installation in year 1 include:


Siren type


Siren type

Union Street East*


Taupo Bay




Tauranga Bay




Te Ngaire








Bland Bay








Teal Bay


One Tree Point




Marsden Point




Marsden Point




*Initial installation site as this land is NRC owned, close to suppliers and consultation is perceived to be low risk due to its location in an industrial area.

There will still be an opportunity after consultation with community, stakeholders, iwi and landowners to relocate the current 20 siren positions within reason.  More time will be available to consult over the locations for the remaining 76 sirens over years 2 and 3.


Tsunami science

Aotearoa Tsunami Evacuation Map (NEMA)

At a national level, NEMA have created an ‘Aotearoa Tsunami Evacuation Map’ for the GetReady website with the aim of providing greater public safety.  The map uses the 16 region’s tsunami evacuation maps and allows the public to enter in their address to determine if they are in an evacuation zone.

The map release date has been proposed for 22 June along with a nationwide public education campaign to ‘Own your zone’ for people to familiarise themselves with their evacuation zones.

March 5th 2021 Tsunami and Earthquake Response Survey-One Tree Point

A survey has been prepared by a group of researchers from the NZ Tsunami Research Group which is hosted by University of Canterbury in collaboration with GNS Science and the Joint Centre for Disaster Research (JCDR, Massey University).  The survey, based around people’s actions during the March 5 2021 Tsunami and Earthquake, will be distributed by post to selected householders in the One Tree Point area and then available wider by an online survey link.  The research aims, to contribute to increased understanding of the community-level response following the 5 March earthquake and tsunami events and findings from the research will help inform tsunami evacuation planning for future earthquake and tsunami.

The date of release for this project has been delayed several times, with the latest proposed release date being late May/June 2022.


GNS- 15 January 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) volcanic eruption and tsunami

A group of researchers from GNS and the Joint Centre for Disaster Research (JCDR, Massey University) are looking at conducting research to understand the perceptions of members of the boating community relating to the tsunami hazard, advisories, and impacts following the 15 January 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) volcanic eruption and tsunami.  Part of their research will focus on the Tutukaka Marina and both Sara Harrison and Lucy Kaiser will be in Northland on the 30-31 May to undertake interviews with those involved with the response.

GNS Science is also working on enhancing their collection of real-time hazard and impact data across all hazards.  They are holding a crowdsoured hazard data workshop on the 31 May to help them to understand what our data needs are so the relevant data can be collected and then shared back with stakeholders rapidly during responses.


Welfare Coordination Group Update – Rachel Hill, Emergency Management Specialist – Welfare 

Welfare Coordination Group Meetings

The first Welfare Coordination Group (WCG) of the year was not held as CDEM were awaiting the appointment of the new Group Welfare Manager, Rachel Hill, who commenced employment on the 19 April 2022. 

A meeting is now scheduled for 3 June 2022 with the agenda covering presentations from Health on Covid Regional Support Hub and Future Planning / Next Phase, Claire Nyberg to present on Multi event Response (15 January), MSD to update on Community Connections, Mahitahi Hauora to give information on the Kia Ora fund, Cluster Leads updates and Work Programme update for 2021 / 2022.

 WCG Work Programme

The work programme for 2022-23 will be discussed at the 3 June meeting and finalised at the August 2022 meeting. Several items on the 2021/22 work programme have not been completed due to emergency response and staff changes. Uncompleted work programme items will be reviewed and if they still current and need to be progressed will be carried over to the 2022/23 work programme. A degree of flexibility will be required with the 2022/23 work programme because implementation of the Trifecta will potentially have an impact on CDEM Group welfare.

Welfare Needs Assessment – Project

Work continues with the design of the Welfare Needs Assessment System (WelNAS). Currently, the national Awhina questions which were thought to be ‘fit for purpose’ have been redesigned for Northland and are nearly at User Acceptance Testing (UAT) level.

The re-design of these questions has delayed the project delivery timeframe however it was critical that the questions were correct for both the client, needs assessor and logistics/operations function in a response.

A draft version of the Welfare Needs Assessment System (WelNAS) was demonstrated to the Canterbury Group as welfare subject experts to provide some initial feedback. Their WelNAS journey was positive, the Canterbury Group are keen to ‘borrow’ the Northland product when it is complete.

The next steps of the project include:

·    Integration of the survey back into the dashboards,

·    Linking the updated 4W’s (the who, what, when and why of welfare services developed during COVID) spreadsheet to maps

·    Testing the system against some of the more difficult case studies from previous events

·    Delivery of the system to stakeholders for feedback

·    User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

·    Final testing to ensure privacy and security policies are met

·    Development of training material and case studies

·    Training for customer services, need assessors and WCG members

·    Demonstrations of the system to NEMA and other CDEM Groups.

