Huihuinga O Te Kāhui Māori O Taitokerau
Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party

Thursday 11 August 2022 at 9.30am - 2.00pm





Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party

11 August 2022


Rārangi Take O Te Kāhui Māori O Taitokerau

(Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party Agenda)


Meeting to be held in the Virtual Hui via audio visual link (Zoom)

on Thursday 11 August 2022, commencing at 9.30am - 2.00pm


Please note: working parties and working groups carry NO formal decision-making delegations from council. The purpose of the working party/group is to carry out preparatory work and discussions prior to taking matters to the full council for formal consideration and decision-making. Working party/group meetings are open to the public to attend (unless there are specific grounds under LGOIMA for the public to be excluded).



(MEMBERSHIP OF THE Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party)


Heamana Tokorua (Co-Chairs): Marty Robinson, Councillor and Pita Tipene, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Hine


Alan Riwaka, Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Whātua

Amy Macdonald, Councillor

Colin Kitchen, Councillor

Georgina Curtis-Connelly, Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust

Jack Craw, Councillor

Janelle Beazley, Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-O-Ngāpuhi

Joce Yeoman, Councillor

Juliane Chetham, Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board

Justin Blaikie, Councillor

Lynette Wharerau, Te Whakaminenga O Te Hikutu Hapu-Whanau

Michelle Elboz, Ngāti Kuta, Patukeha

Mike Kake, Ngāti Hau

Mira Norris, Te Parawhau Hapū Authority Charitable Trust

Mariameno Kapa Kingi, Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri

Nora Rameka, Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Rehia

Pania Greaves, Ngāti Tara

Penny Smart, Councillor (Chair, NRC)

Rick Stolwerk, Councillor

Rihari Dargaville, Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa

Rowan Tautari, Te Whakapiko Hapū

Terry Archer, Councillor

Thomas Hohaia, Te Roroa

Waimarie Kingi, Te Waiāriki, Ngāti Korora, Ngāti Taka Hapū Iwi Trust

William Sullivan, Ngātiwai Trust Board






TTMAC representatives on other working parties

Māori Technical Advisory Group

Georgina Curtis-Connelly, Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust

Janelle Beazley, Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-O-Ngāpuhi

Juliane Chetham, Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board

Mira Norris, Te Parawhau Hapū Authority Charitable Trust

Nora Rameka, Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Rehia

Rowan Tautari, Te Whakapiko Hapū

William Sullivan, Ngātiwai Trust Board

Planning and Regulatory Working Party

Juliane Chetham, Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board

Mira Norris, Te Parawhau Hapū Authority Charitable Trust

Rowan Tautari, Te Whakapiko Hapū

William Sullivan, Ngātiwai Trust Board

Water and Land Working Party

Alan Riwaka, Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Whātua

Georgina Curtis-Connelly, Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust

Janelle Beazley, Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-O-Ngāpuhi

Mira Norris, Te Parawhau Hapū Authority Charitable Trust

Waimarie Kingi, Te Waiāriki, Ngāti Korora, Ngāti Taka Hapū Iwi Trust

Climate Change Working Party

Lynette Wharerau, Te Whakaminenga O Te Hikutu Hapu-Whanau

Mira Norris, Te Parawhau Hapū Authority Charitable Trust

Rihari Dargaville, Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa

Rowan Tautari, Te Whakapiko Hapū

Biosecurity and Biodiversity Working Party

Georgina Curtis-Connelly, Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust

Juliane Chetham, Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board

Michelle Elboz, Ngāti Kuta, Patukeha

Nora Rameka, Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Rehia

Joint Climate Change Adaptation Governance Committee

Rihari Dargaville, Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa

Rowan Tautari, Te Whakapiko Hapū (proxy)

Local Government Elections subgroup

Mike Kake, Ngāti Hau

Nora Rameka, Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Rehia

Pita Tipene, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Hine

Strategic (Priorities) Intent subgroup 2021

Lynette Wharerau, Te Whakaminenga O Te Hikutu Hapu-Whanau

Mike Kake, Ngāti Hau

Mira Norris, Te Parawhau Hapū Authority Charitable Trust

Nora Rameka, Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Rehia

Pita Tipene, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Hine

Tāngata Whenua Water Advisory Group

Alan Riwaka, Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Whātua

Rowan Tautari, Te Whakapiko Hapū

Lynette Wharerau, Te Whakaminenga O Te Hikutu Hapu-Whanau

Meeting Dates for 2022 – some dates may be subject to change




Water and Land WP

Planning & Regulatory WP

Climate Change WP

Biosecurity & Biodiversity WP

10 February*


3 February

1 March

1 March

23 February

23 February

10 March


3 March

3 May

3 May

25 May

25 May

14 April*


7 April

2 August

2 August

31 August

31 August

12 May 19 May


5 May

(1 November)

(1 November)

(30 November)

(30 November)

9 June*

Workshop Meeting

2 June


14 July


7 July

11 August*

Workshop Meeting

4 August

8 September


1 September


Council recess


6 October


Council recess


Council recess



December TBA



Commonly used terms and abbreviations

Appointed member – one of the (up to) twenty-one appointed iwi and hapū members from Te Taitokerau tāngata whenua. Members are appointed in accordance with the Terms of Reference. In addition to appointed members there are nine elected members (councillors)

AP - Annual Plan

TTMAC caucusis comprised of appointed (tāngata whenua) members

CEO - Chief Executive Officer

CPCA - Community Pest Control Areas

DOC - Department of Conservation

FNDC - Far North District Council

GIS - Geographic Information System

HEMP - Hapū Environmental Management Plan

IEMP - Iwi Environmental Management Plan

ILGACE - Iwi and Local Government Chief Executives Forum

KDC - Kaipara District Council 

LAWA – Land, Air, Water Aotearoa

LEA - Local Electoral Act 2001

LGA - Local Government Act 2002

LGNZ - Local Government New Zealand

LIDAR – Light detection and ranging

LTP - Long Term Plan


MBIE – Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

MFE - Ministry for the Environment

MOT - Ministry of Transport

MPI - Ministry for Primary Industries

MTAG - Māori Technical Advisory Group (a sub-group of TTMAC)

NES - National Environmental Standards

NINC - Northland Inc. Limited

NIWA - National Institute of Water and Atmosphere

NPS - National Policy Statement

NPS-FM - National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management

RMA - Resource Management Act 1991

RP – Regional Plan

TAG - Technical Advisory Group

TKoT – Te Kahu o Taonui

TTMAC - Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party

TTNEAP – Tai Tokerau Northland Economic Action Plan

TOR - Terms of Reference

TPK - Te Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Maori Development)

TWWAG – Tāngata Whenua Water Advisory Group

WDC - Whangarei District Council







RĪMITI (ITEM)                                                                                                                                          Page

1.0      Ngā Mahi Whakapai/Housekeeping

2.0      NGĀ WHAKAPAHĀ/apologies   

3.0      NGA WHAKAPUAKANGA/declarations of interest

4.0      Ngā Rīmiti (Items)

4.1      Record of Actions – 14 July 2022                                                                           8

4.2      Receipt of Action Sheet                                                                                          15

capacity and capability

4.3      Te Tiriti Organisational Review (Health Check)                                                19

4.4      ‘Tāiki e’ (NRC Te Tiriti Strategy and Implementation Plan)                           21

4.5      Hapū/Iwi Environmental Management Plans (HEMPs)                                  38

water / marine

4.6      Tangata Whenua Water Advisory Group update                                             40

4.7      Freshwater Plan - tangata whenua engagement                                             41

reports for noting

4.8      Reports from other working party and groups                                                 43

4.9      Chief Executive’s Report to Council                                                                    45

Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party                                                                                  item: 4.1

11 August 2022



Record of Actions – 14 July 2022


Sally Bowron, Strategy, Governance and Engagement Team Admin/PA

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Auriole Ruka, Pou Manawhakahaere - GM Governance and Engagement, on 28 July 2022


Whakarāpopototanga / Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to present the Record of Actions of the last meeting (attached) held on 14 July 2022 for review by the meeting.


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: Record of actions   

Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party  ITEM: 4.1

11 August 2022Attachment 1

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Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party                                                                                  item: 4.2

11 August 2022



Receipt of Action Sheet


Sally Bowron, Strategy, Governance and Engagement Team Admin/PA

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Auriole Ruka, Pou Manawhakahaere - GM Governance and Engagement, on 28 July 2022


Whakarāpopototanga / Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to enable the meeting to receive the current action sheet.


Nga mahi tutohutia / Recommendation

That the action sheet be received.


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga

Attachment 1: Action Sheet   

Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party  ITEM: 4.2

11 August 2022Attachment 1

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Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party                                                                                  item: 4.3

11 August 2022



Te Tiriti Organisational Review (Health Check)


Kim Peita, Maori Relationships Manager

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Auriole Ruka, Pou Manawhakahaere - GM Governance and Engagement, on 28 July 2022


Whakarāpopototanga/Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to present the latest work programme that is currently underway with independent providers Buddle Findlay and Whaia Legal.  NRC engaged the services of Buddle Findlay (Paul Beverley) and Whaia Legal (Tai Ahu) in June to assist in the delivery of the council’s Long-Term Plan independent Te Tiriti Health Check.  At the time of writing this report workshops have been completed with tāngata whenua members of Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (TTMAC) and the organisation’s executive leadership team (ELT).  A further catch up session has been organised for members of ELT who were unable to attend the first workshop.  Independent providers will meet with the full TTMAC at the 11 August meeting.


A total of 11 Kaitiaki names from six iwi and hapū have been put forward for interview by the Māori Technical Advisory Group (MTAG) and these are in the process of being organised.  A full staff Te Tiriti Organisational Capability survey commenced on 18 July.  An analysis of the data has been completed by the Pou Manawhakahaere – GM Governance and Engagement and the Kaiwhakahaere Hononga Māori and will have been provided to the reviewers.


The next step is for the independent providers to present a draft report and receive feedback from ELT, MTAG and TTMAC.  Then, a final report and recommendations will be completed and presented to council workshop on 13 September 2022 and to the formal council meeting on 27 September 2022.  These revised dates allow time for the draft report to be presented back to the key stakeholders (led by TTMAC) and to ensure the integrity and mana of the voices of all those involved are heard and incorporated into the review.


Ngā mahi tūtohutia/Recommended actions

1.         That the report ‘Te Tiriti Organisational Review (Health Check)’ by Kim Peita, Māori Relationships Manager and dated 27 July 2022, be received.

Tip for writing good recommendations:

·  Recommendations should identify all decisions that are needed. 

·  If only one recommendation do not number.

·  Write the option out in full, rather than referring to an option in the report.  Set out clear options for councillors to decide between if necessary. 

·  Recommendations must be within the power of the meeting to make the decision. 

·  Avoid redundant or unnecessary statements and acronyms.

·  If a report is proposed, recommend a realistic date and state to which committee the proposed report back is to be made.

·         If it is deemed that there is high risk associated with a decision then include recognition of risk in the resolution.


The updated work programme is below.



Wednesday 27 July, 12.30PM-3.30PM

TTMAC caucus meeting – workshop

Thursday 28 July, 10-11AM

ELT meeting – workshop

Friday 29 July

Invites to be sent to Kaitiaki by Friday 29 July (MRT)

Wednesday 3 August, 10.30AM-12.30PM

Council workshop – workshop

Thursday 4 August

MTAG Meeting (anytime between 2-4pm)

Wednesday 10 August 2PM

ELT catchup session

By Wednesday 10 August

Māori Relationships Manager to share results of internal staff surveys with Providers

Thursday 11 August

Kaitiaki interviews complete

Thursday 11 August

Full TTMAC meeting (anytime between 11-3pm)

Thursday 24 August, 5pm

First draft report due

Thursday 1 September, 10-11AM

ELT meeting – to present draft report and receive any feedback

Thursday 1 September, 2-4PM

MTAG meeting – to present draft report and receive any feedback

Thursday 8 September, 11Am-1PM

TTMAC – to present draft report to TTMAC (full) and receive final feedback before finalising paper to Council

Friday 9 September, 5pm

Draft report to be finalised for the 13 September Council workshop

Tuesday 13 September, 1-2pm

Council workshop – to present final report and recommendations and receive any feedback

Wednesday 14 September, 5pm

Final report to be finalised for Council Agenda Preview Meeting on Tuesday 20 September

Tuesday 27 September, 1-2pm

Council meeting – to present final report with recommendations


Ngā tapirihanga / Attachments



Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party                                                                                  item: 4.4

11 August 2022



‘Tāiki e’ (NRC Te Tiriti Strategy and Implementation Plan)


Auriole Ruka, Pou Manawhakahaere - GM Governance and Engagement

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Auriole Ruka, Pou Manawhakahaere - GM Governance and Engagement, on 28 July 2022


Whakarāpopototanga/Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to acknowledge and confirm that Tāiki e (NRC Te Tiriti Strategy and Implementation Plan) has been adopted at the formal council meeting held 26 July 2022 (subject to any final minor, graphic, structural or grammatical changes or amendments recommended by the Chief Executive Officer).  This endorses the partnership with Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (TTMAC) as Tāiki e aligns with council’s commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and strengthens partnerships with tangata whenua and council’s position/ability to respond to central government reforms.  It also provides clear strategic direction both at a governance and operational level to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  The main objective of Tāiki e is that it provides a robust starting point for the incoming council for the understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Te Taitokerau context, partnership and obligations.


Operationally, it provides and includes direct actions relating to environmental monitoring, review of council’s regulatory services, and education on environmental and resource management issues. Furthermore, while Tāiki e focuses on capacity, capability and Māori representation, it establishes a framework for looking at the other Ngā Whainga/Goals in TTMAC Strategic Intent 2021-2040 which include Water/Marine and Climate Crisis.


‘Tāiki e’ Implementation Plan lists 26 Actions that are made up of 13 x Priority One, 9 x Priority Two and 4 x Priority Three Actions. Of the 26 Actions;  nine are budgeted, seven can be achieved within existing resources and 10 are unbudgeted. Currently there are some Priority One Actions underway or in progress including:


·    Action 1.  Establishing Te Tiriti o Waitangi Health Check and Review

·    Action 3.  Support and increase the uptake of the development of Iwi/Hapū Environmental Plans

·    Action 4.  Support and increase the uptake of Mana Whakahono a Rohe (MwaR)

·    Action 7/8/9.  Council environmental monitoring programme to support environmental monitoring by tangata whenua

·    Action 22.  Ensure the successful ongoing implementation of Māori constituencies.


Work has been ongoing with the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to begin more detailed planning for the ‘Tāiki e’  implementation plan and this will be brought back to TTMAC’s September meeting for endorsement. ELT will need to consider capacity and capability to undertake implementation and delivery, particularly for the Priority 1 Actions over the next 12 months.  Staff recognise that it is important to prioritise ‘Tāiki e’, however, being an election year will result in a period where the incoming council will need time to confirm the new governance structure and be inducted as new councillors.


Ngā mahi tūtohutia/Recommended actions

1.         That the report ‘‘Tāiki e’ (NRC Te Tiriti Strategy and Implementation Plan)’ by Auriole Ruka, Pou Manawhakahaere - GM Governance and Engagement and dated 27 July 2022, be received.

Tip for writing good recommendations:

·  Recommendations should identify all decisions that are needed. 

·  If only one recommendation do not number.

·  Write the option out in full, rather than referring to an option in the report.  Set out clear options for councillors to decide between if necessary. 

·  Recommendations must be within the power of the meeting to make the decision. 

·  Avoid redundant or unnecessary statements and acronyms.

·  If a report is proposed, recommend a realistic date and state to which committee the proposed report back is to be made.

·         If it is deemed that there is high risk associated with a decision, then include recognition of risk in the resolution.


Not applicable.


Ngā tapirihanga / Attachments

Attachment 1: Tāiki e (NRC Te Tiriti Strategy and Implementation Plan) - Final Draft

Attachment 2: Tāiki e Context Diagram 15 July 2022  


Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party  ITEM: 4.4

11 August 2022Attachment 1

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Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party  ITEM: 4.4

11 August 2022Attachment 2

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Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party                                                                                  item: 4.5

11 August 2022



Hapū/Iwi Environmental Management Plans (HEMPs)


Kim Peita, Maori Relationships Manager

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Auriole Ruka, Pou Manawhakahaere - GM Governance and Engagement, on 28 July 2022


Whakarāpopototanga/Executive summary

A total fund of $30,000 is available from council for the development, review and updating of Hapū/Iwi environmental management plans (HEMPs). The maximum allocation for any one application for funding is $10,000. The fund provides financial and technical support for hapū and iwi for their Resource Management Planning Project.

Applications for the contestable funding are open from Wednesday, 27 July to Wednesday 7 September 2022.  Successful/non-successful applicants will be notified by Wednesday, 21 September 2022.

Information regarding application and the relevant forms is available on the ‘Working with Māori’ and ‘Popular topics’ sections of the NRC website homepage: Nga Whakamahere o Te Taiao - Iwi/Hapū Management Plans - Northland Regional Council (  A pānui has also been sent out via iwi/hapū email list.


Ngā mahi tūtohutia/Recommended actions

1.         That the report ‘Hapū/Iwi Environmental Management Plans (HEMPs)’ by Kim Peita, Maori Relationships Manager and dated 27 July 2022, be received.

Tip for writing good recommendations:

·  Recommendations should identify all decisions that are needed. 

·  If only one recommendation do not number.

·  Write the option out in full, rather than referring to an option in the report.  Set out clear options for councillors to decide between if necessary. 

·  Recommendations must be within the power of the meeting to make the decision. 

·  Avoid redundant or unnecessary statements and acronyms.

·  If a report is proposed, recommend a realistic date and state to which committee the proposed report back is to be made.

·         If it is deemed that there is high risk associated with a decision then include recognition of risk in the resolution.


A Hapū/Iwi Environmental Management Plan (HEMP) is a resource management plan developed by a hapū, iwi or iwi authority. Hapū/Iwi Environmental Management Plans are holistic documents that describe resource management issues of importance to tāngata whenua.

The plans may also contain information relating to specific cultural values, historical accounts, and descriptions of areas of interest (hapū/iwi boundaries/rohe) and consultation/engagement protocols for resource consents and monitoring, plan changes and matters of significance for tangata whenua.

Funding can only be paid to an established legal entity such as a marae committee, hapū trust, iwi authority, or consultants acting on behalf of the applicant.

Each funding application must show:

·      Whether the application is made by hapū/iwi and is a legal entity;

·      Evidence of mandate and a letter of recognition supported by an iwi authority;

·      The area of interest and any shared areas of interest with neighbouring hapū/iwi, and

·      A breakdown of the funding sought, indicating how the funds will be used.

Applicants must agree to:

a)    The final HEMP being recognised by the relevant iwi authority

b)    A copy of the final HEMP being formally lodged with the regional council

c)    An electronic copy of the HEMP (either new, revised or updated) being placed on the regional council's website.


Ngā tapirihanga / Attachments



Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party                                                                                  item: 4.6

11 August 2022



Tangata Whenua Water Advisory Group update


Alison Newell, Policy Specialist

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Jonathan Gibbard, Pou Tiaki Taiao – Group Manager Environmental Services, on 29 July 2022


Whakarāpopototanga/Executive summary

The co-chairs of the Tangata Whenua Water Advisory Group will provide a verbal update on the group’s progress since their last report to Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party.


Ngā mahi tūtohutia/Recommended actions

1.         That the report ‘Tangata Whenua Water Advisory Group update’ by Alison Newell, Policy Specialist and dated 27 July 2022, be received.



Not applicable


Ngā tapirihanga / Attachments



Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party                                                                                  item: 4.7

11 August 2022



Freshwater Plan - tangata whenua engagement


Ben Lee, Planning and Policy Manager

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Jonathan Gibbard, Pou Tiaki Taiao – Group Manager Environmental Services, on 29 July 2022


Whakarāpopototanga/Executive summary

The Tangata Whenua Water Advisory Group (TWWAG) has the task of preparing advice for council for engaging with tangata whenua for the development of the Freshwater Plan.  The recommendation is that Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (TTMAC) endorse the advice. 


The item also gives an overview of the broader Freshwater Plan communication and engagement plan.


Ngā mahi tūtohutia/Recommended actions

1.         That the report ‘Freshwater Plan - tangata whenua engagement’ by Ben Lee, Planning and Policy Manager and dated 29 July 2022, be received.

2.         That Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party endorse the Tangata Whenua Water Advisory Group advice for wider tangata whenua engagement for the development of the Freshwater Plan. 



Council is developing a Freshwater Plan in response to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (2020) (NPS-FM) direction to put in place new targets, policies, and rules to improvement the state of freshwater.

Engaging with tangata whenua is a key part of developing the Freshwater Plan.

Tangata Whenua Water Advisory Group advice

The Tangata Whenua Water Advisory Group (TWWAG) has the task of preparing advice for council for engaging with tangata whenua for the development of the Freshwater Plan[1].


At the time of writing TWWAG had yet to confirm its advice, but the aim is to do this at their 5 August meeting (which is after the circulation of the Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (TTMAC) August meeting agenda).  The engagement advice will therefore be circulated separate to this agenda.


The recommendation is that TTMAC endorse TWWAG’s advice to council for consideration.


Council’s communication and engagement plan

Council has started an awareness raising campaign about the Freshwater Plan.  This includes updates to the website, paid content in newspapers and social media posts.  Some of the communication collateral is targeted at tangata whenua – social media posts that focus on the work of TWWAG and te mana me te mauri o te wai as key to the Freshwater Plan, an information flier, and a media release targeted at Māori media.


The following is an overview of the council’s general communications and engagement plan for developing the Freshwater Plan:





Phase 1 – Pre-draft: Inform

(start mid July 2022)

Raise awareness of plan change:​

·    What, when and why​

·    Significant changes coming​

·    How to be involved​

Print media, social media, radio interviews, Māori-specific information, media release, website, GIS viewer, direct contact

Phase 2 – Pre-draft: Engage

(start Nov 2022)

We know a lot about what’s important about our freshwater – anything missing?

As above​ + (TBC) video, online expert panel, Feedback – written & GIS ‘drop a pin’, face-to-face

Phase 3 – Pre-draft: Reflect and prepare​

(April 2023)​

·    Here’s what we heard from phase 2​

·    Draft coming out soon​


Phase 4 – Draft​

(June – Aug 2023)​

·    Here’s council’s draft plan change – what do you think?​

·    Communicate the information that informed council’s thinking (e.g. scenario modelling)​


Phase 5 – Pre-notification​

(early 2024)​

‘Heads up’ that plan will be notified soon​


Phase 6 – Notification​

(start April 2024)​

Encourage people to make a submission​





Ngā tapirihanga / Attachments



Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party                                                                                  item: 4.8

11 August 2022



Reports from other working party and groups


Sally Bowron, Strategy, Governance and Engagement Team Admin/PA

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Auriole Ruka, Pou Manawhakahaere - GM Governance and Engagement, on 28 July 2022


Whakarāpopototanga/Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to present records of actions from council’s other working party meetings that have occurred since the last Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (TTMAC) meeting. It is also an opportunity for working party Chairs and TTMAC members on working parties to provide a verbal update and answer any questions that may arise.

Ngā mahi tūtohutia/Recommended actions

1.         That the report ‘Reports from other working party and groups’ by Sally Bowron, Strategy, Governance and Engagement Team Admin/PA and dated 27 July 2022, be received.

Tip for writing good recommendations:

·  Recommendations should identify all decisions that are needed. 

·  If only one recommendation do not number.

·  Write the option out in full, rather than referring to an option in the report.  Set out clear options for councillors to decide between if necessary. 

·  Recommendations must be within the power of the meeting to make the decision. 

·  Avoid redundant or unnecessary statements and acronyms.

·  If a report is proposed, recommend a realistic date and state to which committee the proposed report back is to be made.

·         If it is deemed that there is high risk associated with a decision then include recognition of risk in the resolution.


Māori Technical Advisory Group

TTMAC representatives: Juliane Chetham , Georgina Connelly, Nora Rameka, William Sullivan, Janelle Beazley, Mira Norris, Rowan Tautari

The Māori Technical Advisory Group (MTAG) meet regularly on the first Thursday of each month to address mahi referred to them by Te Taitokerau Māori and Council working Party. At the 7 July meeting the following topics were discussed:

·    How MTAG want to work with the consultants on Review of the Regional Policy Statement

·    Te Tiriti Health Check

·    MTAG Work Tracker

·    Updates from the Māori Relationships Team.

Following discussion, MTAG agreed to the following actions:

·    Staff to provide an update to MTAG after meeting with Takiwa Ltd and DIA re indigenous mapping/data sovereignty protocols and funding availability

·    Staff to update MTAG on consents mahi at August meeting and provide a summary of what’s been done

·    The outcome of the Coastal Occupation Charges mahi to be reported to TTMAC

·    Update the Work Tracker with the suggested improvements and return to MTAG for feedback and prioritisation of items

·    Barker Associates to bring an initial scope for the Regional Policy Statement (RPS) review to MTAG’s August meeting for feedback from MTAG

·    MTAG to email kaitiaki suggestions for Te Tiriti Health Check interviews.


Biosecurity and Biodiversity Working Party, Chair Jack Craw

TTMAC representatives: Juliane Chetham , Georgina Connelly, Barb Elboz, Nora Rameka

The next Biosecurity and Biodiversity Working Party is scheduled for 31 August 2022.


Climate Change Working Party (Chair: Cr. Amy Macdonald)

TTMAC representatives: Lynette Wharerau, Mira Norris, Rihari Dargaville, Rowan Tautari

The next Climate Change Working Party meeting is scheduled for 31 August 2022.


Water and Land Working Party (Chair: Cr Justin Blaikie)

TTMAC representatives: Janelle Beazley, Mira Norris, Alan Riwaka, Georgina Connelly, Waimarie Kingi

A Water and Land Working Party meeting was held on 2 August 2022. The record of actions was not available in time for inclusion in this agenda. A brief verbal can be provided at TTMAC’s meeting.


Planning and Regulatory Working Party (Chair: Cr Joce Yeoman)

TTMAC representatives: Juliane Chetham, Mira Norris, Rowan Tautari, William Sullivan

A Planning and Regulatory Working Party meeting was held on 2 August 2022. The record of actions was not available in time for inclusion in this agenda. A brief verbal can be provided at TTMAC’s meeting.


Ngā tapirihanga / Attachments



Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party                                                                                  item: 4.9

11 August 2022



Chief Executive’s Report to Council


Malcolm Nicolson, Tumuaki - Chief Executive Officer

Authorised by Group Manager/s:

Malcolm Nicolson, Tumuaki - Chief Executive Officer, on 19 July 2022


Ngā mahi tūtohutia / Recommendation

That the report ‘Chief Executive’s Report to Council’ by Malcolm Nicolson, Tumuaki - Chief Executive Officer and dated 27 July 2022, be received.


4.9.1   Highlights

Aitutaki Range Test

It is pleasing to see the trials to improve water resilience in remote communities undertaken by NRC now being implemented to support our Pacific neighbours. The first rollout in Aitutaki now underway.  This trial was undertaken by Civil Defence and previously report to council

4.9.2   CEO’s Office

Current Legal Proceedings




Consent decision appeal

Two separate consent applications for replacement and new consents relating to a proposed expansion of, Doug’s Opua Boat Yard in Walls Bay, Ōpua

The Court has advised that a hearing is required for these appeals.  All evidence is to be presented to the Court by 19 August 2022.  A hearing date is yet to be confirmed.

Consent decision appeal

Irrigation of avocado orchards and horticulture crops

The Court adjourned the hearing on 30 June 2022 and has requested final submissions to be provided.  The Court will then make an interning decision on the applications.  The Judge has indicated that due to prior court commitments, it may be up to three months for an interim decision and at least six months before a substantive decision will be issued.



Enterprise System Update


The Finance team are currently working towards completing the 2021/22 year-end draft accounts for audit review, hence there is no financial report included in the July 2022 council agenda.  These draft annual accounts will be presented to the August council meeting.  Deloitte will be onsite from 22 August until early September completing their review of the final accounts, which are set to be given audit clearance and be adopted by council at the council meeting on 27 September 2022.

An verbal update on the year end externally managed fund performance will be provided at the meeting based on the Eriksens Global June 2022 report.

Council Property Update

·    Due diligence is being undertaken for the purchase of two property holdings in Whangarei’s CBD.

·    Staff from both councils are now operating out of the Kaipara Service Centre.  The Property Team will continue to work on transition issues as the full staff contingent moves into the building. Expansion of the solar energy array at the KSC occurred in late May 2022 and it will now meet 30 to 45% of the building’s weekday electricity demand, up from 15% in the original design.

·    The NIWA Kingfish RAS head contractor, CB Civil are currently focused on completing the RAS treatment tanks, progressing the pipework and central suspended access way. The last of the specialist equipment is now in New Zealand and the ‘material supply’ risk to the project is decreased substantially. The completion timeframe currently looks achievable but very tight.


LGOIMA Process Review

Council’s process under the Local Government Official Information Act (LGOIMA) has been undergoing review for the purpose of continuous improvement.  This is concurrent with the transferral of LGOIMA process management from the governance team to the corporate strategy team. 

The review has included a self-assessment of council’s LGOIMA processes based on the Ombudsman’s ‘Key dimensions’ indicators and development of an improvement plan based on this.   Staff provided this plan, and the suite of councils own existing guidelines and tools, to the office of the Ombudsman for their review.  This was followed by a meeting with the staff from the office of the Ombudsman on 17 June, where the materials, self-assessment, and roadmap were discussed.  The office of the Ombudsman appreciated councils proactive approach and will provide written feedback on council’s material as well as working with staff to arrange ongoing LGOIMA training as required.

Staff will continue to engage with the Ombudsman office as they proceed with the implementation of the improvement plan.

Regional Accessibility Strategy

In May 2019, the Chief Executive Forum raised the possibility of developing a region-wide disability (now accessibility) strategy for Northland. The purpose of the strategy would be to enable people with access needs to live, work, play, visit and participate across our communities, in a more inclusive and equitable way.

A cross-council working group, comprising staff representatives from the three district councils and NRC, have been working to advance development of an accessibility plan, which may be a strategy or other initiative.  Work to date has included:

·    Seeking feedback from the Disability Advisory Group on the process of strategy/plan development and subsequent action plans

·    A survey to assess the needs of the community

·    A survey to gain insight from staff across all four councils on accessibility


The next step in the project is to carry out a round of community engagement to gather more in-depth information from access needs communities.  Guiding documentation and a consultation plan to properly support this process is almost complete, including a shared webpage to support the engagement and a social pinpoint page which facilitates feedback via several different platforms.  All material produced for engagement must be suitably accessible, with required translations planned to be carried out over the coming weeks. 

Once the engagement has been carried out, feedback will be analysed and a plan, strategy, or other suitable initiative drafted in conjunction with a group of stakeholders from the access needs community.

Council approved funding in their 2021 Long Term Plan for implementation of a strategy, which is budgeted from 2023/24 onwards.

4.9.4   regulatory services

Consents in Process

During June 2022, a total of 113 Decisions were issued.  These decisions comprised:

Ÿ Moorings




Ÿ Coastal Permits




Ÿ Coastal Discharge Permits




Ÿ Land Discharge Permits




Ÿ Land Use Consents




Ÿ Water Permits




Ÿ Water Takes




Ÿ Bore Consents





The processing timeframes for the June 2022 consents ranged from:

Ÿ 4427 to 0 calendar days, with the median time being 35 days;

Ÿ 2980 to 0 working days, with the median time being 21 days.

Thirty-five applications were received in June 2022.

Of the 168 applications in progress at the end of June 2022:

Ÿ 29 were received more than 12 months ago;

Reasons for being more than 12 months old:

-    Awaiting additional information (including CIAs)


-    Consultation with affected parties/stakeholders


-    On-hold pending new rules becoming operative


-    Other


Ÿ 25 were received between 6 and 12 months ago (most awaiting further information from the applicant);

Ÿ 114 less than 6 months.

Appointment of Hearing Commissioners

No commissioners were appointed in June 2022.

Consents Decisions and Progress on Notified Applications in Process, Objections and Appeals

The current level of notified application processing activities at the end of June 2022 is (by number):

Ÿ Applications Publicly/Limited Notified During Previous Month


Ÿ Progress on Applications Previously Notified


Ÿ Hearings and Decisions


Ÿ Appeals/Objections



The results of compliance monitoring for the period 1 – 30 June 2022 (and year-end figures) are summarised in the following table and discussed below.



Full compliance

Low risk non-compliance

Moderate non-compliance

Significant non-compliance

Not exercised during period

Air Discharge







Bore Consent







Coastal Discharge







Coastal Permit







Land Discharge







Land Use Consent







Water Discharge







Water Permit







Water Take





















Year to date















Coastal Compliance Monitoring

Compliance monitoring letters for all marine farms have been completed. Follow-up enforcement action is underway.

Annual stormwater monitoring has been undertaken at Norsand Boatyard, Dockland 5 and Oceania Marina (Port Road, Whangarei).  Initial stormwater monitoring visits have revealed that only ‘primary’ stormwater treatment is present on heavy industry sites, directly discharging to the Hatea River. 

The Coastal and Land compliance team have also been giving ongoing support to the Consents team to improve monitoring conditions for the management and treatment of stormwater discharges in resource consent applications or renewals, including requesting a 10-year resource consent expiration for all stormwater discharges on heavy industrial (including boat yard) sites to maintain best practice.

Water, Waste, Air and Land Use (WWALU) Compliance Monitoring

Ÿ Contaminated Land Management

Three incidents involving the discharge of hazardous substances and 18 enquiries regarding contaminated land were received and responded to.  Five hundred and forty kilograms of hazardous waste was disposed of at the amnesty day, and 10 sites were added to the Selected Land-Use Register.

·   Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants – see table below.

WWTP/Consent Status

Issues (July 2022)

Enforcement Action/Response

Far North District


Expires 2033

Ongoing non-compliance with bacteriological consent limits

Under AN

FNDC investigating land disposal options


Expires 2022

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2022

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 30 November 2021

Intermittent non-compliances with ADW flow, ammonia and bacteriological consent limits.

System overdue for de-sludging

None currently

Issues will be addressed in replacement consent


Expires 30 November 2021

No recent issues

Under AN (reticulation overflows)

Issues will be addressed in replacement consent


Expires 2036

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2036

No obvious issues from new plant (commissioned in December 2020)

Under AN

We are keeping the Kerikeri WWTP abatement notice in place until we were sure the new plant is operating within the consent conditions


Expired 2016 (replacement consent application on hold)

Occasional issues with bacteriological conditions of consent

None currently

Opononi and Omāpere

Expired 2019

Non-compliances with bacteriological consent limits

Desludging overdue

Under AN

Issues will be addressed in replacement consent; desludging to be undertaken


Expires 2034

Plant upgraded 2019; alkalinity issues preventing optimal ammonia treatment

None currently

Alkalinity improvement project still in progress


Expires 2032

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2023

System overdue for de-sludging

None currently


Expires 2024

Occasional non-compliances with E. coli consent limit post UV

Under AN

Infringement notices issued January 2022 and June 2022

Improvements underway


Expires 2029

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2025

Elevated TSS levels (consent limit may be unnecessarily restrictive)

FNDC to seek consent variation to address TSS levels – however this is not a priority

Under AN for odour from Tokerau Beach public toilet pump station

Whangarei District


Expires 2025

Intermittent issues with plant performance

None currently

Plant performance being reviewed to identify improvements


Expires 2035

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2025

Occasional spikes in E. coli

None currently


Expires 2024

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2046

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2024

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2030

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2030

No recent issues

None currently

Whāngārei City

Expires 2022

No recent issues

Under AN for odour from plant

Kaipara District


Expires 2022

Non-compliances with WQ discharge volume consent limits

Under AN

Glinks Gully

Expires 2024

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2022

No recent issues

None currently


Expires 2042

Odour complaints and occasional exceedances of TDS consent limit

Under AN

Infringement notice issued December 2021


Expires 2032

Intermittent non-compliances, generally due to high rainfall

Under AN

Te Kopuru

Expires 2044

Intermittent minor non-compliances

Second aerator installed 2020


Environmental Incidents

Seventy-one incidents were closed during the period 1 June to 30 June 2022.  For the year ending 30 June 2022, a total of 946 incidents were reported to the Environmental Hotline.  Of these 410 (43%) were air quality incidents, followed by 245 water quality; 181 land use; 64 coastal; 40 waste management and six water quantity incidents.  Site visits were made to 64% of all the incidents reported to council.  Four hundred and thirty-three (46%) incidents were confirmed to be a breach of a rule, national regulations or a resource consent.  The chart below compares the 2021/22 year with the average for the previous 10 years.  As can be seen, the 2021/22 year saw more air and land use incidents but less of the other incident types.  However, over all the numbers are fairly consistent for the last 10 years.







Abatement Notices, Infringement Notices and Formal Warnings

The following is a summary of the abatement and infringement notices issued:

Action Type

Number for June 2022

12 months to

30 June 2022

Abatement Notice



Infringement Notice



Other Enforcement

·      Open burning on industrial/trade property – Whangārei

Charges were laid against an individual for open burning on industrial/trade premises; the burnt items included prohibited items. All witnesses gave evidence in front of Judge on 25 May 2022. Filing submissions have been filed as per timetable. The set date for decision was 4 July 2022. Registrar notified us on 29 June 2022 that Judge will not have the decision ready by 4 July. Registrar will notify parties when new date has been set.

·      Breach of enforcement orders - Kaitaia

An individual did not complete the work required by enforcement orders issued on 6 November 2020. The enforcement orders included remedial work on a contaminated land. On 28 June 2022, charging document has been filed to court for prosecution. The first appearance date allocated by the Court is 29 July 2022.

·      Vessel occupying CMA and removal of asbestos from CMA – Town Basin, Whangārei

An enforcement order was applied for on 23 November 2021 against an individual for occupying the coastal marine area (CMA) with a boat without consent, and for reimbursement of costs associated with work to remove cladding material containing asbestos that had been deposited within CMA. Following a joint memorandum, the individual has arranged a place to legally moor the boat. Settlement agreement was signed in early June 2022 settling the reimbursement of NRC costs for removal of cladding containing asbestos.

·      Earthworks and vegetation clearance within a wetland – Teal Bay

Charges were laid in the Whangarei District Court on 7 December 2021 against four parties for offences relating to earthworks, vegetation clearance and discharge of sediment that occurred in December 2020. A joint memorandum was signed on 28 June 2022 to prove on one issue; whether wetland is a natural wetland or a constructed wetland. This issue is relevant for some of the charges. NRC expert evidence is to be filed by 15 July 2022 and the defendants’ expert evidence is to be filed by 25 August 2022. If outcome of process is that wetland is a natural wetland, then the four defendants will enter guilty pleas to all charges.

·      Farm dairy effluent - Hikurangi

On 28 June 2022, charges were laid in Whangarei District Court against four defendants for offences relating to the discharge of farm wastewater that occurred in November 2021. First appearance date is 17 August 2022.




land management


Sustainable Hill Country and Regional Priorities Milestones


Poplar timber research

This research is progressing well with a range of poplar timber products being tested for durability and how well they take preservative treatment. In addition, a small building (10 m2) will be constructed using standard industry construction methods to test poplar cladding, window joinery, decks and framing.  The poplar timber is available as a result of our sawmilling and treatment research.  We have prepared the timber and the building is under construction.  We will report on the acceptability of our poplar timber as a construction material for constructing the building and will also compare and contrast poplar with existing materials in 2022. This research is highly innovative, and NRC are leading the way in respect to providing hard data for end-of-life use of poplar timber.  This research is fully funded by MPI, with results to date published in the NZ Journal of Forestry.

Soil Conservation Strategy

Phase 1 of the strategy is underway with the first workshop held on 16 June covering:

·    Key issues the strategy needs to respond to (problem definition)

·    Clarify scope of literature review – what types of interventions and what parameters i.e., cost, effectiveness, impacts

·    Confirm approach to analysis of erosion sources (including what level of certainty is feasible / appropriate).  The strategy will be delivered in December 2022. 

Land treatments – Retirement fencing

By year end, 15 fencing projects with a combined length of 19km retired 149ha from pastoral production exceeding the 84ha target (177% completed).  


Left: Poplar cabin under construction


Right: Thermally modified poplar timber front door

A picture containing wall, wooden

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Environment fund progress

COVID-19 and other supply issues seem to have impacted farmers’ ability to complete their fencing grants this year, causing a late rush for signoffs. The final reconciliation of the fund will be reported in July.

Whangārei urban awa project

Key updates for this project:

·   An information brochure has been designed to go to those in the Otaika catchment (newly extended project area) and those in the original catchments who have not yet made contact.

·   Two fencing projects were completed in Q4 totaling 275m and included one trough.

·   Three sites have been sprayed out, ready for planting.

·   The new Project Lead has started allowing for a full-time focus back on the project.



FIF Dune Lakes Project



Aquatic weed and pest fish control

Staff arranged a site visit to the lakes with wetland vegetation damage with EPA compliance staff and consultant ecologist.  EPA are awaiting the ecologist report and will then assess potential breaches of consent conditions and next steps.  The EPA monitoring and annual report required under our permission to use Aquathol was prepared and sent this month.  More Aquathol for Lake Karaka hornwort control was ordered.

Sediment and nutrient mitigation

Tender approved for wetland construction at Lakeland Station, between Black Lake and Lake Wairere, at Kai Iwi Lakes. Feasibility report will be prepared first.

Education Days

Around 50 students from 12 Far North schools attended a ‘Get to know your dune lake’ day at Lake Waiporohita on the Karikari Peninsula. This event was part of Te Aho Tu Roa’s winter noho taiao. 

2,000 plants went in around the lake, and students learnt about tuna, ika, eDNA and water quality. 

Lakes Survey

An annual lakes ecological survey was postponed due to covid, but a contract was awarded in June and the survey takes place in July.


Contractors and volunteers have been busy with weed and pest control work, preparing for the planting season which started with planting at Mangawhai, Bream Bay and Bay of Islands in June. 

At Oneroa Bay, Long Beach, a Matariki planting day was held with Russell Landcare Trust and Haratu Kororāreka Marae.   The area planted was designated Wahi Tapu area as koiwi pre-Christian burials eroded out of this part of the Oneroa beach coastal reserve and there had been concern that more might be found.  The area was temporarily fenced off and an excavation undertaken by Heritage NZ and the University of Auckland under the cultural guidance and direction of the Marae.    No further remains were found and agreement was made to plant the area out and protect it from foot traffic. The planting day was well attended and 1000 plants, provided by NRC, were planted in just over an hour, followed by kai back at the marae.


Nearing end of archaeological excavation work, February 2022

Well attended planting day, June 2022

Planting complete, June 2022




A meeting was attended as part of the Kaimaumau Ecosystem Technical Advisory Group (TAG) advising a multi-agency Governance Group on recovery of the wetland after a major fire swept through the area over summer.   The group is advising on actions required to restore water levels and best manage weeds and threatened species.


The recent biodiversity assessment undertaken at Tāika forest highlighted the need to fence the forest and streams in the lower reaches of the block.  During June a meeting with the neighboring landowner was had and a site visit was undertaken to look at fencing options.   Almost 1km of fencing is expected to be installed this coming summer.


Natural resources

Coastal/Water Quality Operations

On 27 June 2022, Marine Biosecurity and Water Quality Field Operations team members held a Matariki hui with tamariki from Ngataki School at Houhora Heads. The kaupapa was based on the stars of Matariki, for example Pōhutukawa (loss/threats). Council demonstrated how the recent Kaimaumau wetland fires and marine pests affect Waitī (fresh water) and Waitā (salt water).   Hiwa-i-te-rangi (actions/monitoring) was represented by the "Protect the karepō (seagrass)" sign erected early this year, annual shellfish surveys and an eDNA sample that was collected at Pukenui wharf.  eDNA samples can identify thousands of species of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, by isolating DNA shed by organisms in the wider environment.  The results will improve understanding of what life is present in the waitī and waitā.  An eDNA sampling kit was also gifted to the school to use at a later time.


Natural Resources Science

Air quality and carbon emission

No breach of National Environmental Standard for air quality (NESAQ) occurred in May 2022 for PM10 at Robert Street in Whangārei and Ruakākā at Marsden Point airsheds.  However, PM10 concentrations at the Mairtown monitoring station exceeded the NESAQ on 25 May 2022 and

19 June 2022.  The first exceedance on 25 May 2022 was attributed to a large vegetation fire at Paranui Valley Road between 24 and 26 May 2022.  Robert Street monitors also showed elevated PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations during this period but the Ruakākā station did not pick the elevated concentrations.  Ten-minute PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations for 24, 25 and 26 May 2022 are presented in the graph below.  The graph shows the high concentrations of particulate matter while the fire was burning at the above location. 


Please refer to the specific agenda item on this topic for further details including implications and next steps.

Freshwater quality

·   NIWA has been selected as a preferred service provider for a study on identifying potential drivers (water chemistry and biophysical characteristics) of benthic macroinvertebrate community pattern in Northland rivers.  The contract is yet to be finalised.  The final report is due by March 2023.

·   Science Freshwater has reviewed the final draft of NEMS (National Environmental and Monitoring Standards) protocol for planktonic cyanobacteria.  This NEMS protocol will mainly focus on lakes to assist in implementing the NPS-FM cyanobacteria attributes.



GNS has a MBIE funded project to assess nitrate levels in rural drinking water supply bores with a pilot study in Northland (with the intent to roll it out nationally).  NRC supports the project as it will provide an improved understanding of nitrate levels across Northland at higher spatial resolution than our current SoE network.  GNS has been in contact with groundwater users in Northland and will be distributing self-test kits to maraes, schools and primary sector groups and is hoping to get good coverage of rural groundwater bores across the north. Samples can be collected over the next six months and the bore owners will be directly notified of the nitrate results and any further action required.  The GNS communication has been reviewed by NRC.





·    The regional average rainfall for June 2022 was 150mm, which is about 95% of expected rainfall.

·    The highest monthly rainfall total was recorded in the upper Ngunguru catchment with
251mm, which is 142% of expected. High rainfall totals were also recorded in Kaeo/Whangaroa and the Purerua Peninsular, all recording over 200mm. Waimamaku in the South Hokianga recorded 244mm, which is 90% of expected rainfall.

·    The driest areas in Northland were from the interior around Twin Bridges (59% of expected rainfall) South-West out to the West Coast. Dargaville recorded the lowest rainfall total with 86.5mm.





·    Most Northland rivers had above normal to normal flow for June.

·    The lowest flows were in the Mangakāhia, Opouteke, and Kaihū rivers which ranged from below normal to extremely low. This pattern is reflected in the monthly rainfall distribution.



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·    Recorded groundwater levels were above normal in most Northland aquifers.

·    Groundwater levels in the Aupōuri Peninsula and in Doubtless Bay were normal.




Freshwater Plan Change

The results of the NIWA CLUES scenario modelling and associated costs was presented to the Primary Sector liaison Group meeting (PSLG) on 21 June 2022.  A contract has been signed with NIWA to run a further 4 scenarios, the report is due end of August 2023.  A presentation was given to a group on Dairy NZ farmers on 20 June on the NRC’s freshwater plan change process and the opportunities for engagement.

The first phase of communications will kick off in July.  This includes update of the website, social media campaign and media release.  The focus is on raising awareness about the plan change and letting people know how they can get involved.

Notified Subdivision application - Kapiro Road

A hearing was held by Far North District Council on the 29 & 30 June to determine a large-scale subdivision proposal in Kerikeri. Staff had lodged a submission requesting appropriate provision for water supply and consideration of the NES-F. Staff attended part of the hearing in support of the submission on water supply requirements and the applicants subsequently confirmed that they would provide the requested amount of water storage should the proposal be approved.

Review of the Regional Policy Statement

Barker and Associates have been contracted to support MTAG in providing input on the 5 yearly review of the RPS from a tangata whenua perspective.  An initial meeting has been held with staff and a Barkers representative will attend the MTAG meeting on 7 July for an introduction and discussion on a process for working together on the review.

Proposed Regional Plan Appeals

In recent weeks the Environment Court has released several decisions on the Proposed Regional Plan.  A brief summary of the decisions is available below and the decisions are available in full on Councils website.

·   Topic 15 Mangrove Removal - This is an interim decision on the provisions controlling mangrove removal. Overall, the Court has largely agreed with the provisions put forward by the Council however there are instances where the Court was persuaded by evidence put forward by other parties meaning that some provisions become more enabling or more restrictive.  One example being restrictions on bird breeding season of 1 August and 31 March and that motorised hand-held tools must not be used.  Staff are working on final wording which will be submitted to the court in due course.

·   Topic 16 Livestock exclusion – This final decision resolves appeals relating to livestock exclusion, and the definition of īnanga spawning site.  The Court found in favor of Council, the Minister of Conservation and Forest and Bird.  Livestock must be effectively excluded from īnanga spawning sites.

·   Topic 7 Discharges to land and Topic 9 land use activities - This is a final decision on permitted activities for land preparation (C.8.2.1), Earthworks (C.8.3.1) and vegetation clearance and coastal dune restoration (C.8.4.1). 

Staff continue to work towards resolving the remaining appeals on a range of topics.  Key points arising since the last report are:

·   Topic 1 (coastal activities) council staff circulated a suite of 22 rules, six policies, one objective, six definitions and maps to the appellants and Section 274 parties. We expect to file signed consent documents with the Environment Court imminently.  The provisions relate to the management of coastal structures and how vessels use Northlands coastal marine area. 

·   Topic 1A (Aquaculture) has been resolved and consent documents have been filed with the Court. 

·   Topic 1B – Staff have circulated a revised rule for the parties consideration. Subject to agreement from the parties mediation on this matter will be set in late July.  If significant progress is not made at mediation, we will request the Court schedule a hearing.

·   A workshop with council was held on 21 June to consider the next steps on mapping of Outstanding Natural Landscapes in the Coastal Marine Area. Following this, discussions have been held with the Department of Conservation as an appeal party to consider further options.



Biosecurity New Zealand convened a two day wānanga hosted by the hapū of Patukeha and Ngāti Kuta in Waitangi.  The wānanga focussed on Mahi Tahi – how to collaborate and create partnerships (particularly with Māori) to work together and protect Te Taitokerau.  It is hoped to form a regional collective of biosecurity stakeholders similar to Tauranga Moana   The Chief Executive Officer, councillors Craw and Robinson, selected Biosecurity staff and managers attended along with Ngā hapū representatives, the Department of Conservations, Kiwi Coast, Northland ports, marinas, and other small businesses.  Speakers shared current initiatives and aspirations and there was general support for better collaboration and the value that this would bring in the event of new organisms arriving in Northland.  Tauranga Moana representatives also shared how a collective has worked in Tauranga to lift awareness and preparedness.  Hapū were invited to consider the opportunities and feedback to the Ministry for Primary Industries as to their willingness to be part of the alliance.


Biosecurity staff are involved in the planning for next year’s New Zealand Biosecurity Institute which will be held in Northland.  The national conference will be an excellent opportunity to promote biosecurity in the region and will bring several hundred visitors to Northland.  The venue for the conference will be confirmed shortly.


Deer farm escape

There was a mass escape from a deer farm in Kaiwaka on 14 June after a tree came down on a boundary fence allowing animals to escape.  The landowner thought all deer had been recovered that night, however Biosecurity staff checking the location located an adult stag and hind outside the deer fence and near bush.  The farmer was contacted, and he advised that he would be unable to recover the animals.  It was agreed to destroy the animals before they relocated into nearby bush areas, and this was done in a combined council and Department of Conservation operation. 

The farm has been involved in numerous escapes and the Department of Conservation has since met with the farmer to discuss how farming practices could be improved, or the possibility of destocking.

Feral deer

Three fallow deer were shot in the Kaitaia area by council contractors over two night (10 June and 25 June).  These animals trace back to a report made of fallow deer in the area in 2020.  Further surveillance will be conducted in the area to assess how many feral deer remain.

Feral pigs

Three new collapsible pig traps with a new door design have been purchased with a fourth purchased by a local contractor who has tested the trap.  The trial trap has already caught five pigs over two days demonstrating its effectiveness.

Traps have been deployed near Kerikeri where there is a major pig issue.  This area has the backdrop of the Kerikeri Inlet and Waitangi Forest which has historically high kiwi populations.  The presence of feral pigs raises the concern of pig hunters entering the area and further endangering the kiwi population.


Waitangi Treaty Grounds engagement material

The kauri protection team have printed 50,000 kauri protection visitor fliers customised for the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.  They will be made available to visitors.



The customised kauri protection information flier
 printed for the Waitangi Treaty Grounds
will be made available for visitors.



Graphical user interface, website

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Kauri Protection National Plan

A significant milestone for kauri protection has been reached with the gazettal of the National Kauri Protection Plan.  The plan has been published on the legislation website here and comes into effect on 2 August 2022.  The northern regions of Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty and Waikato, the Ministry for Primary Industries, Department of Conservation and tangata whenua are collaborating on the implementation of the national plan.  Staff have a full programme of work for the coming year involving soil sampling, fencing, wild animal control and raising kauri protection awareness.


Northland Regional Council – Kiwi Coast partnership

·    Partnership agreement re-signing:  The Kiwi Coast Trust and Northland Regional Council have re-signed the successful partnership for a further five years. 



Council Chief Executive Malcolm Nicolson (left) and Kiwi Coast Chair Mike Camm at the partnership signing on 16 June 2022.



·    Northland Kiwi Call Count Survey:  Kiwi Coast are supporting Northland community projects, iwi and hapū to carry out their annual kiwi monitoring as part of the Northland Kiwi Call Count Survey.  This annual outcome monitoring is one of the ways Northland projects know if all their hard work and pest control is achieving the desired result – either the return of kiwi to their area, or an increase in their local kiwi population.

·    Kiwi Coast Listening App:  An upgrade of the Kiwi Coast Listening App has been released with a key new feature that enables people to map their kiwi on their phones as they call.  Over 200 people are now registered for the app.  Kiwi Coast has also provided dedicated support to kiwi listeners to answer queries and assist listeners, which has been in heavy demand.

Kiwi Link High Value Area

·    Trap catch data:  Analysis of trap catch data to date shows that the Kiwi Link High Value Area has removed 9,509 animal pests over the last year, taking the grand tally since the project began to 36,958.

·    Kiwi Call Count Monitoring:  The annual Kiwi Call Count Survey has been conducted with a mix of human listening stations and kiwi listening devices.  Kiwi have been discovered at new sites this year (eg. Manulife Whānui Project).

·    Trapping workshop:  A successful Ross Road Landcare Trapping Workshop was run by Kiwi Coast to help a local community increase their trapping skills.  The workshop covered both the biodiversity we are trying to protect as well as the pest species we are controlling.

Kiwi duet from Waikaraka track at Mt Tiger.

Ross Road Landcare Trapping Workshop.

Whangārei Heads High Value Area

·    Kiwi Call Count Monitoring:  Kiwi call counts are nearly completed for this year.

·    Weed control:  Cotoneaster is the Whangārei Heads High Value Area “weed of the month” in an attempt to raise the plants profile in the community and to tackle areas where cotoneaster has taken a stronghold.


Weed of the month Cotoneaster.


A picture containing outdoor, tree

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Tutukaka High Value Area

·    Predator control:  A new Trap line added to the Sandy Bay Kiwi Project using the Predator Free funded traps.  Neighbouring farm owners will be contacted to make this line into a loop.  A KiwiSaver operation has involved the installation of 222 bait stations in preparation for July / August / September toxin operations.

·    Biodiversity:  The 2022 Annual Kiwi Call Count survey and winter counts of other species are underway.  Kākā are being both heard and sighted regularly at Tutukaka.

·    Weed control:  Specialist Weed Action Team (S.W.A.T) volunteers carried out two-day work on a pilot site in Shoebridge Reserve.

Piroa Brynderwyn High Value Area

·    Northland Regional Council environmental award finalists:  Wairahi Charitable Trust (“Waiarahi Trackies”) were finalists in council’s Environmental Awards Environmental Action in the Community category in recognition of their mahi at Langs Beach Scenic Reserve.  The trust was awarded the Highly Commended prize at the Awards dinner, on 27 June with the Chair of the Trust accepting the prize on behalf of the many volunteers that work tirelessly on restoring the reserve.  Read more at: .

The Waiarahi Trackies with their Highly Commended
 prize at the Environmental Awards.

Enviroschools Project Pest Control

The Far North Project Pest Control skills course at Lonsdale Park was conducted on 27-28 June.  Some 68 students from three schools were taught skills in pest trapping, possum skinning, and possum machine plucking by Biosecurity officers from the Partnerships team. 


A Biosecurity officer demonstrates trap setting techniques at the Project Pest Control course at Lonsdale Park.


A council biofund has been featured in the June edition of Northern Farming Lifestyles.  The article titled “Protecting the Future” (part one of a two part feature) profiles one families possum control system on their Pīpīwai farm.  The system has been extremely successful removing an estimated 850 possums since inception on 25 March.  Part two of the feature will appear in the July issue of the magazine.  Read more here: Northern Farming Lifestyles, June 2022 by Integrity Community Media - Issuu 

Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with medium confidence



The “Protecting our Future” feature in the Northern Farming Lifestyles magazine.





Predator Free Whangārei

·    Working Block 1:  Progress on the ground at Whangārei Heads has been steady with reservicing of bait stations and traps in Working Block 1 and surrounding areas.  Since going live in April, the team have been on weekly rotation of servicing 148 active kill traps and a fortnightly rotation of servicing 180 stocked bait stations.

·    Council engagement:  The Predator Free Whangārei team have hosted three visits from council and staff.  These visits included with the Chief Executive and councillors visiting on the 3 June, the Executive Leadership Team visiting on the 30 June, and the wider Biosecurity team visiting on the 1 July.  In addition to providing education to council and staff about Predator Free Whangārei, the team were able to implement and practice tikanga, welcoming newcomers with a whakataukī each time.

Council Chief Executive Officer Malcolm Nicholson attending the Whangārei Heads depot presentation.


Hull surveillance

Contracted divers completed nine days of diving in June and surveyed 269 vessels to bring the 2021-2022 hull surveillance season to a close (2,061 hulls in the season).  Most vessels surveyed were based at berths in either Marsden Cove Marina or Ōpua Marina.  There was 16 incidents of Sabella spallanzanii (Mediterranean fanworm), one incident of Styela clava (clubbed tunicate), six incidents of Eudistoma elongatum (Australian droplet tunicate) and three incidents of Clavelina lepdaiformes (lightbulb ascidian) found on vessel hulls.  The incidents of the lightbulb ascidian were all located at Marsden Cove Marina where there is a known population present. 

This season was heavily impacted by Covid-19, especially for contracted divers that required a one month stand down period from diving after testing positive for virus (as set by WorkSafe NZ).  Council marine biosecurity staff were encouraged with the overall standard of the fleet surveyed with 52.6% of vessels compliant (if moving between designated areas) with the rules as stated in the Regional Pest Management Plan, this represents a cleaner fleet than last season where 44.6% of vessels were compliant.

The most prominent pest species found on vessels was the Australian droplet tunicate (Eudistoma elongatum) followed by the Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii).  A full analysis report of this season will be completed by council staff to disseminate to stakeholders and to council.

Table 1:  Hull Surveillance Programme Results to 30 June 2022

Hull Surveillance Programme Results

Total this period


Pathways Plan Compliance if Moving*



Number of vessels surveyed this period    



% Pathways Plan Compliance if Moving (all vessels) *  



Vessels found with Marine Pests    



Sabella spallanzanii (fanworm)    



Styela clava (clubbed tunicate)    


Undaria pinnatifida (Japanese kelp)    

Eudistoma elongatum (Australian droplet tunicate)   


Pyura doppelgangera (sea squirt)    

* This is the percentage of vessels surveyed that complied with the acceptable level of ‘light fouling’ as defined in the Marine Pathway Plan. Note: actual compliance is higher given not all these vessels will move from one designated place to another.

eDNA and empowering communities 

eDNA (environmental DNA) is a relatively new scientific tool that can quickly scan the environment to provide information on local biodiversity.  It can also be utilised for early detection of marine invasive species.  The technology is practical for community use as it does not require people to get in the water and sampling techniques are relatively simple.  Council marine biosecurity staff have supported school groups and hapū throughout Northland, empowering groups to monitor their local moana while simultaneously contributing to council’s marine biosecurity surveillance program.  Samples have been collected at Houhora, Ōpua/Paihia (Bay of Islands College Papa Tāiao), Marsden Cove (Whangarei Girls High School) and Ngunguru (Te Waiariki hapū) this month.  There are also plans to start a regular monitoring project in Kerikeri next month (Ngāti Torehina ki Matakā). 

A Whangarei Girls High School collects
eDNA samples from Marsden Cove Marina.

NRC marine biosecurity staff were also acknowledged in a recent scientific publication which helped to validate molecular sampling protocols for application by non-scientist users to detect Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii).

LOF Workshop training in Auckland

Marine biosecurity staff attended a workshop hosted by the Cawthron Institute to discuss and review outputs from the Level of Fouling project funded by a Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment large advice grant supported and submitted by council.  The aims of the project were to create a software application, electronic guidance manual, and a training and validation workshop to train and assist regional and unitary councils to apply the Level of Fouling ranking scale.  The successful outcomes of this project will enhance how regional councils assess the biofouling risk associated with their fleet.  Tools delivered will remove diver bias and subjectivity provide a greater level of confidence to both staff and the boating community that assessments are made with a high degree of accuracy. 

The workshop was attended by commercial divers, consultants, and central and local government (including representatives spanning from Whangārei to Invercargill).  Discussions revolved around discrepancies between individuals which allowed for those more experienced to share their knowledge. 

Mangonui mediterranean fanworm incursion response 

Divers were contracted by council and the Ministry for Primary Industries to conduct surveillance in the Mangonui Harbour for Sabella spallanzanii (Mediterranean fanworm) as a follow up in response to an incursion of Mediterranean fanworm in the harbour after a vessel was found with over fifty mature fanworm in 2020.  No Mediterranean fanworm were located during the survey. 

Matariki Ngātaki School hui

Council marine biosecurity staff attended a hui at Houhora heads with Ngātaki School to acknowledge Matariki through environmental monitoring.  Students learned about ecosystem stability, being kaitiaki, and participated in a modified shellfish sampling exercise.  Students were also introduced to marine biosecurity with discussions about the Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) as there had been a recent detection and response in the harbour after council divers detected this species on a vessel. 

Ngātaki School students learning about Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) at Houhora Heads.

Invite to French Polynesia 

The Marine Biosecurity Specialist Alessandra Smith has been invited to speak at events in Tahiti and Moorea, French Polynesia this September.  The event aims to promote marine biosecurity and detection tools for non-indigenous marine species to research institutions, government agencies, and the communities.  Working together will help nations in the South Pacific advance research, exchange knowledge and strengthen collaborations.  This is an excellent opportunity for council to highlight our work in marine biosecurity on an international stage and support international marine biosecurity efforts.


Pest plant seed germination trials

Biosecurity staff have been conducting trials on the seed viability for eradication pest mickey mouse plant (Ochna serrulata).  Work to date has shown that both green and black berries will germinate when they are fresh (although green seed has lower germination rates), but seed viability drops significantly after the first month.  This promising data has implications for the success of the eradication of this plant. 

Mickey mouse plant seed planted at 3 monthly intervals
but only fresh seed (far left) has germinated.


Similar trials with National Pest Plant Accord species Araujia hortorum (moth plant) pods has found viable seeds even in quite small pods (~5cm long) where they have been dried on cut off vines.  This work empathises the importance of removing and disposing of all moth plant pods to prevent reinfestation. 

Size doesn’t matter… 
Moth plant seed germinating
from pods both large and small.



Recently we were fortunate to have Tohunga Rereata Makiha celebrate with 30 staff and whanau at a Matariki Puanga event at the Hihiaua Cultural Centre and we were privileged to hear Rereata Makiha's kōrero on Puanga-Matariki and his stories of traditional practice and the Maramataka.  He was joined by Dallas King and Te Kaurinui Parata to present the “Korero Tuku Iho” initiatives and projects they are rolling out across Aotearoa.  Also an inaugural performance from the NRC staff kapa haka roopu being led out by Stella Kake-Schmid to bring values of whanaungatanga and kōtahitanga to life within NRC kaimahi.

Te Tiriti Health Check Update

Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (TTMAC) recommended, based on their experience in the areas of Treaty audits and similar reviews across councils in NZ, that Paul Beverley, Buddle Findlay and Tai Ahu, Whāia Legal be contracted as the independent evaluators of NRC’s performance against the Te Arawhiti Māori Crown Relations Framework as per the benchmarking and setting of expectations as below.

Confirmation of independent evaluators

After the March 2022 TTMAC meeting, approval was sought and received from the NRC Chief Executive to engage the services of Buddle Findlay (Paul Beverly) and Whāia Legal (Tai Ahu) to assist in the delivery of council’s Long Term Plan (LTP) Independent Treaty Health Check. The budget for the health check is $50,000  for Year 1, subsequent years $25,000 per annum for review. There is also $100,000 per annum allocated for implementation of recommendations.

The programme of works is now being confirmed by council, TTMAC and NRC’s Executive Leadership Team, and Treaty Health Check collation of data has commenced by Paul Beverly and Tai Ahu. TTMAC tangata whenua members will guide and lead a comprehensive check of council’s performance.




Te Whāriki Māori Responsiveness Framework

Level 2 Workshop Delivery

Vicky Morrison-Shaw (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Pākehā) attended and presented at the most recent Te Whāriki workshop. Vicky’s experience spans environmental, local government, resource management, public and Māori law issues. The presentation covered the idea of integrating Mātauranga Māori into environmental decision making and she was able to share a few examples of the importance of this approach across the country. At this workshop we also engaged the services of David Tapene (Ngāti Hau, Ngāpuhi). David is well known across Te Taitokerau for his contribution and commitment to building knowledge and competency in regard to Maori performing arts internationally.

Approximately 30 staff attended from across the organization and the feedback given regarding the one-day training is provided from some of the attendees below:

Question: Has your understanding of how to work with Māori improved after completing this workshop?

·    Yes, better understanding of key concepts

·    I learned more about the difference between The Treaty and Te Tiriti

·    Better understanding of Te Tiriti and challenging traditional European approaches to how we do things

·    Has cemented a few things and I have been working in Te Taitokerau for a long time

·    We need to do this more regularly to keep building our knowledge and embedding Tikanga into our community engagement actions

Staff attending Level 2 Workshop at Kaka Porowini marae


Economic development: Examples from the Ngāwhā Innovation and Enterprise Park

Manga Wihongi and Alistair Clarke (Ngāti Rangi) provided a presentation on the production of mānuka/kānuka oil at Waiwhariki​ Pharmaceuticals​ Ltd based at Ngāwhā Innovation and Enterprise Park, followed by Wayne Rogers who presented on the ethos, concept and development of Ngawha Innovation and Enterprise Park near Kaikohe. Members appreciated the presentations and the Q&A afterwards. This included points on the unique properties of manuka grown in a thermal area, mātauranga Māori and western science walking together, the whakapapa of the seeds used, intellectual property, the critical role played by Provincial Growth Fund in providing capital, effects of climate change, ownership and governance process for the Park, and training collaboration with NorthTec.

Northern Waters – Te Wai Ora Mai Tāmaki ki Te Rerenga Wairua

GM Regulatory Services (NRC) and Terry Smith (Auckland Council) presented an overview of Northern Waters, an operational group established by Auckland Council and the four Northland councils to inform and prepare for the establishment of “Entity A” under the government’s Three Waters Reform Programme. They sought guidance on what engagement with Taitokerau hapū and iwi might look like regarding the establishment of Entity A.

Key feedback included the lack of meaningful consultation on 3 Waters to date, the importance of hapū/kaitiakitanga engagement, how to resource hapū to engage, what Northern Waters terms of reference (kaupapa) is, how Te Mana o Te Wai is being expressed through all the current legislative reforms, what role TTMAC should play in 3 Waters engagement, inadequacy of engagement timelines, where the Department of Internal Affairs sits in informing governance, what opportunities exist for hapū/kaitiaki and iwi.    



Investment and Growth Reserve – Projects Report



Future developments/ reporting


Repayment proposal agreed by all parties. 

Monitor repayments

Other Work Undertaken

Ÿ Joint Regional Economic Development Committee (JREDC) – Organised JREDC visit to the Ngāwhā Innovation and Enterprise Park on 17 June. The visit included a tour of the Kaikohe Berryfruit LP developments and Matawii reservoir. The quarterly workshop with Northland Inc was held at Te Kona in Kaikohe.

Ÿ Water storage – Council workshops held to present investment options of the Kaipara and Mid-North water storage schemes being developed by Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust. 

Ÿ Te Taitokerau Māori and Council Working Party (TTMAC) – Organised an economic development update at the TTMAC meeting on 9 June. Ngati Rangi presented on their manuka oil distlliery and Northland Inc on the skills development and workforce management work being undertaken at the Ngāwhā Innovation and Enterprise Park.

Ÿ Land Use Geospatial Layer Project – Managed the evaluation of the tenders received on the RFP published on GETS. 

Ÿ CLUES scenarios and costings – The scenario costings report results where presented to the Primary Sector Liaison Group on 21 June.

Ÿ Northland Economic Quarterly (NEQ) – June issue prepared, distributed and available online at The annual section reports on agricultural data for the year ended June 2021 while the spotlight section examines some of the impacts of the latest Covid-19 restrictions on Northland’s economy. The NEQ is available through council’s eNewsletter service, sign-up at:


Most popular content on Facebook:  Facebook post on our media release about “Total Mobility comes to the Far North” (10 June 2022). Reaching 4,082 customers and with engagement of 143.

*Engaged – number of people who ‘reacted’, commented, or shared the post

Key Performance Indicators












# Visits to the NRC website






E-payments made






# subscription customers (cumulative)






SOCIAL MEDIA (cumulative)






# Twitter followers






# NRC Facebook followers






# NRC Overall Facebook Reach






# NRC Engaged Daily Users






# CDEM Facebook fans






# CDEM Overall Facebook Reach






# CDEM Engaged Daily Users






# Instagram followers








Kete Aronui - Taking climate action
During June, 30 Kete Aronui - taking climate action kits - were delivered begun to Enviroschools. This - and a Google drive of resources - was our hybrid response to being unable to hold the Enviroschools Encounter events. The kete contains materials and korero for primary schools to measure rainfall and soil moisture (climate action: conserving water), set up a Bokashi waste management system (processing waste on site), make seed bombs (improving biodiversity), grow microgreens and vegies and make your own kai (grow your own food and reduce food miles), experiment with a solar kit (use renewable energy sources) and create a water catchment (find out about NRC large scale climate action - flood protection works).

Two dune lakes education days held
 On 1 and 14 June, dune lakes education days were held at Rotokawau (Pouto) and Waiporohita (Karikari), respectively.  The later formed part of a Noho Taiao event.  The Biodiversity and Enviroschools teams led the organisation and action stations focused on water quality, pest and native fish, kākahi and tuna.

Youth Engagement at the governance level
 On 8 June, members of the Community Engagement team ran a workshop with Whangarei District Council’s Whangarei Youth Advisory Group.  The Interactive workshop gained insight into what worked well and what could be improved for the group.  It also provided information on what a diverse, authentic and region-wide youth voice might look like at Northland Regional Council.

Enviroschools Silver celebration
 On 9 June, Cr Rick Stolwerk joined Portland Kindergarten on becoming a Silver Enviroschool.  Having implemented Green Walks, a firepit and intergenerational knowledge sharing, the Kindergarten intends to initiate Pest Free Portland, introduce beehives and a pātaka kai

Matariki celebrations
 Throughout Matariki, over 20 planting days were held by Enviroschools throughout the region.  Other celebrations included kai sharing, artworks and community events.

Project Pest Control held in the Far North
From 28 – 30 June, 60 senior secondary students from five secondary schools – Kaitaia Abundant Life, Kaitaia College, Northland College, Okaihau College and Taipa Area Schools – took part in the Far North Project Pest Control skills course at Lonsdale Park, near Kaeo.  The Biosecurity and Enviroschools teams were joined by the NDHB, Can Train NZ and DOC Livestock in running the event.

Enviroschools communities facilitated
During June Enviroschools Facilitators held specific interactions with 52 school and early childhood communities.




Four media releases went out in June on the following topics:

·    Heads-up of nominations opening for future councillors

·    Total mobility scheme coming to Far North

·    Kiwi Coast partnership renewed

·    Adoption of annual plan

Local elections

Our first future councillor information session took place at Hihiaua Cultural Centre on 22 June in conjunction with WDC. Around 45 people attended the first session, which included a panel session and feedback was positive. Further sessions are planned throughout July across the region including a virtual session.


Our cross council-campaign is now live under the call to action of “it’s Time: Kua tae te wā” The local elections website can be viewed here and we have ads running across multiple channels including radio, social, print and bus-backs. The initial focus is on encouraging potential candidates to stand for nomination. In a few weeks’ time, this will switch to “vote” messaging.



Otiria-Moerewa and Panguru flood protection videos

2 videos have been finalised showcasing the work NRC has done alongside the community to address the flooding in the area. The videos highlight our social procurement policy in action. These videos were released on social media prior to the pre-election period, and we have encouraged the community themself to share them as well.

Watch the Panguru video

Watch the Otiria video


New car branding

We have a number of new fleet vehicles which have been wrapped with NRC branding and imagery. These vehicles are a great visual way of raising awareness of NRC and what we do, as they travel across Te Taitokerau.

Northland Ballance Farm Environment Awards

The Northland Ballance Farm Environment Awards were held in Whangarei in mid-June. NRC sponsors an award for Water Quality Enhancement. This year’s winners were Julian McPike and Trevor & Joy Smyth of Oneriri Station. We will be looking at PR opportunities to highlight their work and how it aligns with NRC.




May 2020 to June 2021

May 2021 to June 2022



Number of LGOIMAs not responded to within 20 working days



REQ.612486 was not responded to within 20 days as the information needed to be retrieved from external archives. The requestor was happy with this, and impressed by our ability to retrieve the records.


Telephone inbound call statistics and enquiries


April 2022  

May 2022  

June 2022  

Call volume via Customer Services 




Average wait time 

7.6 secs

5.4 secs

9 secs




Telephone call volume over the last three years


1 July 2019 –  

30 June 2020    

1 July 2020 –  

30 June 2021  

1 July 2021 –  

30 June 2022   

Call volume via Customer Services 




Mailroom email processing performance


April 2022

May 2022

June 2022  

Mail processed




Satisfaction monitoring

Nine complaints were received for the month of June.

Feedback cards, compliments, and complaints

Compliments received  


Feedback cards


Total compliments recorded



Complaints received  


Ÿ City Link

Ÿ Customer Service

Ÿ Land Management




Total complaints recorded






Draft Regional Land Transport Plan for Northland 2021/2027 – Three Year Review 

Section 18CA of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 directs that: -  

18CAReview of regional land transport plans 

(1) A regional transport committee must complete a review of the regional land transport plan during the 6-month period immediately before the expiry of the third year of the plan. 

(2) In carrying out the review, the regional transport committee must have regard to the views of representative groups of land transport users and providers. 

It is important to note at this time, is that the above will depend on the Strategic Objectives and Priorities contained in the yet to be released Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024/2027 (GPS). 


Should the GPS contain significant changes that will affect the delivery of the Regional Land Transport Plan for Northland 2021/2027, this could potentially trigger a complete rewrite of the plan. This rewrite will take approximately 24 months to complete. 


Should the GPS remain unchanged or contain minor changes that do not affect the Regional Land Transport Plan for Northland 2021/2027, then there is the option to either review the plan or continue with no changes. 


A briefing paper on the above will be tabled at the 2 August 2022 Regional Transport Committee meeting. 



 Bus Link stats for 

 June 2022   

(revenue ex GST)       





Year/Date Actual      


Year/Date Budgeted     


CityLink Passengers      







CityLink Revenue      







Mid North Link Passengers      







Mid North Link Revenue      







Hokianga Link Passengers       







Hokianga Link Revenue      







Far North Link Passengers       







Far North Link Revenue      







Bream Bay Link Passengers      







Bream Bay Link Revenue      







Hikurangi Link Passengers      







Hikurangi Link Revenue      







* = 50% Farebox + 50% Waka Kotahi 

*The fares collected are recorded at 50% actual fares taken + the 50% funded by Waka Kotahi (to be claimed) 


Whangārei CityLink Bus Service – Antisocial Behavior 

Damage to the contracted CityLink buses continues with several incidents relating to graffitiing, burning and cutting of seats reported during the month under review.  

In an effort to stop this damage, staff make use of the following to try and identify the perpetrators: -  

·          Driver incident reports. 

·          On bus video footage. 

·          Reports from the public. 

·          Security at Rose Street Bus Terminus. 

·          Whangarei District Council and CitySafe. 

·          New Zealand Police. 

·          Ritchies. 


Unfortunately, the above is not always successful, and whilst the operator makes every effort to make the relevant repairs as soon as is practicable, some vehicles will be released into service with repairs pending. This does not provide a good image of a service that staff have spent so much time trying to grow and promote. 


Due to verbal abuse and threats previously experienced, staff and drivers have been asked if they witness such behavior, not to confront the perpetrators but to report to the relevant authority. 

Staff continue to meet with Ritchies, New Zealand Police, Whangarei District Council staff and elected members through the Joint WDC NRC Public Transport Working Party in regards the above. 


National Bus Driver Shortage 

This national issue continues to worsen, with the Whangārei CityLink services being impacted on Monday 27 June 2022 resulting in 9 trips having to be dropped. Notices were placed on the CityLink website, Facebook and TrackaBus advising the public of the disruptions.  

Staff continue to monitor the situation and work with the contracted companies to identify and implement remedial action where possible. This situation will continue for the foreseeable future. 


Half Price Fares 

Half price fares will continue until 31 August 2022. From 1 September 2022, half price fares will only be applicable to those persons holding a Community Services Card. The variance in actual fare to discounted fare will be covered by the government. 


Rose Street Bus Terminus Upgrade 

The Rose Street Bus Terminus on road upgrade is scheduled to be completed mid-July with an opening ceremony planned for 18th July 2022. 


Total Mobility (TM) 

*Total Mobility Scheme figures are reported one month in arrears, due to the required information being unavailable at the time of the agenda deadline. 


Total Clients 

Monthly Actual Expend 

Monthly Budgeted Expend 

Monthly Variance 

Year/Date Actual Expend 

Year/Date Budgeted Expend 

Annual Variance 


May 2022 









Total Mobility half price fares 

From Friday 1 April 2022 until Wednesday 31 August 2022, Total Mobility journeys will have an additional discount applied to the already subsidised fare. This has been made available as part of the Government’s 50% public transport Initiative. These fares are 100% claimable from Waka Kotahi.  


For the month of May, the fares forgone were $13,640, making the sum of Total Mobility figures - $41,544.  


This government initiative will cease at the end of 31 August 2022. 


Total Mobility Scheme – Far North  

The Far North Total Mobility Scheme is on track to go live Friday 1 July 2022. 


The service will be starting out in the Kerikeri area. The approved Transport Operator – Driving Miss Daisy (DMD), based in Kerikeri, has had the equipment installed to take the Total Mobility electronic swipe cards that are linked to the system “Ridewise”. Northland Transport Alliance staff are working with the operator to finalise health and safety documents and driving training.      



Road Trauma Update 

Road Fatalities Statistics for the period 1 January 2021 – 4 July 2021  

Fatalities Jan – June 2021 

Far North 





Local roads 






State highways 













Road Fatalities Statistics for the period 1 January 2022 – 4 July 2022 

Fatalities Jan – June 2022 

Far North 





Local roads 






State highways 













Motorcycle Safety - Ride Forever (R4E) Rider Training Update 2021/2022 Year End (Another Covid affected year) 

·          R4E – 2020/2021 – 186 riders completed the three courses   

·          R4E – 2021/2022 – 182 riders have completed courses to date: 

·    Bronze Course – 78 

·    Silver Course – 50 

·    Gold Course – 54 


Motorcycle safety continues to be a high priority area of interest and focus. There have now been five motorcyclists killed on Northland roads since the beginning of this year. These crashes will be further investigated by the Police and the Coroner. 


Work continues on development of the draft Northland Motorcycle Safety Strategy.  

ACC continues to lead the Ride Forever Programme and together with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency are placing safety messaging on high risk and travelled motorcycle routes around Northland.   



Waka Kotahi & NZ Police Road Safety Promotion/Media themes for June 2022 

Alcohol & Distractions. 

Northland continues to promote the importance of wearing seatbelts. 







Work continues with the Trifecta programme - NEMA's Regulatory Framework Review.   Timeframes for the delivery of the bill have been extended, and a new timeline has yet to be released or confirmed. 


As part of NEMA’s response to the 2018 TAG Report, work to stand up a 24/7 ‘awake’ capability to replace the current ‘on call’ Duty System has been completed.  The Monitoring, Alerting and Reporting (MAR) Centre will be focussed on gathering and sharing information during the early stages of an event (including sending National Warning System messages or Emergency Mobile Alerts) or until the National Coordination Centre (NCC)/National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC) is activated. 


NEMA has launched and is developing several national public education campaigns.  Flooding is the number one hazard in Aotearoa in frequency and cost but has historically not been a primary focus for hazard public education. During floods, there are reports, images and videos in the media of people at serious risk in flood waters. Print, social media, video, and radio adverts are being developed for use during readiness and response. The campaign will be delivered in two parts:  


•     Get the Flood Out - The Get The Flood Out advertising is intended to be delivered in readiness. In order to grab the attention of those who may be more likely to place themselves at risk. The campaign uses bold graphics and a play on words telling people to GTFO (get the flood out).  

•     Flood Waters are Deep Trouble - The Flood Waters are Deep Trouble campaign will be deployed when severe weather likely to result in flooding is forecast (particularly if a red weather warning is in place) or when flooding is already occurring. 


Tsunami evacuation zone campaign (and Long or Strong, Get Gone)  

A tsunami evacuation zone advertising campaign is being rolled out in support of the launch of the online Aotearoa Tsunami Evacuation Map. The “Own Your Zone” campaign is focused on people taking responsibility for knowing whether they live, work, or go to school in a tsunami evacuation zone.  



The Welfare Coordination Group held a meeting on 3 June 2022, the Northland CDEM Group Meeting and Northland Coordinating Executive Group Meeting meet on 14 June 2022. Work programmes that make up the Service Level Agreements for the three councils have been developed and are now with each of the respective councils for feedback and sign off.   


Work continues to progress on the Northland Tsunami Siren Network Upgrade.  A representative from HSS, the contractor building the siren units visited Northland in June.   The next priority for the project is to develop the tender for the next stages of the project including engineering, Geotech and installation.    


The feasibility study and concept design for the Multi Agency Coordination Centre (MACC) have been completed and discussions have also commenced between the contributing stakeholders on the ownership model.   


Tutukaka Marina Management Trust hosted a meeting with the Northland Regional Council Harbourmaster and four members of the Northland CDEM team on Thursday 23 June 2022 at the Tutukaka Marina. Discussion was had around the impacts, outcomes and learnings resulting from the tsunami surge event that impacted the marina on 15 January 2022. 


National Partnership Charter  

Over the past 15 months NEMA and the CDEM Group Managers have collaborated on the development of a Partnership Charter that sets out how NEMA and CDEM Group offices will collaboratively work together. This is a new initiative, having been developed by NEMA officials and the 16 CDEM group managers. The purpose of the Partnership Charter is to outline a shared vision for an effective and enduring strategic partnership at the regional and national level, which will provide a strong back-bone that supports the broader emergency management sector and stakeholders, and the roadmap to achieving this. It includes:   


·      A shared Kaupapa (vision) 

•     How our functions align and support each other   

•     How NEMA and Groups work together    

•     Partnership aspirations 

•     What actions to take to support the achievement of our partnership aspirations.  



There were 17 maritime incidents logged in June, including two vessels sinking on their moorings, and another running aground. 


The Matariki public holiday was a busy weekend, in the Far North a vessel ran aground at Kuririki Bay east of Tapuaetahi Bay, Purerua Peninsula. The vessel was purchased by a new owner on Thursday afternoon and wrecked after it hit rocks later that night. All fuel and oil were removed by the maritime team, and a contractor organised to remove the vessel.  An environmental assessment was undertaken after removal.  The team liaised with local Iwi throughout who assisted with local advice and thanked the team for prompt action taken.  

 The same weekend a vessel sunk on a mooring in Whangaruru Harbour with 600lt of diesel on board; oil spill booms were deployed to contain spillage and a dive team mobilised to refloat the vessel. A further vessel that sunk of Onerahi was refloated the following week. Costs will be recovered where possible.  

Recruitment was successfully carried out to fill a vacancy as a Maritime Officer starting later in July.  


The harbourmaster participated in a national exercise organised by LINZ, testing the use of data available from different agencies and assisted running an oil spill training/assessment course in Auckland.  Also, attending with CDEM, a meeting in Tutukaka reviewing the tsunami impacts earlier in the year and reviewing options to modify the harbour to mitigate future tsunami effects. Modelling has been carried out by various experts and it's considered a modification and move of the southern breakwater would improve the safety of the marina.  


The deputy harbourmaster organised a joint oil spill exercise at Marsden point and assisted Marine Pollution Response Service (MPRS) in training staff based at Marsden Point from Northport, Channel Infrastructure Ltd and North Tugz Ltd over a further two days.  





Favourable Autumn weather conditions and 3 contracts currently in progress (1 completed).  

Contract 21/05 - Northern Stopbanks. Approx. 70% complete. Satisfactory progress with stopbanks and benching earthworks with minimal issues. Reinstatement of first few sites now complete and prep for over-wintering of remaining sites in hand. 

Contract 21/09 - Switzer Bench. Earthworks are now 90% complete and rock revetment at rear of Bell’s Produce well underway (25%) and will progress into winter (materials supply & river levels permitting).  

Contract 21/10 - Rugby Club.  Earthworks 80% complete. Rock revetment is phased to continue into winter (materials & river levels permitting) and has the advantage that we have rock storage on hard stand, so less risk from wet weather.  

Primary School bench now 100% complete and community incredibly happy with reinstatement of Showgrounds areas. FNDC cycle path ties in very nicely with NRC reinstatement.  

Planting planned for several completed areas and local (Māori-owned) contractors being lined up for this work. 


Stage 1 is nearing completion.  Stage 2 Bridge tender on GETS (Government Electronic Tenders Service) closed 23 June. An outcome from the Māori Land Court hearing should be known mid-July to guide progression of stage 2. 


Waipapa Industrial Estate Flood Mitigation is approximate 85% completed.  Because of the wet weather the site has been winterise for completion next year. 



Work Streams    



Whangārei (CBD) River Catchment Flood Model   

78% complete 

Upgrade of the hydraulic model catchment(s) including new structures, updated LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and sea level rise values and recalibration. Specific river/stream structures inspections have been completed over the last month.  


Following discussions with WDC (Whangārei District Council), Ewaters (consultants on the project) will now also be engaged to include the CBD stormwater network as part of the same package (variation).  


WDC will be funding the additional costs, approximately $90,000, related to the additional tasks.  Our aim was to complete the project, including the additional tasks, but has been delayed until the end of 2022 due to resources issues by the consultant


Website Natural Hazards Portal   

95% complete 

Morphum Environmental has been engaged to develop the portal with support and input from colleagues across various departments.  


The third phase of the development of the portal is ongoing, e.g., landing page, flooding and Te Ao Māori aspects, story maps, property viewer and sea level rise viewer.  


It is our vision to ‘go public’ has been delayed until the beginning August 2022 due to internal GIS (Geographic Information System) resourcing. Prior to that we will be presenting this to our Councilors, and other appropriate platforms, for feedback. Simultaneously it is our intention to share this with our District Council colleagues before going live. 

Raupo Drainage Scheme – Coastal Flood Hazard Analysis & Mitigation Options  

92% complete 

Water Technology (WT) have been engaged to do detailed hydraulic modelling from all perspectives, i.e., catchment, river and most importantly coastal.  

The objective is to establish a detailed base model and to develop flood hazard mitigation options, particularly from a coastal perspective, and adaptation planning.  


The project team consists of NRC and KDC staff, Chair of the Drainage Committee, and Consultants. NRC are taking the modelling analysis lead on this project, i.e., contract management (NRC Budget). KDC are collating the assets data covered under their budgets. 


Surveys, data collection, assets inspection and ‘building’ of the hydraulic model have been completed. First draft ‘results’ have been reviewed by the project team. Further analysis and ‘flood event scenarios’ are underway with results expected at the end of April whilst a peer review is taking place. The project has been slightly delayed and is now expected to be completed no later than the end of August 2022. 


This project will support the pilot project under the Te Taitokerau Climate Adaptation Strategy (TTCAS) in which scoping, and planning process is underway; support is being provided to KDC on all aspects of the engagement process, first public engagement was held from the 16-19 June which was extremely well organised and attended. 

Natural Hazards technical and planning support to District Councils on Plan Changes and Rules 


Following the publication of our coastal hazard maps and the regionwide flood maps, complimentary to the priority rivers flood maps, further technical, consultative, and planning support / guidance is provided to the DCs. This follows our commitment to DCs prior to the publication of the coastal hazard maps. 

In relation to the above we are supporting WDC with their up-and-coming Plan Change and Rules for “Natural Hazards, Hazardous Substances and Esplanade Areas”. A public feedback period was held, 22,000 letter drop, before going to full public engagement expected to be by the end of 2022. Support was provided in planning and policy as well as in relation to the hazard maps. 

Similar support will be provided for KDC, Plan Changes Engagement expected end of July, and FNDC whose Plan Changes Engagement is expected end of 2022. 

Te Taitokerau Climate  

Adaptation Strategy (TTCAS): Professional Services Panel 



NRC, in collaboration with and on behalf of Kaipara District Council, Whangarei District Council and Far North District Council will be going out for Request(s) for Proposal (RfPs), 6th May 2022, to establish a regional Panel of Professional Services to support the implementation of the TTCAS actions, e.g., district’s pilot projects and beyond. This will provide all four Councils with informed and preselected providers, being able to have shared services, cost, and time effective. Subsequent contracts will be directly with the respective Council as per respective procurement procedures. 

A total of 42 high quality submissions were received; assessment completion and agreement with preferred respondents has been delayed to the 15th of July 2022 due to the high volume of respondents.  

The assessment will be conducted by representatives from all four councils. 

Natural Hazards Work Programme 2022-23 


Our current tentative programme, though not exclusive and in addition to the ‘business-as-usual' tasks, are: 

·      Developing the next generation of our Priority Rivers hydraulic models / flood maps commencing with: Waima & Punakitere Catchment (consultant has been engaged) and Kaihu Catchment (in collaboration with KDC) 

·      Regional beach profiles, including dunes, and coastal shorelines: this data and coastal erosion data has been analysed and reported upon by Auckland University (GIS spatial) and collected by NRC over many years though not for the whole coastline. We will be developing a ‘tool,’ which is based on our current data and coastal erosion hazard data (T&T), which informs us on our coastal erosion strategy, work programme, implementation and accessible to the public. This will be in collaboration with our science colleagues and DCs. 

·      Completion of our flood warning system for Awanui (DHI has been engaged for this) with input and co-lead from our hydrology and science colleagues and CDEM (Civil Defence Emergency Management). 

·      Completion of our hydraulic modelling guidelines for our region. Beca has been engaged for this project and is a collaborative approach amongst all our regional councils and will be peer reviewed by Auckland Council. 

·      Scoping out and phased implementation of drought, landslide / geotechnical instability mapping for the region in collaboration with our science colleagues and DCs. Nationally, in relation to the foresaid, we are members of the following steering / reference groups to support (and vice versa) our strategic approach:  

a.      Risk and Resilience Portal - Local Government Reference Group (EQC),  

b.      Soils Conservation Strategy Group (Regional),  

c.      Te Uru Kahika Hub (Regional and Unitary Councils Aotearoa) Hazard Risk Management Group (SIG Portal), 

d.       Te Uru Kahika (Regional and Unitary Councils Aotearoa) response to drought engagement, 

e.      Hazard Risk Management SIG – Landslides, 

f.        NIWA Drought Forecasting Group, 

g.       Flood Warning Steering Group 



Work Streams    



Regional LiDAR Survey 

In progress 

Payment for final delivery initiated and dataset expected within 1st Quarter. 



The council Climate Change Strategy “Ngā Taumata o te Moana” and Implementation Plan touches every aspect of Council business, so progress is on-going. In undertaking a ‘stocktake’ of current actions, staff are meeting with teams across Council to build relationships, identify current climate-related actions and areas where more could be done.  This stocktake will form a baseline for work to set up a monitoring, evaluation, review, and reporting system to track our progress.  


Climate change considerations have been included in council’s draft procurement framework, the New Initiative planning process and work is underway to update Council report templates. This will prompt staff to ensure climate change is explicitly factored into and considered in key decision-making. These are not insignificant changes, and it is envisaged it will lead to a step-change in climate impact awareness within the organisation that will lead to better outcome for Te Taitokerau. 


Toitū are engaged in activities to baseline our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, certify our accounting and provide advice on where further reductions could occur. It is expected to take up to 5 months to get to certification stage (see below sequence). Over the next 2-3 months' work will include: 

Prepare a plan and project team  

Setting the base year and reporting period  

Setting organisational boundaries 

Set operational boundaries, identify emissions sources and set scopes 

Collect and enter emissions source data into the calculation software 

Generate emission results from the calculation software  



Te Taitokerau Climate Adaptation Strategy (TTCAS) - Programme Implementation 

All four Northland councils that form part of the Joint Climate Change Adaptation Committee have formally adopted the Te Tai Tokerau Climate Adaptation Strategy. 

·      Far North District Council – adopted 22 March 2022 

·      Northland Regional Council – adopted 26 April 2022 

·      Kaipara District Council – adopted 27 April 2022 

·      Whangarei District Council – adopted 28 April 2022 


There are 46 'priority actions' listed in the Joint Strategy. Coordinating and reporting on these actions will happen through the JCCAC (Joint Climate Change Adaptation Committee). Implementation on many actions is ongoing. See 


In June, Council formally endorsed the submission sent into the draft National Adaptation Plan by the Joint Climate Change Adaptation Committee. Staff also presented about the Strategy process at the Taituarā Climate Change conference in June (online). 


Stakeholder engagement has occurred with the Northland District Health Board, Collaboration Taitokerau (primary industry/rural sector collective), Climate Action Te Taitokerau (Peter Bruce-Iri), Northland Inc, Auckland University and other researchers with staff also attending the Carbon and Energy Professionals conference in Rotorua.  


Staff continue to support KDC’s adaptation pilot project at Raupo/Ruawai. Open days were held over 4 days at the Ruawai Memorial Hall in June with staff from across NRC supporting Kaipara District’s team. – see 


Whangārei District Council, on behalf of the Northern Councils is investigating the development of a Te Ao Māori Decision-Making Framework for local government (the Framework). It is intended to respond directly to the way decisions are currently being made by local authorities. It is intended that the Framework is considered when making decisions at all stages on projects, policy or plans that may impact on the cultural values of Iwi and hapū. The project also seeks to understand what ‘Climate Change' means from a Te Ao Māori perspective in Te Tai Tokerau. The Framework is Priority Action # 2 within the Te Tai Tokerau Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. 


Following on from discussions at the last Climate Change Working Party, staff from across the four councils have met to discuss a potential new climate governance framework. This includes discussions about the ongoing roles and responsibilities of the Joint Climate Change Adaptation Committee, the ongoing role of NRC’s Climate Change Working Party and how these could be streamlined and improved to better support climate change adaptation and mitigation activities across the region. Staff from each Council are now researching and ideating potential climate governance arrangements, with the intention to come back together in July to agree on a potential way forward. This will result in a proposal that could be delivered post-election. 



KMR has made ongoing progress in scaling up sediment reduction mitigation projects in the Kaipara catchment.  Our (unaudited) Year 2 programme returns against our KPIs is shown in the infographic below, with demonstrated strong delivery from a low base over the 7 months since the Kaipara Maurikura was formed.  KMR delivery against the KPIs in the Year 2 Annual Work Plan are as follows:

·    225 Sediment Reduction Plans completed or in progress at year end (this compares to a KPI target of 248 Plans; and 61 Plans completed in Year 1)

·    73,000 Hectares of land covered by a Sediment Reduction Plan* (KPI target of 50,000 Ha;  11,413 Ha in Year 1)

·    205km of fencing completed or committed (KPI target of 168 km;  93.57 km in Year 1)

·    400,000 plants completed (planted) or committed (agreed in Plan) (KPI target of 650,000;  156,606 Ha in Year 1).
















*When KMR’s digital tools suite is available, we will also be able to report on the area of project works.

KMR’s growing focus on ‘growing people while we grow trees’ has meant ongoing delivery in our Workforce Development programme, which spans training, mentoring, accreditation and building future career pathways (with partner support).   KMR has trained 51 people since November 2021, since the programme began.  Approximately 20% are now contracted as KMR Field Advisors. Last week, we ran a 4th KMR Field Advisor training course in Auckland.  The statistics below are testament to KMR’s commitments to working with Kaipara Uri partners and bringing an equity lens to all aspects of our programme:

•     13 trainees, 7 of whom were women

•     11 trainees were of tangata whenua affiliation, including Te Roroa, Ngā Maunga Whakahī o Kaipara kaitiaki


Attachments/Ngā tapirihanga


[1] As per their terms of reference (endorsed by TTMAC)