At a national level NEMA is progressing with Awhina version 2, with a presentation given to Group Welfare Managers early in May. The general feedback from Group Welfare Managers at the meeting is that NEMA is continuing with a project which needs a review in its entirety as NEMA still do not fully understand what needs assessment means in a CDEM context. Further feedback is being given to NEMA from a smaller number of Group Welfare Managers on behalf of the wider network.


Capability Development – Jenny Calder, Response Specialist

The first kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS) and function training for 2022 was held in Whangārei in May.  Positive engagement from attendees enhanced the opportunities for learning, networking and engagement.


Further training is confirmed for July (as below) and work on a programme of courses for agencies and personnel in the FNDC district, with venues to be confirmed.  November training will also offer CIMS and function training.





4 – 5 July



6 – 7 July



8 July

EOC Exercise

Mangawhai / Dargaville (venue TBC)



Kaikohe / Kerikeri (venue TBC)

Operations function

Planning function



Whangārei (venue TBC)

EOC function

Welfare function

Logistics function


Other courses and training

Laura Exton, Rachel Hill and Jenny Calder are working through Level 2 Te Reo courses at Northtec (Whangārei campus).

Jenny Calder attended further EMAT training in early June, with the focus on satellite communications capability.


National Exercise Governance Group – Jenny Calder, Response Specialist

The group is meeting on Wednesday 22 June where an update and oversite will be gained by Jenny. 


Northland Lifelines Group – Tegan Capp, Emergency Management Specialist

The Northland Lifelines Group met kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) on Friday 13 May 2022 in Northland Regional Council Chambers in Whangarei. The agenda included presentations on the response to Cyclone Dovi by Northpower and Top Energy and an update on the draft results of the Northland Region Infrastructure Assessment by Alex Cartwright of Tonkin and Taylor.

The Northland Infrastructure Climate Change Project being led by Tonkin and Taylor is progressing well with a draft report having been distributed to members for feedback.

The Northland Lifelines Group GIS Portal project is underway with critical sites being mapped by Northland Regional Council GIS staff.

The benefits of a shared document management system were discussed and since the meeting a Northland Lifelines Group Dropbox has been established to enable sharing of updated plans and contact information using one central platform, rather than via email.

The planned workshop sessions to review ‘Part B’ the Risk Profile of the Northland Infrastructure Resilience Plan and ‘Part E’ the Northland Fuel Plan were postponed until the next meeting due to timing.



Multi Agency Coordination Centre – Graeme MacDonald, CDEM Manager

The final draft of the feasibility study for the Northland Multi Agency Coordination Centre has been completed and is currently being reviewed.   Once finalised the study will be presented to FENZ for approval.  The feasibility study includes an outline of the “bulk and form” of the building together with details of the partners who have agreed to be parties to the centre.    The bulk and form of the building has been developed based upon information received from those partners that have agreed to be party to the centre.  


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           item: 6.3

14 June 2022



Update on Civil Defence Community Response Plans in Northland


Evania Arani, Emergency Management Specialist; Tegan Capp, Emergency Management Specialist; Sarah Boniface, Emergency Management Specialist; Bill Hutchinson, Emergency Management Specialist and Laura Exton, Emergency Management Specialist – Kaipara

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Victoria Harwood, Pou Tiaki Hapori - GM Community Resilience, on 03 June 2022


Whakarāpopototanga / Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to fulfil Action Item 9 from the Schedule of Actions, “01/03/2022 Item 7.4 Kaimaumau Fire Response – An agenda item is to be included in the next CDEM Coordinating Executive Group meeting providing an overview of the current Community Response Plan situation in Te Tai Tokerau. This should include the number of communities with plans, which plans have recently updated, and what communities don’t have a plan yet.”


In the report, the requested data is displayed in 2 different formats:


1.    Northland Community Response Plans Map – by status

2.    Northland Community Response Plans Map – by status and Territorial Local Authority (TLA)


Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Specialists will be available to speak to the data shown within their respective district.


Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

That the report ‘Update on Civil Defence Community Response Plans in Northland’ by Evania Arani, Emergency Management Specialist; Tegan Capp, Emergency Management Specialist; Sarah Boniface, Emergency Management Specialist; Bill Hutchinson, Emergency Management Specialist and Laura Exton, Emergency Management Specialist – Kaipara and dated 3 June 2022, be received.



There are currently 17 Community Response Plans in the Whangarei District, 11 in the Kaipara District and 33 in the Far North District. The status of each plan is indicated on the provided maps.


Some community response plans can be found on the Northland Regional Council website Not all plans have been uploaded to the website because they either contain personal information of community members or because they are not in the correct format.


Work is underway to align more closely what is available on the website with what is reflected on the following maps.



Map 1 – Community Response Plans by Plan Status




Map 2 – Community Response Plans Status by District






Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga
